Monday, September 24, 2012


Process and the Hope for getting to the other side and a healthy long lived productive life bearing Godly fruit. Ah! Kingdom fruit. Fruits of righteous, peace and joy. This fruit can be born in the process of the storm.

So one might ask "What is the formula for receipt of your wellness"? Nothing is set in stone. Life is like a chemistry experiment. For each individual it is different. However, there are some basic elements. And like the explosive C4, THE MORE you use the BIGGER THE BANG.

Psalm 42:8 But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me LIFE.

First there is receiving the unconditional love of our Father God. The pure agape love of God is essential. The Father's love in itself can change any circumstance or condition we find ourselves in. The more we come into His presence the more we can absorb. The more we absorb and receive in our personal life and in our human body the more of His love that will ooze out flowing to others. The more we can receive from the father the more we can give. The more we give the more we can receive. Remember this is a two way street. He is always there to provide us with His love and protection. It is our part to accept and receive it.
Psalm 94:18-19 I cried out, "I am slipping!" but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

Second we need time to authenticate our relationship with God the Father. If you are like me my relationship with my earthly father was not always loving. Therefore I had a hard time receiving that UNCONDITIONAL love I deserved. Yes I DESERVE and you DESERVE the Father's unconditional love. No matter how bad we think we are or have been it does not matter with God. He just wants us to come trusting that He will supply all our loving needs. Trust him in all your ways and He will be there for you

In a marriage relationship, the two parties must take time to communicate and love on one another. The more time Dick and I spend together talking and sharing our innermost thoughts, desires, and needs and expressing our devote love for each other the closer we become. We can even finish each other's sentences and even predict each other's response to things and know their inner most feelings. I once heard that as we grow old together we even begin to look like each other. : So what is hapenning on the inside is transparent and shows on the outside. The same is true with our relationship with God. The more time we spend getting to know the Father's heart and His desires the more we can reflect Him.

Thirdly is Expression; Shela! Now it is not simple as it reads. There must be a continuous flow of His love flowing through you. What ways do you express His love? To Him, to others, and to yourself. The outward expression will continue to change you. Your thoughts, actions, and your receptivity to Holy Spirit and to others. This in a nutshell says that the new creature He formed within will be exposed to all those around you. You might not even recognize yourself.

This process, this life cycle is unique to each of us. I believe it is all meant to bring us closer to God. Now I know God does not cause bad things to happen, but we are here on earth with evil as the ruler. The scripture that comes to mind is we are not of the world but we certainly live here and when the rain comes it falls on all. Now the process of going through the storm will determine our closeness with God. We can choose to run away or run to the arms of Christ that are wide open to receive us and prepare a way out for us.

Today I pray Isaiah 48:17 Lord you are my redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: You are my Lord and my God who teaches me what is good for me and leads me along the paths I should follow.

We trust you Lord, we will press into your loving arms listening close to hear what Holy Spirit has to say. Jesus we thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you made to bear our weakness, sickness and to save our very souls. We trust that one day we will rejoice with you in your Kingdom. But for now Lord we will shout throughout the land that you live and reign. Your glory will be known through our lives!

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