All those who have ears to hear and eyes to see what the Lord is about to do!
When Christ came to dwell within us, do we became new creatures? Yes, our spirit man was awakened and became brand new because of the blood of Jesus… Some may say it is then that we are welcomed into the Kingdom of heaven and we have eternal life with God our Father and our brother Jesus. We are truly alive in Christ and led by the Holy Spirit to live according to His statute.
Is our salvation with fear and trembling? How does that work? Are we fearful of what the Father might do to us if we sin? The only fear is being in awe of Him. We are so in love and so loved that we begin to seek His guidance and His revelation for our life. This is the beginning of our transformation journey. Remember, we do not finish this task of transformation until we meet with HIM in eternity!
Is our salvation conditional? Some may say no. Yet if we deny who Christ is and what He has done for mankind is that not blaspheming the Holy Ghost? And therefore, do we loose our salvation? This could be perceived as leaking! Our ego comes into play and for some reason fear or ego is in motion and we reject Jesus! We became weak and we leaked!
Definition of leak: Think of yourself as a balloon filled with air and floating about. The air represents the infilling of the Holy Spirit, the Father's grace, and your understanding of your spiritual walk. The air is being supplied daily… in the reading of His word, your journaling, listening to worship music, worshiping, and going about the Father's business with power.
Then we discover the slightest pin hole. The balloon begins to leak! It continues to leak. And it will deflate completely if we do not continue in our daily walk with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The gift of salvation is free and in order to establish that gift in our lives it takes choices and it takes the working out of our old man into a new creature in Christ. All the promises are yea and amen! Yes they certainly are! Yet are they conditional? Jesus said, "Go and sin no more" and "take up you mat and walk". What if the man he was speaking to decided he could not take up his mat again? So his mortal man leaked! Fear or unbelief enters in our minds and we loose what the Lord has placed within. Is this possible? I say yes. Does our heavenly Father want this to happen? "NO"
God's love and mercy opened the way for our salvation through Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection! Now we apply His grace-- His strength-- to carry on the works that He has in store for us. It was His grace that enabled us to confess with our mouth that He is Lord and Savior. "It is by our faith we are healed". That is for the believer!
What about the heathen? We are all children of God; therefore, does the heathen also get healed! If only by the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains, so how much more of those promises can we appropriate in our lives? How much more grace can we receive? It is endless. It is our choice and it is our hunger for the things of God that will enable us to stand and walk forward. It is our continued relationship with the Father that will grow us and enable us to continue in our healing, in our life and be able to be a testimony for His Glory! It is all conditional, my beloved friends.
Only the Father knows what is expected from each of us.. So do not second guess. Don't judge or examine or try to qualify this or that work, miracle, or out-pouring of God! We are unique like the snowflakes, like our finger prints, like our DNA. So with all of this I say, stand firm in the things the Lord has given you. Stand when all else falls, Stand when you question. Just Stand knowing that He is at work in all of us.
The good Lord is able to do all things in us and through us, I believe. The Lord is good and we will see His goodness manifest in this land of the living. We all need to do our part and lean on Him in our weakness and encourage others in the strengths He has given us.
We confess:
"Lord, bring me up. Lord, take me up. Lord, let me be less in my intellect and more in Your knowledge and understanding. Lord, take me to the depths of your love. Lord, take me to places I have never been. Lord, show me where I need to be in You. I will stand in the faith You have given me. I will grow in that Faith and I will accomplish the deeds you have set before me! Amen."
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