One of the most fulfilling times in my life was when I co-labored with one our sons at his place of business. It was easy to work for him because he allowed his employees to be themselves and work at what they did best. He allowed me the freedom to use my creativity in what I do best, which is cooking. This was the time I got to know my son as a friend and companion not only as boss. How rewarding it felt to work alongside and support him in his endeavor in life.
The spirit of the Lord is putting out the same request to us. He wants us to get to know Him by co-laboring with Him in this open field. He will use our natural talents and add His supernatural touch to draw others into His kingdom.
Just like working with my son-he was boss, he altered my recipe yet he gave me the reigns when we finished achieving the goal. Our goal then was to produce yummy chowder while keeping the cost reasonable.
Co-laboring doesn't always mean things run smoothly. There are always times of trials that will either strength or weaken your relationship. As for my son and I, we choose to have a deeper and stronger relationship by walking through the trial together.
Right now you might have a trial such as a sickness, financial struggles, or even an emotional breakdown. You can choose what you want. The Lord is calling you to deep to deep places with Him. Get ready. Dig your roots deep within the word and watch and see what the Lord has in store for you. Promises of healing, renewing, peace and strength are there for you. Keep your eyes focused on Him. His love and peace and joy are abounding in your direction.
"Lord, today we come running to you. We know You are there performing a new thing within us. Thank You for Your peace and Your strength to make the goal a reality. The goal-a tight relationship with YOU!
Amos 3:3 NIV
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?