Back in the day I used a 35mm Pentax with macro-micro-zoom and wide angle lenses. Today my little Kodak digital camera takes panoramic shots! WOW. There is so much more to see in a panoramic picture.
So I began to think how those macro micro shots of flowers blooming were expressed on the film. Taken so close you could almost smell the scent and feel the texture of the flower peddles. I had one picture of a white rose in full bloom. The dew from the evening was still lingering on the peddles. One peddle had what looked like a tear drop. When your eyes focused on the drop you would anticipate its demise to the ground. So real; so alive. So close up and personal. And that is how Holy Spirit wants us! Just like that Rose--up close and personal.
Let's take a look at that wide angle shot. Okay, okay, now we can get the feel for the total scene. You can jump in at any place and take in the environment, the smell, the crisp air. Get the lay of the land, the home, barn, horses and even the rose gardens. Beautiful!
I bet you can see where I am going with this. Holy Spirit wants us to see the "Big Picture"-Bigger Picture!-the picture of life, if you will. You might be feeling insignificant in your walk today, or feel as if you have lost focus. Holy Spirit says step back into me and I will show you the Father's plan for your life and those you are called to reach in His love.
So today with the panoramic view you are even given the Biger-Bigger Picture! It is the supernatural view of life. For those feeling less than get up close and personal with the Lord, allow Him to know you in a deeper way. In turn He will bring you to the place of peace, love and a confidence assurance of your faith. It is so important for us to have that one on one personal experiential growth with Him. In those treasured private times with the Lord we become secure in who we are and know our worth and our purpose in Christ. In prayer and meditation comes revelation. The Holy Spirit stimulates our desires and arouses us to a new work for His ministry.
After that personal experience we have the Rock of our Salvation. He is our fortress and in Him we shall trust. As we grow and are nurtured, He begins to show us the Bigger Picture! We can jump right in and get lost in His plan and become a part of that panoramic snapshot of life. The beginning and the end; He is the Alpha and Omega!
Yet we are but mere mortals and only see in the finite! God is unlimited and sees it all from start to finish. This is where our faith comes into play. So remember, think upon the things from above-seek first the Kingdom of God and our walk of life become worth living! His Grace is sufficient for us!
For today, Lord, a closer walk with thee! Today, Lord, a glimpse of the "Bigger Picture"
Monday, March 5, 2012
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