Monday, July 21, 2008


When I begin to think of the reasons why the Lord healed me, an excitement comes over me and takes over my emotions! I know without a doubt that He touched my body and my mind so I would reach others and touch them with His healing power.


Acts 15:28 tells us "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay no greater burden on you than these requirements". Ok now, you went to your Bible and it is not talking specifically about Dianne Evans and the way she leads her life. However, it does say that the Apostles lived their life being guided by the Holy Spirit. And if it worked for them it surly works for me! How about you?


The thought of laying hands on the sick excites me. The thought of pointing people to the scripture to help them on their journey brings about much JOY in my life. To be a blessing is receiving a blessing to me! Even when life is filled with chaos, I can sit back with a grateful, thankful heart and project a hopeful future. There is no doubt that there are sacrifices to be made and things to be done that maybe I would not choose to do. However, when the time is right I do them and I am deeply happy and satisfied with the work of my hands.


God always finds ways to let you know He is with you and guiding you. Dick once used the GPS to illustrate how the Holy Spirit teaches, and guides us through life situations. I must say it is a very good analogy. However, this last trip from Florida to RI was an adventure. I felt I had over stayed my visit to Florida and it was time to leave our Florida home.


For some reason I was not looking forward to my trip home which included the preparation and travel to Tampa with Tuffy, our cairn terrier.. It was an early rise to finish preparing the house and then off on a two-hour trip to Tampa. I thought I was prepared as I stopped at for a coffee and donut, kissed my mom goodbye and took off. The GPS was mounted, the coordinates entered, and the display showing me the best route of travel.


First part of the way was smooth sailing with blue skies overhead. Then the rain came! The downpour and the noise of the wipers frightened Tuffy so she curled up into my lap for safe travel. A few seconds later the GPS screen turned black. I pulled over thinking it needed POWER. I plugged it into the cigar lighter and it did not work! What am I going to do? I began driving again, rain just coming down in torrents. I began to Nextel Dick with no contact. Then I called him and my phone loss contact with the tower! Oh, BOY! In between all of these maneuvers, I was giving thanks to my guide and comforter, provider and instiller of all hope--The Holy Spirit!


A few years ago, I would have begun to literally sweat and panic causing my stomach to swell and ache. There was none of that, praise God for He has done a new thing within me. Well, I continued on route, knowing there was a turn off somewhere but I did not remember where. I picked up the phone again and dialed Dick and there he was arriving home after delivering bread to the shelters nearby. He got on the computer and by the time he got back to me, I was approaching the turn off to 275. WOW what timing the Holy Spirit has.


There was no bargaining with the Lord through this process. I was just so grateful He was with me planning my every move, providing my every need. I just kept on the path knowing He would intervene and send the WORD!


We really need to just go on with our life to the best of our ability. There are alternate avenues and venues for us to pursue in life. The Lord Himself, will make a way even when things seem dark and grey—keep the task in hand and pursue your goal. Even if it was just driving to Tampa without a GPS or a personal sense of direction that could get you lost in my own back yard!


When all else fails, try and try again. For waiting on Him is not staying still. But, it is pressing forward toward the mark He has set before us! Then when you get to a place and not know where to turn you STAND and stand on the Word until the answer comes forth!


Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."

For in him we have the answers to life itself.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


Hang in there, the Holy Spirit is here to stay!





Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Gambler

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Dick Evans <>
To: Dianne Evans <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:17:28 PM
Subject: Re: The Gambler -- done

The Gambler?

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

I know you are probably thinking what in the world does Kenny Rogers song the Gambler have to do with the Scripture and our lives! How does this relate to being effective and productive in our lives?

For God had far better things in mind for us that would also benefit them, for they can't receive the prize at the end of the race until we finish the race. (Heb 11:40)

From the beginning of time the Lord has know us and formed us in our mother's womb! He even proclaimed to us that His plans for us are for good and not for evil.

For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

He is our living hope, the hope of our salvation and the hope for a bright future. Hope is the anchor to our souls, yes? And the blessed hope who dwells within us is no other than Jesus Himself!

