1 Thessalonians 5:24 God who calls you, is faithful; he will do this.
Compromise! That is a word to ponder. The question is "How do I compromise"? When do I compromise? Is my compromising led by the Holy Spirit or do I allow the friendships of others and "peace at all costs" contribute to my compromising?
There are many things in life that don't make a difference in the grand scheme of things--and don't affect our body, mind and soul. So we let those things slide by and allow others to take the lead. For example, when we want to spend time with family and friends it does not matter where we gather or go to eat. Whatever is good for them, I'll comply to achieve relationship. I have no preference of time, place, etc...
In the same respect, I am not too opinionated when it comes to making business, financial decisions. My husband takes on that responsibility and I comply. However, there have been times that I am strongly opinionated!
For example, we just purchased a new car. We both did our research and made a decision on what car to purchase. Then when it came down to the count, I had a strong opinion on the horsepower of the vehicle. It was easy for both of us to come to a compromise. We mutually agreed on the larger engine!
Most times then none, I have a good stance on what I believe to be true for me; sometimes I just get a 'gut' Holy Spirit prompting. Then I am immovable. For example, I remember one time we were invited to do a meeting in DC and Dick did not want to go... He had all the right reasons and I agreed on them; yet, I was obstinate... The Holy Spirit would not let me waver. He reminded me of when I said I would go everywhere we were invited! That did it for me. I was immovable. We went and saw many miracles.
There are so many variables in compromising. Compromise is a concept of finding agreement through communication, through a mutual acceptance of terms—often involving variations from an original goal or desire (according to Wikipedia.)
Here are some areas I never compromise.
- Never compromise the Word of God!
- Never compromise the Lord's integrity!
- Never compromise the Lord's intention for your life!
- Never compromise the safety of yourself or others!
With all of that said, I don't believe there should be much compromising in my life. Yes, I might compromise on my favorite place to eat--compromise the quiet bliss of our home and enjoy our grandchildren--compromise the length of my vacation to be in family's presence--compromise visits to the beach or allotted time I would rather be alone.
Those are the compromises people do not see or hear about. Those compromises are between me and God.
You might consider the compromises in your life. You will find that God is faithful to meet you in those areas and produce much joy in your innards. You will be surprised that these compromises are not compromises at all. They are acts of sheer love for God expressed to others through you and me!
That is my prospective for today. On another day I may change my mind or add to the list!
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