Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stewards of God’s Grace

1 Peter 4:10
As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: (RSV)

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (NKJV)

Wesley expounds on this scripture in this way: As everyone hath received a gift - spiritual or temporal, ordinary or extraordinary, although the latter seems primarily intended. So minister it one to another. Employ it for the common good as good stewards of the manifold grace of God - the talents wherewith his free love has entrusted you.

While we were at a church service this morning the minister spoke these words. “Be good stewards of the Grace of God.” This led me to think about what grace was and how our Lord gives us His grace abundantly. To me Grace is the power to overcome sin, the power to remain in the truth, the power to speak to the unsaved, and the power to lay hands on the sick, the power to forgive those who have offended us. We can go on and on. It is His grace that empowers us!

I never thought of being a steward of that Grace! A steward is one who protects and directs. In this case we protect and direct God’s grace to others according to our gift or gifts. From experience I do know that if we do use that gift He has so freely given us, more will be added to us!

Today I will meditate on those empowering gifts He has bestowed upon me. Let us take a minute and thank Him for His grace. I know that I come short in being an excellent steward of His Grace. How about you? Will you meditate on those empowering gifts He has freely given you and become a more excellent steward of His Grace?

Today I pray He will give us the Grace to become better stewards of His grace. In that way we will be able to direct, protect and release God’s grace in the form of those gifts placed within us. That grace to be released in acts of love, mercy and healing--spiritually, physically and emotionally. Let us be flexible vessels to be used proclaiming His glory.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Short Meditation

To profess truth as we intellectually know it and to do good out of obligation is not enough. In words and in actions alone we fall short in our relationship with the Lord. Obedience in and of itself could be sin. We should check our motives.

Just professing the truth and doing good deeds does not mean we are in relationship with God. When our love to the Father is genuine, it will produce great testimonies and good deeds.

As I set myself before God today, I come imperfect and naked. Yet I go to adore Him. I go just to have the privilege to be near Him—wanting nothing except to give Him all. Out of that place in prayer, I cry Holy-Pure-Perfect is He. The entire world fades away and I am raptured into bliss.

Today let us go together and worship the King of Kings—the One who is above all. As believers we are privileged to enter in to the inner court of praise. Privileged to adore the One who first loved us.

Let us go together with the angels and sing. "Be magnified in me O Lord. Be magnified throughout the earth."