The only way to know that Jesus is our living hope with in us is to be in the Word allowing the Holy Spirit to connect us in a intimate way with the Father and the Son. Relationships just do not happen in a microwave. It takes time to know one, their ways, their needs, and their desires, their hopes and their dreams! And so it is with God. To really know Him we should spend time talking to him and listening to the Spirit guide us to know His ways, desires, dreams, and hopes for us!

There is another old song out there that goes something like this:
To Known know know him is to love love love him and I do, and I do …

As I go about just living life to the fullest, He is always there for me! He is whispering in my ear secrets to life. The other day I was riding to the beach asking the Lord to give me an instruction for my life. Lo and behold, I saw a biker dressed in his Speedo outfit, riding his ten-speed down Flamingo. So Lord what does that have to do with my life? He said digest the biker! So I took a quick look and remembered what I saw. It was a very fit older gentleman riding a ten speed bike with his outfit and helmet. After passing him, I realized he had two canteens  "assuming" water strapped to his waist. He must be on a long journey, I thought. Then scripture came to mind.

Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win. (1 Corinthians 9:24)

Hold tightly to the word of life, so that when Christ returns, I will be proud that I did not lose the race and that my work was not useless. (Philippians 2:16)

You bet he was definitely suited to win the race. Dressed in armor that would not hold him down or get in his spokes (Ephesians full armor of God) and equipped with the necessary refreshment (Holy Spirit) for the journey ahead. There was no turning back for this guy. He was focused straight ahead and no dilly-dallying either. He was peddling at an even pace..

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven. (Hebrews 12:2)


What a lesson to be learned. No matter where I find myself on the journey home, I will remember, with the Holy Spirit's help, to reinforce my armor and keep my focus on the prize! I will be just as the one virgin, waiting for the Lord, was prepared because she had oil in her lamp. Lord, I pray you will have me sheltered in the shadow of the Almighty so my oil will always be filled to over-flowing. For I know that in and of myself I will fail, and I cannot succeed; but oh, the Blood and oh, the Spirit within will protect and guide me through the trials of the day and the people around me will lift me up and encourage me in the things of the Lord!


Our dedication to Christ makes us look like fools, but you are so wise! We are weak, but you are so powerful! You are well thought of, but we are laughed at. (1 Corinthians 4:10)


So, Kenny Rogers had some good advice after all.


·        You have to know in your innards when to "hold 'em". Stay put and wait for the Holy Spirit's input.

·        Know when to "fold 'em". Your job is complete. There is no more fruit to be had here.

·        Know when to "walk away". Listen carefully and discern when it is better with things left unsaid and walk away.

·        Know when to "run". Get out of town when you are not welcomed . Better still, run from evil and run to God!

·        Don't count your money while sittin' at the table". People don't need to see you all puffed up with all those good deeds you boast . Keep focused at the task at hand and leave the rest to God.

·        There will be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done. God himself is the rewarder and when you have finished your race He surely will reward you!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sabbath REST

In the institutional church and world today the Sabbath is on Sunday.  We will not get into the discussion about what is the right day.  What we are going to discuss is what the Sabbath is!

In Gen 1 and 2 talks about when the Lord created the world and all in it.  One the 6th day He created man and the 7th day was a day of rest for Him and Man. This REST was intended to be never ending and everlasting Rest. Awe now we know that on the third day Jesus rose from the day and sat at the Right hand of God the Father.  There He sits in rest, interceding for us!

In Eph. 2 It speaks how we sit with Jesus at the Right hand of the Father.  There is our rest!  Resting with and in Him.  Coming to a complete rest is when we can put all of our selves, worries, ills etc in Christ and trust that He will lead and guide us on the path of life.

5 things that take us from that Resting Place in Christ.

1.       Emotions that trigger the past hurts, abuse, etc. If we can control those triggers and focus on the Lord's provision, He will come and fill those hurts with His mercy and grace! Eliminating the triggers! James 1;6But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.

