Monday, September 24, 2012


Process and the Hope for getting to the other side and a healthy long lived productive life bearing Godly fruit. Ah! Kingdom fruit. Fruits of righteous, peace and joy. This fruit can be born in the process of the storm.

So one might ask "What is the formula for receipt of your wellness"? Nothing is set in stone. Life is like a chemistry experiment. For each individual it is different. However, there are some basic elements. And like the explosive C4, THE MORE you use the BIGGER THE BANG.

Psalm 42:8 But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me LIFE.

First there is receiving the unconditional love of our Father God. The pure agape love of God is essential. The Father's love in itself can change any circumstance or condition we find ourselves in. The more we come into His presence the more we can absorb. The more we absorb and receive in our personal life and in our human body the more of His love that will ooze out flowing to others. The more we can receive from the father the more we can give. The more we give the more we can receive. Remember this is a two way street. He is always there to provide us with His love and protection. It is our part to accept and receive it.
Psalm 94:18-19 I cried out, "I am slipping!" but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

Second we need time to authenticate our relationship with God the Father. If you are like me my relationship with my earthly father was not always loving. Therefore I had a hard time receiving that UNCONDITIONAL love I deserved. Yes I DESERVE and you DESERVE the Father's unconditional love. No matter how bad we think we are or have been it does not matter with God. He just wants us to come trusting that He will supply all our loving needs. Trust him in all your ways and He will be there for you

In a marriage relationship, the two parties must take time to communicate and love on one another. The more time Dick and I spend together talking and sharing our innermost thoughts, desires, and needs and expressing our devote love for each other the closer we become. We can even finish each other's sentences and even predict each other's response to things and know their inner most feelings. I once heard that as we grow old together we even begin to look like each other. : So what is hapenning on the inside is transparent and shows on the outside. The same is true with our relationship with God. The more time we spend getting to know the Father's heart and His desires the more we can reflect Him.

Thirdly is Expression; Shela! Now it is not simple as it reads. There must be a continuous flow of His love flowing through you. What ways do you express His love? To Him, to others, and to yourself. The outward expression will continue to change you. Your thoughts, actions, and your receptivity to Holy Spirit and to others. This in a nutshell says that the new creature He formed within will be exposed to all those around you. You might not even recognize yourself.

This process, this life cycle is unique to each of us. I believe it is all meant to bring us closer to God. Now I know God does not cause bad things to happen, but we are here on earth with evil as the ruler. The scripture that comes to mind is we are not of the world but we certainly live here and when the rain comes it falls on all. Now the process of going through the storm will determine our closeness with God. We can choose to run away or run to the arms of Christ that are wide open to receive us and prepare a way out for us.

Today I pray Isaiah 48:17 Lord you are my redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: You are my Lord and my God who teaches me what is good for me and leads me along the paths I should follow.

We trust you Lord, we will press into your loving arms listening close to hear what Holy Spirit has to say. Jesus we thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you made to bear our weakness, sickness and to save our very souls. We trust that one day we will rejoice with you in your Kingdom. But for now Lord we will shout throughout the land that you live and reign. Your glory will be known through our lives!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Psalm 42:8 
But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me. And through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life.

I am standing, standing, standing on the promises of God. All we need is one word to declare, one promise to recite, rehearse and believe. Out of our mouths shall run living waters. "I shall not die but I shall live and bear fruit in my old age!"

As this week comes to a close I realize I needed this time of lapse to recoup and gain some strength and fortify myself with His promises of a fruitful life in His presence. I shall live and acquire all that I need. Wisdom brings with strength and endurance. I can only imagine the pain and suffering our Lord endured for us all. This trial is miniscule to that which He suffered and died.

No matter what our emotions tell us, God is ultimately in control. He will lead the way to wellness. Open heaven is above our circumstances. His miracles and wisdom is attracted to us. For those who are fixed on the cross, the crooked ways are made straight and His strength is laid upon us. My efforts are focused on the cross. He is the healer-the truth and the light.

There are angels in place to show the path and to fight the battles. Christ Himself is our rear guard warding off those things that try to sneak up and attack us. The Father has placed His call upon us and with His loving kindness nothing can hinder us. Not even the spirit of death itself. For these days are to prepare us for tomorrow's famine. Today is for fortifying our fortress and conserving our strength. A strategy is coming for those who are alert!

Lord I pray that you help us to see, rearrange our lives, and accept the challenge of growth and the character changes you have in mind for us all. In Jesus name I pray.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Leading Me into Truth

Sometimes my thought patterns run wild and yet I know our heavenly Father is leading me into truth. I had a vision. Yes, it was me in a little row boat with no life jacket and one ore. As far as I could see there was no land in sight-nowhere to set my feet on solid ground. I looked off to the roaring seas then up to the heavenlies. Ah-ha! There is where my help comes from. From you Lord, will I trust,--You are the Rock of my salvation-circumstances in life sometimes change yet you Lord remain the same. Almighty God was and is and shall come.

In Him I shall place my trust. It is He who does miracles and healings. It is by His love and mercy He shall create in me a new heart. Man's hand places pacemakers, and disburses poisons in our blood to kill cancer. God takes it all and creates a new heart of flesh and destroys cancer. God goes in and creates a strong heart and pure blood and removes all debris. Debris that is physical, emotional, and spiritual.

God's plan is divine. Our call is in obedience by being alert to our surroundings so that we may share His unfailing love with others carrying His word of salvation...sozo. He produces all good fruit on us so we may live out our call bringing the gospel of peace wherever we may be. For we are the elect called forth giving all praise, honor, and glory unto HIM who we adore.

Monday, September 3, 2012

To the Church at Large!

This came to me during one of my sleepless nights. The enemy comes to distract, waylay, and destroy-But God sets a plan in motion. A motion of deep prayer and journaling comes over me with the sense of His embrace.

I believe a season of Holiness is entering the church. It will separate and prune those who are not tied into the "bride". Division and strife will cause chaos-Yet the Spirit will prevail. Those who carry on in their prayer closets will be given dispensations of love, gifts of the Spirit, and wisdom to use in His honor and to proclaim His glory.

Get ready church-stand on the hour of your salvation-allow the rod of Holy Spirit causes you to be in His righteousness and truth. Boldness will be produced and hungry hearts will expose themselves. Yes there will be the moochers and those who are looking for a quick fix-Wisdom will fall and He will prevail. Some will fall to the way side-But His church will grow leaps and bounds. In His power and authority, in His Might it shall come from a humble contrite spirit. It will come from Kingdom of God's infused mindset. A mind set on Jesus and a willingness to set all aside for the agenda of Jesus! His yoke shall be easy and light for those who are set like flint. Do not look back. Do not look at the wayside. Do not let emotion rule. Continue onward Christian soldiers. Continue the march of love, forgiveness, and servitude.

Love without ceasing. Pray without ceasing. Serve others as if you are serving Jesus. Have no regrets for your choices whether right or wrong. God will work it out for the good. He intends on using it all for those hearts that are pure in His sight.

1 Timothy 6:17-18
So I say let us get into it. Let us lead by our actions-Let us be Jesus to those around us. Let us take a stand be sold out to the Lord. For our crowns are not earthly ones-we shall not be popular here-Yet in heaven we will be welcomed with "Well done my faithful servant."