Sunday, August 15, 2010


(John 14:26 NIV) But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Prov 28:25. of a proud heart-literally, "puffed up of soul"-that is, self-confident, and hence overbearing and litigious. made fat-or, "prosperous" (Pr 11:25; ...

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, these O God, You will not despise." (Psalms. 51:17)

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.(Prov 15:30)

The other day we had the privilege to be in the company of our five year old grand daughter for the day.  Daycare was closed getting ready for the new school year and mom and dad were at work. Well Papa and I planned a day with Alex with lots of activities: Coloring princes, writing letters, practicing our sight words for Kindergarten and making sentences out of those sight words, making up games, and singing and dancing. As you can imagine we had a full schedule, that also included feeding the ducks, going to a Princes day of beauty.  And we did fit it all in!

During the time of singing and dancing, Alex asked for some just music with no words so she could sing to me as she preformed.  Her dance was more than graceful; but the words to her song inspired me to write this blog. No one could have given testimony to those scriptures I selected above.  May the words of the Lord bring your heart to melt before the Father as they did for me.

These are the words Alex sang to me:


I give my heart away
He gave me His heart and stronger bones
I sing with Jesus in my heart
He is really good.

I give my heart away
I give my heart away

God love you and me, He will save the day.  He made the beautiful sky!
His heart iks much bigger than I
He gave us His heart to save the day.
Holding hands together! We all hold hands.

When Jesus is in my heart there is no past.
Jesus is by my side
and you are by my side.
Walking in the park, He holds my hand. He walks with me in the garden.
He is the best!
I will grow with my friend Jesus.
In our heart we pray. We pray!

I believe in Jesus!

All I want to say that is the Gospel Simply Put! What has the Lord revealed to you as you read this intriguing, uplifting lyrics from a five year old?

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