Monday, August 30, 2010

Response: Simply Put

As you read this response, let the Holy Spirit lead you into a divine revelation!
8/ 30/ 2010

Hi, Dianne:
Praise God for you! I appreciate what you shared today in "Simply Put." Wow! "Out of the mouths of babes!" :) Two sentences that especially stick out to me are: "I give my heart away." and "When Jesus is in my heart there is no past." Whew! As I consider the first sentence, it comes to me that I don't give my heart wholly away. I, and probably many of us, tend to keep little parts to ourselves. We must give it all to Jesus, for all time! "...NO PAST." That requires some thought. I am reminded of Philippians 3:13 - "forgetting those things which are behind..." Selah! I will take this to God in prayer.

Thank you for sharing this with us!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Be Spirit led not Man Fed

John 14:26
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (NIV)

It was a short time after my healing of Crohn's disease that I began to understand the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit. Our pastor at the time told us no matter who he invited to come to teach or impart to the body "You two seems to be already doing it". We had no clue that that was the teaching and leading of the Holy Spirit who dwelled within us

For example, there was a time we were selected amongst a group of people to go for training in inner healing and deliverance. What an exciting prospect to be used to set people free.

Before we attended these sessions we had to complete a survey about our lives. It was a long list of possible sin and or bad experiences from our past. Believe it or not Dick and I began to share the experiences we had had as a result of the survey. Dick's list was rather short while mine was lengthy and complex. Lo and behold the Holy Spirit led us into the freedom of His embrace and set me free from a past experience. He set me free from the shame of being raped by my older cousin. He set me into a place of greater confidence in Him and released from low self-esteem. We had never done anything like this in our lives. We kept praying and I kept rehearsing the event until I no longer had felt the emotions of pain and hurt. I began to see my past as a movie! It was another me who suffered this event and now I was free to share with others what God did for me!

Now that was being led and taught by the Holy Spirit!

Another experience was when our daughter was about 14 years old. The pastor had a couple come to expose the healing gifts and gift of miracles! During this time our daughter had a friend suffering from cancer. The doctors said his time was close to an end. We visited with him and the Holy Spirit showed himself in Glory as a word spoken to her friend opened his heart to believe. I saw this fellow riding a motorcycle and related it to his life in the spirit. Then I told him the Lord Jesus wanted him to change. During our visit the Lord Jesus entered his body performing the miraculous and shortly thereafter he was released from the hospital.

Being baptized with the Spirit gives us power to overcome every obstacle and every dilemma that may try to keep us from living a supernatural life. You have the opportunity to live life to its fullest. Take the plunge into the Spirit realm. Be baptized in the Holy Spirit and let Him take over your life. In Jesus name, I pray.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Vacation is a time for the world to go away—a time for life as we know it to stop! Suddenly we snap into a deep inner peace. Some may recognize it as being bored! You can almost feel your nerves snap, pop, and then uncoil into a relaxed state.


Isaiah. 30:15.

There's something invigorating and renewing about retreating to a quiet place of rest and peace.


It is a time to be vacant to the hassle and bustle affairs of life and its tragedies and instead to be present to the chirping of birds and the slapping of the ocean's presence. If you find yourself being bored, be reminded that you have entered a place of serenity. Go with it—allow nature and the most Holy One enter in and bring you to a place of healing. Reach out to the One who has created the universe and listen to the treasures He is speaking all around you. He will refresh your soul and strengthen your inner being.


Now you will be ready to go back to your life responsibilities and its hectic swirl once again. Remember you can return to this serenity of bliss at any moment. Just recall and sense as the creator of all allows your imagination to bring you back even if it is just for a couple of minutes—the Holy Spirit can do it for you! You can come back at any given time to be restored, renewed, and refreshed in His presence that you host within.


For He tells us "Be still and Know that I am God", " I am your redeemer and can redeem your time", "I am your healer, your peace maker, your comforter and your restorer and guide"


These are only a few of God's divine attributes displayed for you. All out of the Love He has for you. So enjoy your vacation and have an encounter of the Lover of your soul.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another response: Simply Put

Oh how precious – what a gift Dianne that God shared with you … to know HE works on the hearts of even the very young.  They don't need THEOLOGY 101 .. they need the Spirit of the LIVING GOD within …


Out of the mouth of babes ….

And oh to have such child life faith not corrupted by the cares of this world and life!




