Monday, December 26, 2011

Thoughts about Scripture

Scripture takes us beyond all study in the Greek and Hebrew, and beyond the study of historical settings. It even takes us beyond the authors' intent and context. It is time for a fresh expression of the Father's heart-- a fresh encounter with the Almighty!

This Christmas season open up your spiritual eyes and ears. Allow the Agape Love to penetrate deep within. As your natural ears have heard the Christmas story, let the voice of your heavenly Father remind you of your promise, your potential, and your purpose to be fulfilled here on earth. Jesus was born with a promise and a purpose and so were you.

Let us open up our hearts and receive the healing, the deliverance He has for us so that we may run the race of Freedom declaring victory and proclaiming that Jesus is Lord of all!

Here is a challenge for you: Can you hear what the Spirit of the Lord is telling you today? And can you appreciate and accept that He speaks differently to every man?

Monday, December 19, 2011

I am Who I am

As I think about my life, my children, my husband, and my possessions, I realize they do not make me who I am. I'm so far greater-much more-deeper and so much more spiritual.

There was a time before conception when I was created by my Mother/Father God. I was fashioned after the Great I am. My spirit being is perfect in every way; just as He is perfect.I was created in the image and likeness of God Himself. I have the DNA of my creator.

Jesus said to know me is to know the Father. Shall we say the same? Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying I am God or even a little god at that. What I am saying is that the "true me" has nothing to do with this flesh and blood or my cognitive thinking.

We are who we were before we became flesh!

I have come to believe that when we were conceived the Lord breathed His ruah (Hebrew word for breath or spirit) into the fetus being to give us eternal life. There in the spirit man lays the statues of the Lord and our purpose and provision for living life. Then we became flesh and blood!

There is a song about a little bit me and a little bit you. This is referring to a small infant. Yes, I can see where our sons are a little like me and a little like their father. In looks, personality, and sometimes in character they resemble each of us.

When we are born of flesh into this pagan world to parents, who are well intentioned and have the experience and knowledge of this world to pass on to us, we begin our learning process. This is not all bad. Yet we are taught to ignore our spirit man and to get "real". We tell them that "There are no imaginary friends, monsters, or bogie men." Sometimes we are taught that there is no spirit realm at all. No God, no angles, no devil? We are taught to study hard and achieve all we can. Live your life on the defensive, trust no one, and look out for number one at all costs.

You might think this is all harsh, however, somewhat true, depending on what family you were born into. The more indoctrinated we become to this world and our intellect the more we lose contact with our "true being".

Let us be aware of our drifting into humanity and away from God and our true selves. Let us meditate on the word of God, washing our minds to who we are, our true identity, power, and authority.

Above all, God is Love and we are made of that love. Therefore, tap into the greatest existence, the essence of God in you. Tap into your divine nature and become that person God predestined you to be!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Our Words

Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my redeemer. (NIV)

Lord, help me to become a drink offering. A drink that is as sweet as Your honey, a drink that is refreshing to others, and one that brings restoration to those in my path. A drink offering Lord that is a joy to Your heart and brings glory to Your throne. Lord that is my priority. Help me to bring substance to my words and mold my heart into what You fashion.

Have you said words similar to these to the Lord? Well then months ago I poured my heart out to the Lord with those exact words. Today as I went back to my journal and read, these thoughts flashed through my mind. Did I really mean what I said Lord? Was I trying to fool myself? Was I trying to puff myself up making myself appear holy to me?

It is so easy to give lip service. We says things like "Yeah, I will do that" or "I would love to be at your meeting". We do this to encourage, but what is in our hearts? Are we just going through the motions? Are we just giving those around us lip service? These are the questions that will help us take inventory of our lives over the past few months. Have our words met up with our actions?

I said yes so many years ago Lord. But I know there is so much more to Your love and Your grace I have not experienced as of yet. Lord, Your will and your desire is what I want to fulfill. Make Your will mine, Lord. Help me to grow deeper, wider, higher. Lift me to that higher ground in You! Exfoliate the dead within me Lord. Revive,-Renew, and Release me once again with Your anointing and power! When I reach out to you Lord, you run to meet me. Fill me again Lord, Flow over me filling those unreachable places I keep hidden. Your Love envelopes me!

Yes, this was also in my journal. Can we compare notes? Have we kept our side of our agreement with the Lord or are we just putting in our time? Are we filled to the utmost with His power and anointing? Are we experiencing His divine touch in new and marvelous ways?

Then the tears came from nowhere. Waves of cleansing, waves of joy, waves of you my Lord rushing over me!

So as I examine myself today, I realize I want more and more of His love; I want more faith, more power and more passion to do His will. I know I am lapse from time to time. I know there are thoughts of failure and complacency. However Lord we do have a history; a history of healing, deliverance from sin, and reconciliation. We have labored together Lord and have seen the Spirit fill places with signs, wonders, and people giving their hearts to you, Jesus.

My prayer today Lord is that we all become closer to you never to look back on our yesterday's sins as anchors to hold back, but to press in to Your presence receiving your Mercy and Grace; to You filling us from the inner most to the outermost. Let us not use empty words and powerless actions. Let us move forward with your love, power, and physical manifestations of divine nature. Amen.

The Lord's response: "Take who you are today and leave it behind. I will bring you a new hope, a new way, and a new plan. Release the old as you released the sins of the past. Come quickly, respond intensely and I will fill you with grace and power to complete the journey ahead."

Monday, December 5, 2011

In Between

Well it is catch your breath time! Finished with Thanksgiving and still feeling full? Now the race is on for those doing last minute Christmas shopping, going to parties, preparing for that Christmas feast, decorating the house with Christmas splendor, and all the smells of childhood deserts. Let us not forget to get those cards out to those you want to send a touch of love this Christmas. Parents begin getting their children ready to clear out those toys and treasures they once considered of value to donate them to children who might not otherwise get any presents for Christmas.

Sometimes the in between place can be a place of inventory and reflection. A place where there is a bit of solitude and thought. To me that in between place is a place to call upon the Lord for guidance for the New Year and asking Him to lighten my load so I can go further on this path He has me on. Just like parents helping their children clearing out their things to make room for the new, I too want to take all those things that I acquired during the year that have no value to His purpose and discard them making room for those Gifts Holy Spirit is more than willing to present to me.

Just as John the Baptist declared "Prepare ye the way", the in between place or a time of thirst and quiet is the time to prepare ye the way! Reflect on the year gone by and how God has prepared you for the upcoming year. Use your divine nature and stretch your human self into what the Lord has! Your territory is expanding and this is the time to claim those things that do not appear in the natural as if they were. Seek ye God and His kingdom and all else will be added to unto you.

Today we pray. Lord, lead us into your rest so that we may see from the divine prospective! Clear out time for us, extract us from the hustle and bustle of life, and hold us tight unto your breast. Allow us to hear your heartbeat and begin to hear your voice more clearly. As we do we shall obey and fulfill that purpose you have created us for. Thank you Jesus for in between times so we may power up and launch forward into divine destiny! In Jesus name we pray, AMEN