My spirit man is led by Holy Spirit to holy Wisdom-this wisdom from above gives insight to righteous understanding of His truths. Spiritual insights produce fruit in our natural "sight" -things that are visible in our lives.
Hope is our springboard into faith-greater faith which leads us to confidence and trust in the Almighty. That faith produces more faith and is also manifested in the natural. Faith causes us to see in the future that for which naturally would not occur.
Father God uses all things like circumstances and relationships to show forth His glory in us. All things are meant to strengthen us and grow our character. For He tells us we are the hope of glory. He sees this hope and we proclaim His glory! Amen.
I say, Yes Lord, use the miraculous to shake us from the world's clutches so we can focus upon our relationship with YOU. Jesus walked this earth reaching the desperate and deprived souls that were searching for more and feeling empty of being satisfied. Those that are walking the wrong path reaching for natural possessions that produce more hunger and cravings for even more. Jesus touched the Samaritan woman at the well. He touched the woman who begged telling Him that even the dogs eat the scraps from the kings table. The centurion's faith allowed Jesus to speak the word and the girl was healed. It was the centurion's faith in the authority and power of Jesus that produced that healing. I could go on and on. All of these and more had one thing in common---stretching FAITH that believed that the Nazarene was speaking with divine power and authority. That is the same power and authority He has entrusted to us.
Saints I implore you-just walk a little closer with thee. Lay your head at His breast. Let your heart beat in sync with His. This life of ours becomes a journey with less burden; a life filled with expectations of the marvelous intervention of God.
If God uses a miracle in your life give Him the praise. If He is using man's hand in healing you-go through the journey increasing your intimacy with God and know all things are to reveal His goodness and draw more men unto Him. In all things praise Him giving Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
For His eyes are upon you. His mercy endures forever and His grace is flowing in your direction. Be aware of His hand of love upon you, in you, and working through you to touch others. It is humbling to know He cares for me and you. