Monday, December 5, 2011

In Between

Well it is catch your breath time! Finished with Thanksgiving and still feeling full? Now the race is on for those doing last minute Christmas shopping, going to parties, preparing for that Christmas feast, decorating the house with Christmas splendor, and all the smells of childhood deserts. Let us not forget to get those cards out to those you want to send a touch of love this Christmas. Parents begin getting their children ready to clear out those toys and treasures they once considered of value to donate them to children who might not otherwise get any presents for Christmas.

Sometimes the in between place can be a place of inventory and reflection. A place where there is a bit of solitude and thought. To me that in between place is a place to call upon the Lord for guidance for the New Year and asking Him to lighten my load so I can go further on this path He has me on. Just like parents helping their children clearing out their things to make room for the new, I too want to take all those things that I acquired during the year that have no value to His purpose and discard them making room for those Gifts Holy Spirit is more than willing to present to me.

Just as John the Baptist declared "Prepare ye the way", the in between place or a time of thirst and quiet is the time to prepare ye the way! Reflect on the year gone by and how God has prepared you for the upcoming year. Use your divine nature and stretch your human self into what the Lord has! Your territory is expanding and this is the time to claim those things that do not appear in the natural as if they were. Seek ye God and His kingdom and all else will be added to unto you.

Today we pray. Lord, lead us into your rest so that we may see from the divine prospective! Clear out time for us, extract us from the hustle and bustle of life, and hold us tight unto your breast. Allow us to hear your heartbeat and begin to hear your voice more clearly. As we do we shall obey and fulfill that purpose you have created us for. Thank you Jesus for in between times so we may power up and launch forward into divine destiny! In Jesus name we pray, AMEN

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