Monday, August 11, 2008

The Sword of the Spirit


Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. — Ephesians 6:17


Have you ever been in a situation where you have exhausted yourself and come to realize you needed a God Word for your circumstance? Did you find yourself fumbling through the Word and yet not find what you needed?


Today we will pick up the sword of the Spirit. It is our BIBLE a.k.a. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth….


In my experience, when I just about get to the end of self the Holy Spirit kicks in.  He drops a word into my heart and then a strong peaceful confidence floods my being followed by a burst of energy exploding within giving me a fresh prospective. That word is a rhema word for it carries incredible power to drive the enemy back off his attack!


That is how it begins with me.  I get a quickening word from the Spirit and then rhema (or an enlightened word).  When this occurs I can then get into the Logos or the written Word and find a scripture to set my feet firmly upon until the manifest victory appears.


The rhema and quickening of the Spirit comes more quickly these days.  Praise God for that! J I attribute this to my relationship with the Lord; my diligence in the Word.  Now believe me I do not study theology or take Bible classes, but I am dedicated to read the Word morning and night and even during the course of the day.  When I taught local adult education computer class, we joked about GIGO. It is an old computer term meaning Garbage In Garbage Out.  If you put the right data  into the computer, you will get the proper information out. The same is true with our relationship with our heavenly Father. The more we ingest the Word of God, the more we have in us, and the more comes out. GIGO once again, but now I see it as God in God out. J 


Last week I traveled caravan style with our son and his wife, two cats and our granddaughter Alex to Monticello Kentucky. My focus on the trip was to help them with Alex so the trip would be more comfortable. Part of that for me was to read the Word as I always do. My relationship with the Lord never goes on vacation.  It is my way of life. At one point, my son told me, "Mom, the book did not change since the last time you read it." My response was very simple. It is new and changes every day! Not only that, but I know the more I meditate on the Word the more it becomes a part of me and the easier I can spot the enemy!


Therefore, as I need to advance in the Kingdom of Heaven and slay the enemy, the Word I have read becomes that rhema, a weapon to stab and kill the enemy. (Ephesians 6:17) Notice particularly that Paul says, "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." That word I have ingested becomes life and a power source that destroys every yoke of the enemy.


So whenever adversity comes, I am fully equipped to slain the enemy.  Just one word with that Holy Ghost Power will do it! Some of the best one-liners were used by Jesus.  I will repeat some of those to you now.  "It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God"  "Get behind me Satan" "It is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve" Then Satan tried to tempt Jesus to prove His deity. But Jesus answered His adversary with a sword, saying, "It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God".


 Like the Lord Jesus, you are equipped with all the armor of God, and this includes the sword of the Spirit. As long as you have this spiritual equipment, no battle is a real threat to you or me!


Today if you will open your heart and listen, the Holy Spirit will place in your heart and hands the exact rhema you need to put the devil on the run!


He also said something like this… I will go to the Father and when I do I will send the comforter, counselor, teacher and you will do greater things then I. Check it out there is more than one verse in that statement!


The challenge today is whether you will you be a friend to Jesus and the Father and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth. Fall in love with Him who has loved you before you were even a twinkle in your dad's eye!



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