Monday, April 4, 2011

Something to Think About

I used to think that those who were meek and humble were wishy-washy people. I know what you are thinking. You probably agree that people who let people walk all over them and take advantage of them are meek and humble. I have found that not to be true.

Being willing to admit we are wrong and able to learn from those whom are correct is a humble person. A meek person is patient with others. And knowing the greater plan helps one to be meek. It is easier to listen and pray for those who persecute us when we know they do not understand the truth!

Now think. Only moistened clay can take on to a mold; only softened wax can be pressed into a seal. These statements are true. Have you ever tried to place old crumbled clay into a mold to form a pot?

When I was young, I had fun sealing notes to my friends using candle wax. I found I could use all sorts of things to form the perfect seal for my trademark. To be successful the candle had to be lit and I had to be ready to press as soon as the wax dropped!

Romans 12:21
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

So it is with the condition of our hearts. We come to our Heavenly Father with a broken contrite heart ready for His seal; ready to adapt to the mold He has in mind for us. And then when life's challenges and Godly opportunities come our way and we are ready to receive and overcome evil with good!

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