Sunday, April 5, 2009

Celebrate Palm Sunday

To my beloved friends!
Celebrate our King who was and is to come!  Visit with friends and family and loved ones and share the message of His coming! 
Share what He has done in your life and what He promises to fulfill.  His word will never be retracted.  It is alive and is appropriate for NOW.   
Reflect on the Word of the Lord that comes forth through others to you. When we get a glimps of the future our lives change.  We work the Word of the Lord into our lives. Once we see ourselves as God our Father does we strive to hit the mark. This was Scriptural--Purely Scripture!  It was straight from the heart of our Father.
Reflect on the prophetic words and words of Knowledge that have come into your life.  Remember how His Grace and Mercy fell upon you!  In your quiet time rejoice! 
As you gather in Faith with believers, the Lord will continue to grow your faith! 
I look forward to more encounters with our loving Father. How about you?
Reflect and Rejoice for in our celebrating He will continue to make Himself known.
May He greet you with an embrace and a holy kiss.

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