Monday, May 30, 2011

Let's Play Cupid

Do you remember when the Cupid's arrow struck you? Or are you thinking that this is not of God? That was a religious test!

Cupid according to Wikipedia: In Roman mythology, Cupid (Latin cupido, meaning "desire") is the god of desire, affection and erotic love. He is the son of goddess Venus and god Mars.

OK, Cupid is not of God! But I know that where there is the counterfeit you will find the genuine. In my mind's eye when I imagine cupid, I see a little cherub shooting arrows of love to that perfect match made in heaven. Well, I have matured enough to know this is my way expressing love at first sight.

When the Lord healed me in 1991 I fell head over heels in love with Jesus; just because He loved me first. The arrow of His love pierced my heart forever. His arrow of love pierced my heart melting away, hurt, resentment, and anger. I began to see this world with His eyes and not my own. I fell in love with His people and with the world in which I live.

1 John 4:11-12
God so loved us that we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God, but if we love each other, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

Today I realize that we all can be "cupid". We have the agape love of the Father that lives and breathes within us! As we fan that fire of love by getting to know the Lord and who He is within we can shoot our own arrows of love out into the world. It is a love that accepts others, a love that inspires, a love that begets more love! It is a love that sees the potential and not the flaws, a love that embraces, and a love that heals.

If you are not feeling like "cupid" this day, pick up the holy written Word and ask for insight and more of His love so that you will be that heat seeking arrow of love to others!

Pray with me, "Lord help us to receive Your Divine Love in such a way that it overflows from our hearts and exudes out of us to attract others like bees are attracted to flowers. Let us once again experience Your overwhelming love for us filling every need and supplying every gift we need to do Your will! In Jesus name we pray!"

Monday, May 23, 2011

Got to Have More

I am not speaking about those natural possessions in our life. No, not that at all. I am not trying to live up to the saying "The man who dies with the most toys wins!"

1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (NIV)

I am speaking about my faith and the good fight of faith we all must have to win the victory by the blood of the lamb.

Yeah, we were all born with a measure of faith; this I know. But to grow in faith is another thing. This is the kind of faith we are all called to! This is the faith I want operating in my life!

Faith that moves mountains Faith that sustains me through the storms Faith that heals the sick-the blind, the one with aids, the cripple, and those with an incurable disease Faith that knows that I am more than I am Faith that sees families reconciled Faith that is vocal to the lost, the hurting, and to those who are stagnate Faith that loves until there is no tomorrow.

That is what I want. I want more and more until I am no more! How about you?

Pray With Me:
"We come to you, oh Lord. Once again ignite our seed of faith with your Grace. Once again, Lord put in us a flame that will not be squelched by the fiery darts of the enemy! The enemy that lurks behind and comes aside us to distract us from the growth you have predestined us with. In Jesus name, Amen!"

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Blood Is Crying Out

Ponder on the following scripture:

Psalm 42:1-4
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, "Where is your God?" These things I remember as I pour out my soul. (NIV)

The Lord gave me the following word a few weeks ago:

"My blood is crying out to those who are thirsting, dehydrating, dyeing by the water's edge. I say come into the sea of My Love. For I will cover you and provide for you! I will enhance your perception of who I am and whence I come. There is a revelation awaiting you there. A revelation that causes you to speak of My divine Glory. It will be life to those around you and life changing for yourself. Hence, your destiny is at hand. COME!"

As the days pass, I am so aware of people who perish for lack of knowledge. I am talking about people who do not even give God a thought, never mind have a relationship with Him. They are living day-to-day, striving to survive in the present times! It is sad that they are not thinking of the future, either in the natural by saving for a raining day or for their eternal everlasting life.

My soul is saddened when I ponder on such things. There are innocent children who are sick and their families do not even consider looking for divine help and guidance. Need I say more?

Today I will focus on the Divine, the eternal Future and His mighty hand covering, guiding and providing. I am so grateful for His faithfulness in my life. I give Him praise and glory for all provision of health, wealth, instruction, and correction.