2.       Secret Sin or sin in our present lives.  Habits of (drinking, cursing, smoking, over eating etc.)smear us with sin.  We need to be smeared with the blood of Jesus. That secret sin—putting on a false face of holiness and then go off in a fit of anger with the ones you love or those you keep company. Psalm 90:8 You spread out our sins before you – our secret sins – and you see them all

3.       Pride when we are defensive when an offence comes, when loving confrontation irritates us to defend our actions. Prov.16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Depending upon self instead of leaning on Jesus or asking for help from a fellow believer. Proverbs 8:13 All who fear the LORD will hate evil. That is why I hate pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverted speech.

4.       Guilt/regrets are all the should have could have would haves in our lives. (Acts 13:39 Everyone who believes in him is freed from all guilt and declared right with God – something the Jewish law could never do.)  Our thoughts bringing us to those things we feel guilty about. Those things that we are secretly sorry for and replay them over and over in our heads. Scripture: we are justified in Christ Jesus!

5.       Accusations of those who we regarded as superiors or even friends.  James 3:5-6So also, the tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do. A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is full of wickedness that can ruin your whole life. It can turn the entire course of your life into a blazing flame of destruction, for it is set on fire by hell itself.Words of belittling, not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, tall enough, kind enough. Those past and present accusations get played over and over in the battlefield of our mind

It is time come into the presence of the Lord.  When we do those things that hold us back from the intimacy will melt away. He wants from us. We hold the secret; it is up to us to recognize those things that come between us and our Lord.  When those things come to mind it is time to apply the Blood and the scripture to our past and make the step to freely trust Him and begin to live our new life in Christ! That is what He paid the price of death for. 


Response to: Who is the Enemy of God?

This is such a timely word!  And its importance can't be underestimated.  May God's Holy Spirit help us to see clearly those subtle things that are turning our attention from the Lord and His plan for our lives!



Sunday, July 6, 2008

Response from: Clear Skies


GOoD Morning

For some reason, while reading this, I was reminded of that old song, "I beg your pardon, I hever promised you a rose garden" … and those are the only words I remember from that song.  But while reading this and thinking of my times at the beach when 'all of a sudden' or 'suddenly' clouds form that look so threatening and you think to yourself, time to pack up and go.  Now if I am alone, I may wait to see what will happen.  If I have my family with me, well, packing up is not simply grabbing my chair and running to the car, it involves chairs, blankets, umbrella's and more stuff!


But getting back to the storm, Jesus told us that in this life we would have tribulations, we will have problems, issues, things that go wrong, feelings that would get hurt but in the midst of it all, to take cheer, that He overcame it all.  So to me, if He told me that He has given me all things, a huge inheritance, not just waiting for me in eternity, but here on earth, then that would mean I can overcome too.  It may not 'feel' much like I am overcoming, but that is where feelings can lead us astray …. Just the fact that we at that instant turn to Him, and lean on Him, and the HS gives us the thought ' hey, I am more than a conqueror because greater is HE who is in me, than he that is in the world' that in itself is victory!  Right at that moment.  Does the situation or storm change suddenly?  Well, sometimes it does, but more often it's a process, something to walk out and learn.


When the disciples were in the boat and suddenly a storm arose, fierce winds, waves, they – the disciples, experienced fishermen, familiar with this lake were so scared they thought they were going to die …. Then it must have crossed their minds, hey wait a sec, Jesus is here, in fact He is sleeping!   In the midst of our storms, I think we too think immediately, hey, Jesus is with me, it will be okay … but then we miss it just like the disciples did.  See, I think they should have gone one step further and thought to themselves, hey, if He is sleeping through this, if He is not concerned and doesn't even notice this raging storm and hear these winds blowing over and feel this boat rocking violently back and forth, why should we pay attention to this?   Now I am not for one second picking on the disciples, because you see, I do the same thing and over and over.  I do what they did, I start calling out to God for help.  The disciples went and woke Jesus up and said,  master, don't you care that we are perishing?  And we read that He got up and said peace be still!  AND immediately, the storm stopped. 


