Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Dear Dianne,
I could relate to the things that you asked if we could relate to. . .
Only recently have I had a breakthrough.  I've battled with depression for years and am finally realizing that the missing link was a "daily" walk with God and for me that is work.  Although, I am beginning to find it a pleasure to be "invited" into God's presense daily.  And I'm finding that as I "draw nigh to God, He is 'drawing' nigh to me." 
This is not only helping with the depression, but it is helping my relationships with people, as well as, my work ethics.  I can now say that I am "working as unto the Lord."  My current job is working with elementary age children in an after school program.
Although, the children are great, I don't believe working with children is my gift.  The burden God has put on my heart is for those who battle with depression.  He has brought me through a long journey to where I am to today and I believe God wants me to share with others my story in order to encourage them. 
I don't know as yet, how God is going to use me in all this.  However, at least for the time being, I encourage who I can on a one-to-one basis.
I mentioned above that God "has brought me through a long journey."  One of things I can relate to in your message is "laziness."  In the depression, I had the tendancy to "sleep to avoid life and pain."  And while in this state, I spent much time in bed.  In addition, I isolated myself from people who could have been there to help me, if I'd only take a "step of faith."
Thankfully, I've found a loving, caring group of people at my church.  Also, we recently had a "life course" (a course on various subjects for instance - budgeting) on "Overcoming Depression.  It was very, very helpful and I truly believe that I've had a breakthrough after suffering with depression for many years.
I look forward to how God is going to use me in my "work" with others.
Thank you for another message that I can "ponder in my heart."
God bless,

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