Responses from: Simply Put

Your granddaughter, Alex, is so very special.  But, what came to mind when I read her lyrics, is "AND A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM"  What a beautiful heart she has, and your heart must burst with love and pride.

aren't grand kids the best blessing???


Wow, that was wonderful.  It brought back memories.  We also have a 5 yr. old grandchild, but a boy.  He doesnt sing about Jesus, but at VBS, he looked like a Pentecostal dancing in front of church.  He does like to pray at the end of the day and thank Jesus for 3 things that happened that day.  I love that part of the day.  Our grandchildren will grow up with a thankful heart.  His 8 yr. old brother is also grateful to God.  We took their older brothers, now 19 to Awanas, VBS and church as often as we could and today, they are also following the Lord.  God is faithful.  Thanks for the wonderful blog.

What I heard was that God is raising up an army with a heart!  LOVE WILL DEFEAT THE ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Called to Water Walk

Matthew 14:24-32
Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o'clock in the morning Jesus came to them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him, they screamed in terror, thinking he was a ghost. But Jesus spoke to them at once. "It's all right," he said. "I am here! Don't be afraid." Then Peter called to him, "Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you by walking on water." "All right, come," Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he looked around at the high waves, he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me, Lord!" he shouted. Instantly Jesus reached out his hand and grabbed him. "You don't have much faith," Jesus said. "Why did you doubt me?"

Notice that all the disciples heard Jesus tell them not to be afraid. Peter saw the Lord and was the only one who stepped out of the boat to meet with Jesus. I know Peter was not that brave at first. He had to ask if it was really Him. Then after Jesus replied, Peter's confidence builds and he begins his journey on the water.

Today there are many in the boat of "the church building" preoccupied with the world and with the responsibilities we do at the "church building". So much so we do not see or hear the Lord's calling to us. For some of us, we are so caught up with our turmoil that we find no time to seek and wait on Him. In general, we are consumed with running from man to man, situation to circumstance; fixed on worldly things, swelled up in fear.

Ephesians4:4 reminds us that "We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future."

When Jesus called to them all, Peter responded with hope. Peter became focused on Jesus while the others remained in fear of their situation. That call is for us as well. We need to be focused, listening, and ready to obey the Spirit's call to us. Listen to the beat of a "new" drum-dance and be set free into the greater things in Christ Jesus.

Back on the boat. Can you imagine how Peter's friends began to heckle and make fun at Peter's behavior. Yet he was the one who saw, heard, and responded to the Lord. They were so consumed with their fear of being shipwrecked, they could not see through their storm. There are many storms in this life of ours. Are we willing to be still and hear and see for ourselves that God is good?

The Spirit of Christ is calling. Do you hear and see what He has for you? Get ready and put your blinders on. Be so fixed on Jesus that you begin to walk on water, too. Experience His power of love delivering you from sickness, sin, and self. There is an exciting world for you to partake in. Go for it!

"None of you can be strong in God unless you are diligently and constantly listening to what God has to say through His word. You cannot know the power and nature of God unless you partake of His inbreathed Word!" (Smith Wigglesworth)

Today I pray that we see through the storm to the call on our lives. Be brave dear ones and take that first step, for the Lord your God is there to lend you His hand.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


(John 14:26 NIV) But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Prov 28:25. of a proud heart-literally, "puffed up of soul"-that is, self-confident, and hence overbearing and litigious. made fat-or, "prosperous" (Pr 11:25; ...

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, these O God, You will not despise." (Psalms. 51:17)

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.(Prov 15:30)

The other day we had the privilege to be in the company of our five year old grand daughter for the day.  Daycare was closed getting ready for the new school year and mom and dad were at work. Well Papa and I planned a day with Alex with lots of activities: Coloring princes, writing letters, practicing our sight words for Kindergarten and making sentences out of those sight words, making up games, and singing and dancing. As you can imagine we had a full schedule, that also included feeding the ducks, going to a Princes day of beauty.  And we did fit it all in!

During the time of singing and dancing, Alex asked for some just music with no words so she could sing to me as she preformed.  Her dance was more than graceful; but the words to her song inspired me to write this blog. No one could have given testimony to those scriptures I selected above.  May the words of the Lord bring your heart to melt before the Father as they did for me.

These are the words Alex sang to me:


I give my heart away
He gave me His heart and stronger bones
I sing with Jesus in my heart
He is really good.

I give my heart away
I give my heart away

God love you and me, He will save the day.  He made the beautiful sky!
His heart iks much bigger than I
He gave us His heart to save the day.
Holding hands together! We all hold hands.

