Monday, August 8, 2011

In Love

Do you remember when that special someone came into your life? You jJust couldn't get enough of them; right? There was constant communication and you were never lost for words. You couldn't wait for that intimate embrace in the honeymoon suite. Every chance you got you were trying to surprise him with a treat of sorts.

How about when it came to all your friends? You just couldn't wait to show him off, telling them all about his dynamic talents and attributes. What a catch I have; what a treasure!

Yeah, when we are in love with that special someone we cannot help but boast about him, share our excitement, and have others experience for themselves that unique relationship you have with him-a relationship that could only have been made in heaven.

I must confess that I am frustrated that I do not see many boasting about Jesus. They say they love Him and yet do not talk about what He has done for them or how wonderful He is just being who He is. If you confess that you are a Christian and you never boast about Jesus or share about your treasured relationship with Him; it is time to sit back and ask yourself this question. "Am I truly going to heaven to spend the rest of eternity with my Savior?"

Luke 9: 26-27
For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory, and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. "But I say to you truthfully, there are some of those standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God." (ASB)

"Lord I pray that my heart melts and my eyes, ears, and my mind are open to Your everlasting, perfect love. Help me Lord to crave Your Word and a relationship that will change me and grows me into the bride you expect me to be! Amen"

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