Don't you wish all the storms in your life would stop like that?  Jesus in this instance caused an immediate result – the storm stopped.  Did He then go back to sleep?  Did He give them a course on faith?  He talked about faith and asked why they didn't have any.   In storms yes we need to run to Jesus, because He tells us that He cares and that He will help us .. but I believe He also wants us to in the midst of the storm, stop and 'be still and know' that He is God .. He can do anything in your life …. To stop and remember, hey, I have faith … even if it is the size of a mustard seed, I have faith, He will strengthen me, He will help me.

blessings, Elaine



Saturday, July 5, 2008

Clear Skies

....he is like the light of the morning, like the sunrise bursting forth in a cloudless sky, like the refreshing rains that bring tender grass from the earth.' 2 Samual 23:4 NLT 

WOW! I would not have believed it if I had not experience it myself! To the left and to the right of me were dark threatening clouds! Should I run to take cover? Do I continue stay where I am? Then I looked straight up and was taken in by the sun beaming over my head. It was as though those big puffy white Florida clouds were painted on canvas of blue sky! Since I could see there were clear skies overhead, I decided to wait it out and know that by this water's edge I am cared for and nourished by the sun. Suddenly, there were flashing streaks of lightening. The rumblings of the thunder seemed like it was coming from the earth; as though it was calling out for nourishment!

No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.  Philippians 3:13-14 NLT

What an allegory to life.  There is darkness to the left and the right of us.  The Word tells us to keep our focus on God--straight ahead.  To reach the mark the Lord has set before us to achieve, we can not waver to the left or to the right. As we focus at the prize before us, it is easier to keep our focus and proceed forward. Divine intervention can meet you in the midst of a storm and bring you peace of mind, provision to get you through.

So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I am not like a boxer who misses his punches.  1 Cor 9:6 NLT

Suddenly, I experienced a cool refreshing breeze. What a comfort it was as it touched each bead of perspiration that had formed on my skin. For the Holy Spirit comes just like that cool breeze. He comes to refresh us, to strengthen us for the road ahead. It is the Holy Spirit who enables us to hang in there and keep on going.  For by the grace of God we stand and by His grace we will we succeed!  Not by my strength, oh, Lord, but Yours, my mighty King.

It was because of this experience, today I was able to look up and be thankful for the provisions He supplies in my life. Can you count the ways He has supplied you with provision?

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.  Col 4:2 NLT

Consider to Provoke?

Consider to Provoke?

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds..- Hebrews 10:24 NIV

Do you ever get so busy and self-consumed that you forget there are people all around you who have needs and challenges too? It is true. We are often so concerned about ourselves that we forget or bypass people who are struggling terribly. We do not realize they need a special act or word to encourage them. This is especially sad when it happens among the people we are closest. We are to be a spiritual family who genuinely cares for one another and who helps meet each other's needs. This is why Hebrews 10:24 says, "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works."

The word "consider" is means thinking something through or to ponder something from the top all the way to the bottom. It is the idea of mulling something over, carefully contemplating a matter, pondering and carefully looking at a particular issue, or examining and fully studying a subject.

The scripture is not saying we go about giving help to all people all the time without weighing the needs against the Holy Word. It means we are to measure the circumstance in light of the person's ups and downs, his highs and lows. You study the person and find out what helps that person feel encouraged and what events tend to pull him down. This means we should take time and be determined to really know and understand the other person.  Investment in time and studying is necessary to get to know someone. This kind of knowledge does not come by accident, but by determined pursuit. Do not be quick to judge and do not pigeonhole anyone's needs.

In light of this understanding, we must remember that although the local church is to be a place where we can come to worship and hear the Word of God preached and taught, it is also a place where God manifests Himself in healings and miracles. And beyond all of that it is the place where believers should "consider one another".  Often, we are distant to others and therefore miss out blessing others. Sometimes, it is easier to get to know one another in a small group. 

Consider was one word the other is PROVOKE! All I can think of is a cattle prod!  Right after we get to know the person, we are also responsible to encourage them along even if it means to walk alongside the person and propel them forward into action for their life's situation. Now I am not speaking about being brash and hostel to that person.  It could be a sharp word given in love! It could be a short sentence like "It is none of your business; let her live her own life."

