Monday, June 27, 2011

What a Privilege

Isaiah 61:10
Delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his. (NIV)

What a privilege it is to be a believer. To follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Savor is an honor. Out of His love we were called to greatness.

There was a time when the law was needed. People of Moses' time did not have the infilling of the Holy Spirit and they needed laws to keep them on the right path. Yes, even though the Lord knew they could not keep them.

Yet some still live the scriptures out of their heads. What I am trying to say is that they are still under the law trying to keep the commandments and traditions of religion. It seems like some are always falling short according to their rules and are dealing with shame and guilt.

Galatians 5:17-18
For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you [h]please. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. (NASB)

It is because of God's love for us that we yield ourselves to Him. His love for us is expressed by His grace to us. God in His love has given us His grace which does not give us an excuse to sin but a reason to obey. Paul has proved that we are not saved by the Law and that we do not live under the Law. For many this would mean that we can sin all we want because they don't understand the wonderful constraining and controlling power of love. Love is what gives the strength or ability to obey. (Romans 6:14-23 according to Dianne)

John 15:9-12
I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you. (NIV)

When we begin to live the scriptures out of the very fabric of our being, we will find that it is love that placed it there in our hearts and it is love that allows us to change and move and live as Jesus taught. When we fail it is love that lifts us up and that carries us to the places in God to accomplish what He has for us here on earth.

Our divine Father makes a way where there is no way and it is He who supplies the possibilities for the impossible to happen! All of that say, Think on the process and the part you play in the greater good (through the obedience to your call) for the glory of our Lord.

Monday, June 20, 2011

What Does it Take?

What does it take to cross the boundaries of traditions? What does it take to break the bondage of ones loyalties to tradition?

I know I do not have all the answers, yet as I gaze back on my life I realize what has happened to me. You might have a few boundary breakers of your own. Jesus had to overcome the traditions of man and their false interpretations and teachings of the Torah. The Jews were expecting a King to come and take reign over the earth. Through their disobedience God placed a veil over their eyes and they could not see who Jesus was. And yet others burst through those traditions and teachings and followed and believed!

In the Catholic faith and in the home where I grew up there were misunderstood and misquoted scriptures. There were also many superstitions about how God would operate and love or not love me. If I did such and such, Jesus would love me. If I was disobedient then Jesus would cry and not love me. Sick. Right? It was so hard to be little Miss Goodie Two Shoes that I just gave up and went my own way. Along the way, I heard many many times that God is a God of love and that He certainly loved me. Yet, because of those past traditions, I did not really believe that.

Some believe that being involved in a church and being involved in all sorts of works and taking on all sort of obligations will label you righteous, and then worthy to enter heaven. Wrong!

I found that I needed to hear the truth over and over again until it ripped that veil of unbelief and busted those teachings, those misconceptions I grew up with. Some people believe their relationship with Jesus is private and never should they share it. Wrong again. If we go about life keeping our faith the best kept secret we will be holding that veil over a loved one's eyes! Satan can be using us to hold the truth far from those we love.

Today I continue to read the Word and surround myself with those who are proceeding with their faith walk with Jesus. Together we grow and learn and together we can make a difference in the world in which we live.

Today let us pray. "Lord, continue to rip the veil in our lives, in our thinking, and in our upbringing. Bring the truth through those we know, through our private time with you, through the media around us. Burst forth so that we will not be able to contain ourselves. So we will be compelled to share the Gospel with all our fellow men. So that never again will it be the Best Kept Secret! Amen."

Monday, June 13, 2011

Your Ways

Your Ways are not our ways, Lord. But Your Love overcomes all. Your Love dwells within us.

I received this thought and then pondered it. The Spirit of the Lord is sweeter than the scent of the honeysuckle. And it is more powerful than the roaring swirling winds.

Then deep within me I heard: "My majesty will be known and My word will be demonstrated in your lifetime. For My fire has been released from the heavens. It has begun, and all shall be ablaze and a catalyst for igniting many hearts".

Peter saw the Lord and stepped out of the boat. Today there are many in the "boat", the church buildings, preoccupied with the world and responsibilities within the church building. So much so that they do not see or hear the Lord's call upon them. Others are so caught up with their turmoil there is no seeking God. They are only running from man to man to quiet their circumstances. They are fixed on worldly things and so swelled up in fear that they do not dare step out of the boat.

Today is the day to stop the world from spinning. Settle into a quiet place and sit under the anointing of the Lord. Taste and see for yourself that He is good, sweeter than the honeycomb, and more powerful than the roaring swirling winds. He is calling you today to experience His power and His Love. He will deliver and heal. His fire and power will fall upon and dwell within you causing all you say and touch to be purified.

Monday, June 6, 2011


For a few days now I have been feeling overwhelmed with preparations. I so want to get on with the process..."I just want to skip the preparation process". To me preparation is just the grunt work. It seems meaningless and I do not get any self-gratification for doing it. Needless to say, preparation is boring and it seems to tire me out before I get to the fun part.

Let me give you a couple of examples.
  • Cooking. I just love to cook. I find it a joy and fulfilling. I love to watch my husband's face when he bites into something I have just created. But in order to smell the meal cooking and to watch a loved one's expression I must first prepare.
There is the shopping for the items, washing veggies, and fruit. The separating and measuring. The pots and pans and bowls, etc. I just wish the ingredients just appeared on my counter so I could begin the process.
  • Gardening. I just love to plant and watch things grow! Don't you? It gives me much pleasure to see how the garden takes shape and beautifies our home. Collecting and sharing the harvest is also rewarding.
I bet you are getting the hang of it now. Yes, Before one can consider planting there is Preparation. Imagining the end result is just one thing, but then there is buying the right tools, soil, fertilizers, and mulch. And looking up what grows best in our area and purchasing the bulbs, seeds, or seedlings! That is not the half of it. Now there is the tiling, weeding, mixing of the soil with the proper ingredients, and the actual planting. I might have skipped a few things, but I am sure you get the idea.

2 Timothy 2:15-16
Work hard so God can approve you. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth. Avoid godless, foolish discussions that lead to more and more ungodliness. (NIV)

Hebrews 13:15
"By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name". (NIV)

The Word tells us to study to work hard so God can approve you. It also tells us that the fruit of our lips is a result of sacrifice and praise! Well I must say I am not much of a student. However, I love the insight and revelation I receive when I take time out to sit under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit.

My mind began to wonder thinking about how it takes preparation to receive knowledge. That we must prepare our minds to focus and our heart must be pure before. PREPARATION H. The H is for help; the Lord's help. Well SOME of what I just wrote is true. However, we do not have to prepare to get into the presence of the Lord. I will say it one more time. We DO NOT have to prepare to sit at the Lords feet. WOW when I toppled to that conclusion, I asked myself "Why am I not running to the lover of my soul leaning on His breast and obtaining the secrets I need to live?"

All we need to do is ask the Lord and the Holy Spirit is willing to teach, correct and encourage us. All we need do is sit still, read His Word and by golly WAM! Snap Crackle and Pop-revelation, knowledge, wisdom, peace and our joy shall be full-Full to overflowing with the Love of Christ. We will be prepared to enter the world to share and shed His divine light.

So what are you waiting for? What am I waiting for? "Come Lord Jesus, come. Come Holy Spirit and shed your light upon us! Father we come to receive more love, more power, more passion, and more faith. In Jesus name we pray."