Worship is not only an attitude, a state of mind, but also a matter of the heart. It is the spirit of awe, reverence, and respect toward God; His thoughts and His ways. It is far more than simply just a song and cannot be defined by or confined to a specific time frame occurring within the framework of a church service or meeting. If this is our perception of worship we need to change.
Worship is freeing, refreshing, and exhilarating! True worship is the laying down of a "self-life" and its pursuits in order to embrace the thoughts and ways of the Lord; to esteem and favor the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Worship is a lifestyle of living with a heart whose knee is bent in the presence of God and whose ears, and eyes are opened to hear His voice and capture the vision of who He is.
Our depth of worship will never supersede our depth of revelation. What is the reason I choose to write about worship and some of the ways in which we do worship? My answer is that Worship is our response to His divine love to us. It is our spirit man telling our flesh to come before the King and reverence Him.
Worship is the place where "self" is completely sacrificed and put to death, so that the fullness of the True Life may be discovered. It is when we only have His interest in mind.
Do you remember those love songs you associate with yourself and your sweetheart? Was it too long ago? Or do those same love songs send you running into your lovers arms? Dick and I have such a song. "Just the Two of Us" Just the two of us we can make it if we try…
It was this song and many others that held that lovin' feeling within me toward Dick! Ok, you might ask what does that have to do with God? It is my way in helping to describe worship. Being held by the one I love gave me peace, security, and an overwhelming sense of freedom to be me. This is the place I come to when I worship the Lord.
To get lost in your lover's arms is a wonderful experience. All you want to do is please them; love them until you cannot love anymore. You will cook, clean, decorate your home, and yes even want to wait on them. You have an overwhelming sense to please them. You might even dress for them. I understand part of this is what is called the honeymoon stage of our life together with our mates. However, that love does not leave as the years go on; it grows.
So how do we worship the King? How do we get lost in His presence? How do we? How do we do? Through our dress, through our reaction to others, our words, deeds, and most importantly our life style!
What about through music? What is your love song to the King of Kings? What music and words do we sing? The Word tells us that we are to lift up holy hands and also that we are to be holy as He is holy. Dance before the King, sing praises, rehearse His greatness and magnificence. Bring to remembrance what He has done in your life. How He has touched your loved ones and others through your very own hands. Play an instrument and sing a new song. Wave banners of worship and praise!
How many times have we done childish things to make our loved one smile? How innocent do we approach the Lord in our worship? I would do anything to give God the praise and worship He rightfully deserves. So I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone—dance, sing, clap your hands, wave a flag to your King. Get before Him and lie down in His presence giving yourself totally to Him and Him alone. I know He will make the world go away and show Himself to you in a greater measure of your understanding. He does that for me and wants to do it more and more for all of us.
Just the name Jesus sung over and over again is worship. What a privilege we have to use that powerful name! He is our Savior, Redeemer, all powerful King. What a Father we have in heaven. His love so great that He allowed Jesus to come and die so that we might not only live in eternity but be able to share in our Father's eternal love. Holy Spirit come and set us free. Convict us once and for all. Break the chains of bondages, sin, and shame. Pour into us the Love and compassion of our Lord Jesus the Christ.
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