Monday, June 18, 2012


Life has been an extended gift since 1991 when I experienced a miraculous touch. I have been Crohn's free ever since. A life in Christ is free indeed!

Today I can say the same. After a series of events I found myself in the hospital having a tumor removed from my large intestine. Today I am recovering from that surgery. I can truly say it was man's hand that removed that thing but it was God's plan all the long to provide a healing like no man can offer. Once again I am grateful for His guiding hand upon my life

Before 1991 I lived life through a series of events that provided comfort by meeting my personal needs and my growing children's needs. All those years passed by without a thought to my Savior's desires for my life. Yet, His mercy fell upon me again and again to prove His unfailing love for me.

Today I live Grateful-Grateful for His Mercy that gave me an opportunity to change my life and for His Grace to empower me for the rest of my days living for Him. A Grace to finish the race. I guess you can say you cannot out do God.

The world offered me a limited life with limited benefits. But Grace has granted me the opportunity to be His servant with the benefits of eternal life, benefits to watch our children grow in Christ, and the benefits to share stories of Jesus with our grandchildren and others. And the benefits to live a long life with my husband and to prosper as my soul prospers. Have you considered yourself grateful?

You and I might feel a little like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego facing a walk in a fiery furnace. Remember, they walked in the fire because they worshiped the one true God. They were not alone. We are not alone either! He is with us and will never forsake us. And that is surly something to be Grateful for.

A gal friend of mine wrote "Attitudes of gratitude and a heart of expectancy create opportunities for blessings." This is a quote from her book, Fresh Bread. If you are feeling down and want a word from the Lord read her book and your spirit will be lifted up to His! Check it out at

Today, Lord I come to you with a grateful heart lifting up Your name that is above any other. Praises and thanksgiving flow from my lips without reservations. For You are my Healer in time of sickness, You are my comforter in times of sorrow, You are my protector and provider when I am in need. You are all...and more to me. Praise you Jesus, Thank you Father and Hallelujah to the Holy Spirit. Without you I would be nothing. With You, all things are possible.

Blessings, dianne

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