Saturday, May 17, 2008

Payday Is on the Way!

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.  Hebrews 10:35

If you have ever invested time, money, energy, and commitment into God's Kingdom that no one knew about except you and the Lord, it did not go unnoticed. The Lord saw it all. And according to Hebrews 10:35, He plans on reimbursing you in full!

To me this scripture tells the idea of being reimbursed for an expense that a person has paid out of his own pocket in order to get his job done.  Have you ever used your own money to get a job done then another reimbursed you when you turned in your receipts? 

The word "confidence"  refers to bold, frank, forthright speech. This bold kind of speech is often translated in the New Testament as the word "confidence." Indeed, it does depict a confident kind of speaking - a daring to speak exactly what one believes or thinks with no hesitation or intimidation. Because this kind of speech is so bold, it frequently incites a volatile reaction.

An example of this can be found in First Thessalonians 2:2, where Paul writes, "But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention."  To me this means that Paul and others including ourselves speak in such an  outspoken and forthright way that caused  a serious fight with opposing forces that were and are very hostile to what we were doing and saying.

In the same manner, the word "confidence" used in Hebrews 10:35 also refers to very bold, frank speech - communication that is so strong, listeners may perceive the speaker to be arrogant, haughty, or overconfident. So apparently the believers to whom Hebrews 10:35 was written were speaking something that was very bold and extraordinarily frank. What words were they speaking? They were speaking words of faith!

Apparently these Hebrew Christians had been speaking those words a long time - and they had been waiting and waiting for those faith-filled words to come to pass. After investing their lives, their time, their energy, and their faith into their walk with God, they wanted to see some action! Because their answers hadn't come yet, they were tempted to throw it all away as though the manifestation was never going to come to pass. That's why the verse screams at them, "Do not throw your confidence away." God was saying to them, "Don't throw away your bold confessions of faith!"

Today many Christians believe that Jesus healed when he walked the earth, some believe the apostles carried out His command to them.  There are few today that believe we also have the power and authority through Jesus Christ.  Even others who do not believe Jesus can and will heal them today.  This could be a word of Faith that screams at them!  Jesus loves you and He wants to heal you TODAY!  If you were like some –ready to throw the towel in on healing—reconsider your beliefs.  Allow the Holy Spirit fill you to new depths.  Allow the Holy Spirit to revive within you the completeness of life!  Your complete Salvation is here today.

Why did they need to hang on and continue believing and speaking words of faith? The verse tells us why: because their confidence - their bold confessions of faith - had great recompense of reward.  God promised that they will receive their reward.  For me is the reward of seeing people with His heart following after Him and those who will receive their manifest healing in their lives today! in this life time.

This scripture is an encouragement to me and others like me who bring the full message of healing.  God wants us to know: "because of our time, energy, effort, work, and money we have spent to do the job I. He will be faithful to produce the fruit of our labor.  Come boldly declare that you will be reimbursed. I will see to it that you recoup everything you spent along the way. You'll get everything that you've spent and that you've been declaring by faith will happen!"

You may be tempted to feel like you've wasted years waiting for your calling or your dream to come to pass. The devil may try to beguile you into thinking your bold confessions of faith are mere fantasies that are never going to happen. But God's Word promises He will reward you for all you've sacrificed and invested along the way. He has heard every faith declaration you have made, and He will reward you and reimburse you for all the time, energy, commitment, and money you've given over the years!

Declaration before the Lord:

I boldly declare that God is going to reward me! God's Word promises that He sees what I have done and that He will see to it that I am fully recompensed for all I have done in His name. Because I am convinced that God will care for me, I boldly, frankly, and confidently declare that my payday is on the way! He knows about everything I have done in faith, and He will reward and reimburse me for all the time, energy, commitment, and money I've given to His work over the years!

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