You may have already guessed that "provoking" one another can be either a positive or a negative thing! Another way to provoke in the negative sense of the word is to irritate, to anger, to enrage another. Obviously, this provoking is not of the Holy Spirit! It is true our "provoking" relationships with other believers should compel us to become better, stronger, and bolder in the Lord and to live a victorious life in the natural as well.

I often ask, "How do I do this, Lord?"  How do I love enough to provoke other believers in a positive way? How can I stimulate believers in such a way that makes them want to walk in love and do good works? How can I (we) sharpen and inspire our fellow believers who are in need of endurance? We can come alongside that person and love them enough not to leave them in discouragement and defeat. We can sharpen them, prod them, propel them, and inspire them to keep on fighting the good fight of faith! All believers need to be provoked at times, no matter what their position is in the Body of Christ. Everyone needs a loving push in the right direction now and then!

This verse plainly tells us that we should be extremely concerned about each other's welfare and spiritual progression. We are to get involved in other believers lives, not just for our own benefit, but to be a benefit to others as well. We need people who will love us, observe us, and support us when we are struggling or standing on a word from God. However, at the same time, others need our assistance too.

Proverbs 17:17 NIV says, " A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Real friends love no matter the circumstances. They will love us and assist us when we are experiencing challenging times.

There is nothing like living in an atmosphere of faith and love being surrounded with believers who really believe and practice the Word of God. Having friends like all of you and being a friend like this to you helps give us the strength we needs to live as an over-comers.

The joy and satisfaction comes when fellow believers go out of their way to call you, to come see you, to write you a note, or to personally check up on you and share their life's story with you so that you can be encouraged! Just knowing someone cares enough to do that can make a difference!

In my past, I have provoked in the negative sense.  Today I ask you to consider with me ways to uplift those in our believers' circle! Make a quality decision to become an expert at provoking others unto love and good deeds

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fw: When Life Seems Grey

It was rather grey at the town beach this morning. Yet the sun prevailed. I could almost sense the rays penetrate my skin. With all of that, it was bringing to mind the of things that are seen and those that are not seen and how they both play a part in our lives.

When life seems grey—at a stand still—I remember to thank God for what he has done and is doing in my life. Even if I cannot see the evidence of His presence, I know He is working within me. Thanking Him for all the obvious things is easy, but when it comes to those things that are blind to me, it is not so easy. Yet I am thanking Him in advance for changing, for rearranging me into the person He has created me to be.

When I say obvious things in my life, I mean things like not being so snappy, so agitated, irritated, and needing to relax. Dianne, He says, be at peace, trust I am doing a new work in you! This edge in you is being washed away like the tide rounds off the jagged edges of the rocky sea shore. Insecurity is another thing. Will people love me, receive me for who I am in God. Let me change my perspective here. If they love me, they love Christ and if they reject me they reject Christ. Wow! That is a throne room perspective! Mat 10:40 The Holy Spirit is always pointing me to Christ and not SELF!

It is those deeper inner places that the Spirit is after. They are the places of my subconscious. Places unknown to me yet known to Him who dwells within me! He alone can touch those places and make us whole and I so thank Him for ministering to me and to you!

Luke 11:39-41 Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees because they are sooooo concerned with the outer appearance and not working on their inner man. With that I am so grateful that the Lord is working and changing the unseen hostel places and creating in us a clean heart; a heart pure and holy in His sight!

Just as when the sun was unseen the other day, I came home a little pinker and a little more tan than I was before. So even when we do not think God is up to anything with us, HE IS. As the Holy Spirit works in these unknown, unseen places within, fresh new fruit is exposed at the appropriate time.

So I say to you and I, rest assured that the Kingdom of God is at hand and "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." Romans 8:26-27. NIV




Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Hunt: Comments from Josie on Mount Carmel in Israel

Love it and identify with it. What a great picture she has portrayed here I am definately in the "hunt" and love it.
Blessings to this precious sister!