Psalm 18:1-2
I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. (NIV

David, a servant of the Lord, sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of King Saul.

Let us pray. Lord, come. Come Lord Jesus, come. You have so mercifully provided a place for us to dwell in the Most High. Continue to lead us to the Rock, our cornerstone, our shelter, and our Love.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Walk Like Enoch

The Word tells us Enoch walked his whole life with God and one day he continued to walk until he was no more! What a picture that displays in my mind; to walk with God every day of my life. That we would be so close that I would lose all attachments here on earth and continue on with the Lord until that day He calls me to my eternal home; more of Him and less of me.

There is a song I like to sing about the Lord's all-consuming fire. May it continue to burn in me until all that is left is JUST what I need. Then there is that all old song about standing on the rock and all else is sinking sand! I believe Enoch accomplished his life journey and fulfilled God's purpose in his life!

Sometimes to make this a reality we must be willing to give up relationships. Sometimes we must be willing to be casted aside and yes loose our mother, father, brother, sisters, and even our children and grandchildren of this world so that we may continue to walk without the baggage of distraction and sin!

One thing I know for sure, without the Holy Spirit's indwelling I could not walk with God. The Holy Spirit makes me aware of my shortcomings (sin) and gives me empowering strength to continue on.

This place in which I live has many distractions that try to lure me away from the divine presence that I so desperately need in my life. My heart's desire is to say no to man and no to temptations and yes to God no matter what people say or think. No matter how many times my feelings may get hurt, I will continue my walk until the end. I will be determined to become a friend of God like Enoch and walk until that day He takes me home

I will be grateful and thankful of the many gifts, miracles, and blessings God has given me. Thankful to be used as an instrument of His love and consider it a privilege to walk in healing and deliverance touching others so they may be free.

Believe me when I say this. I know I remain with shortcomings. There are times when I ignore the prodding of the Holy Spirit. And there are times of not being grateful. I should be praising Him all day long. Those are the days of pity parties and sin! When I look back or notice my joy is lifting, I am more determined to seek His face and not allow those around me to persuade me into wrong doing or wrong thinking. I will not fall into man's law, man's doctrine, and mans tainted ways.

The Word tells us to seek, knock and the door will be open. May we continue to do so to deepen our relationship with Him. Getting closer to God means not to fear man. It means giving up our old traditions and old teachings of man. It means to be open to change and have the willingness to yield to the Spirit's touch, teachings, and reprimands.

No matter what we have experienced of God in life these things that try to rob you of your joy! It does not matter for Jesus suffered much much more just so He could walk with us!

Today think about things that hinder your walk! Think about those who have injured your ego! Then ponder the Love of the Father. Ponder the Cross. It is worth it! Dig deep within. Ask the Holy Spirit for that enduring power to fulfill you in every way. He is able if you are willing.

Let us walk together until we are no more!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Psalm 42: 1-2 As the deer pants for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I come and stand before him? (NLT) 

My soul pants like a deer running toward the water. There is such a desire to become whole, complete in Him. What shall we do to obtain this completion? Put all hindrances behind Stay focused on Christ alone. His peace will fall and then His glory will be known to us! Yield, which comes with our brokenness. Lord, break us! Let us know how incomplete and worthless we are without you. Let us reach out and touch the hem of His garment. The touching will quicken our spirits to His. It will draw us into a place of all knowing. To His Glory!

Psalm 51:10-13 Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me. Do not banish me from your presence, and don't take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me again the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to sinners, and they will return to you. (NLT) 

I know that the Word became flesh and the Word is life to our souls. The very breath of God infuses us with all we need. Yet there are some who do not grasp this divine nature for themselves. Some do not care! And yet others think too lowly of themselves to consider it is as available to them!

Jesus came for all to partake, yet all do not. My spirit cries out "Lord, touch our unbelief. Lord, fill us with your Glory."