When Jesus is in my heart there is no past.
Jesus is by my side
and you are by my side.
Walking in the park, He holds my hand. He walks with me in the garden.
He is the best!
I will grow with my friend Jesus.
In our heart we pray. We pray!

I believe in Jesus!

All I want to say that is the Gospel Simply Put! What has the Lord revealed to you as you read this intriguing, uplifting lyrics from a five year old?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Adversity Happens

The higher up the ladder we go the more of our behinds are exposed! Some believe that the closer to God the more we are bombarded with attacks from the enemy. Well people, I have found that if in the natural I do all I know intellectually for myself and others things are bound to come crashing down upon me. Life generally has its struggles and setbacks.

Satan will use our wrong choices and wrong associations to keep us out of God's will. However, when we are walking in the Spirit, listening to His voice, and being obedient to His call for us and our lives nothing, I say nothing, can come along to attack us and stop our success.

Adversity is bound to occur in our lives and change should be our middle name. We need flexibility and a willingness to adapt to what God has for us and not what the world has. If you are discouraged by adversity, depressed, and overwhelmed then I suggest you get your face in His Face. Surrender once again your life and your deeds and your possessions.

It is God's will we are after in our lives and if we mean that, we remain focused on the prize and do not even see the attempts that are being made against us or feel their effects. We are so deeply into God that His love smothers out and shelters us from all harm.

Discouraged? Overwhelmed? Afflicted? Do you feel as if you have grown in Christ and now are being attacked? Then do not walk but run to our Abba Father! Call upon a fresh fire from the Holy Spirit and begin to live in heavenly places not in earthly circumstances.

The fact is if we are in Christ we are a new creation. If we are fully armed with the armor of God then there is no weapon formed that can touch us! Walk in victory. Do not be the victim! If Christ is for us, who then may be against us! I say NO ONE! There is nothing we cannot do through Christ Jesus who strengthens us! Praise God. He has prepared a place for us in Himself to make us untouchable! Amen.

Be blessed and enjoy the Love He has for you today!

Monday, August 2, 2010


When I was young I watched TV shows about cowboys and Indians. Did you? I learned that the Indians heard the white man or buffalo come by putting their ears to the ground. Then of course the cowboys knew when to get ready to rob the train by placing their ear to the train tracks!

Today some people can tell you when a storm is coming. The signs of rain could be the thick dark clouds or maybe the sound of thunder in the distance! Not that long ago, I was walking our dog, Tuffy. As I walked I was have a good old time speaking to the Lord. Then out of nowhere, I could actually hear the rain come. There were no signs in the sky or the sound of thunder. Nevertheless, we hurried our walk home. As we approached the front steps, it began to rain. That little experience taught me that I could hear God anywhere I was-that is, with the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within me.

The kind of hearing I am thinking of today is hearing from God for our lives. Where do we put our ears to hear The Lord speak to us? The word hearing ought not to be taken so literally as to necessarily mean the outward sense of hearing. Rather, it denotes any perceiving of the will of God, and especially inward receiving and submission.

Romans 6:17
You used to be slaves of sin. But thank God that with your whole heart you obeyed the teachings you were given!

In order to be correct, the hearing should come from faithful observance, bringing submission of the inward acts and inclinations of the mind.

Do we send up smoke signals and hope for a response? Do we yell kick and scream until we get what we want? Do we go to a church service with the expectation of hearing from God? Do we read His word and expect He will make His wishes known to us?

Or how about hearing in everyday life? Do we come across someone and they speak a word to us that gives us an answer to unanswered prayer? Do we Read a billboard and receive encouragement from the Holy Spirit?

Or can we be quiet and still long enough to receive His instruction, edification (correction), His peace, love and acceptance? Do we journal about our concerns, joys and fears? Do we write long enough for Him to take over the pen and answer our cry?

Or have we experienced a time when we are about to do something or said something and then get a check in our belly? That is the Holy Spirit bringing it to our attention!

Proverbs 18:24
Even a man who has many companions can be destroyed. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

We are a part of the Beloved (Christ Jesus) and He is a part of us. Closer than a brother, parent or friend! We are His all in all.

Romans 2:13 RSV
Hearing the law does not make a person right with God. People are considered to be right with God only when they obey the law.

Today I pray we become observant to our surroundings and allow the Holy Spirit in to speak to us! That we awake with humble hearts and make a way for the Lord wants to speak to us NOW! Lord not only that we hear from You, but that we obey what we have heard!