Have you ever been in a situation where your presence intimidates those who are around you? Have you ever shared an opinion and others do not give theirs. I have.
To intimidate implies inducing fear or a sense of inferiority into another person. It could mean to manipulate one under submission. How ungodly can one be? Have you ever seen the result of browbeating? It is to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech.
It was early this week that the Lord brought this to my attention. He also reminded me of how often I have made mention on how my presence intimidates others! WOW, I never considered the definition. If anything I want to be the encourager He intended me to be. Many years past I could consider my ways and say that I did intimidate others. Lord, forgive me. I want to be the lifter of one's faith.
Gently the Holy Spirit led me into the truth. I have been cursing myself. The proper word is conviction. No longer do I intimidate; yet, my presence brings His presence and that may bring about conviction to another. No longer will I use the word intimidate when I mean convict.
Then I began to think of what this really means. My God I repent of those times I caused people to think less of themselves and cower down. I repent for instilling fear or using any type of manipulation.
If you find yourself guilty as charged, repent along with me. No longer looking back and being used of the flesh. Ask for forgiveness and be set free. Be secure in HIM and allow HIM to flow through you.
Knowing that intimidation is fleshly, then conviction must be of the Spirit. Well if people are convicted in your presence, it may not have anything to do with what you say. It has to do with the presence you carry. For the Holy One brings about conviction to the heart, and leads one to repentence and forgiveness. What a powerful tool we become, if we carry the HOLY SPIRIT!
Fast and pray my dear friends. For in our prayer time, conviction comes and the Holy Spirit fills us to overflowing! Ask Him to reveal to you the inner workings. Let Him expose your wrong thinking, actions, and words. May we all become more like HIM.
From His presence to yours, Dianne
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