When life seems grey—at a stand still—I remember to thank God for what he has done and is doing in my life. Even if I cannot see the evidence of His presence, I know He is working within me. Thanking Him for all the obvious things is easy, but when it comes to those things that are blind to me, it is not so easy. Yet I am thanking Him in advance for changing, for rearranging me into the person He has created me to be.
When I say obvious things in my life, I mean things like not being so snappy, so agitated, irritated, and needing to relax. Dianne, He says, be at peace, trust I am doing a new work in you! This edge in you is being washed away like the tide rounds off the jagged edges of the rocky sea shore. Insecurity is another thing. Will people love me, receive me for who I am in God. Let me change my perspective here. If they love me, they love Christ and if they reject me they reject Christ. Wow! That is a throne room perspective! Mat 10:40 The Holy Spirit is always pointing me to Christ and not SELF!
It is those deeper inner places that the Spirit is after. They are the places of my subconscious. Places unknown to me yet known to Him who dwells within me! He alone can touch those places and make us whole and I so thank Him for ministering to me and to you!
Luke 11:39-41 Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees because they are sooooo concerned with the outer appearance and not working on their inner man. With that I am so grateful that the Lord is working and changing the unseen hostel places and creating in us a clean heart; a heart pure and holy in His sight!
Just as when the sun was unseen the other day, I came home a little pinker and a little more tan than I was before. So even when we do not think God is up to anything with us, HE IS. As the Holy Spirit works in these unknown, unseen places within, fresh new fruit is exposed at the appropriate time.
So I say to you and I, rest assured that the Kingdom of God is at hand and "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." Romans 8:26-27. NIV
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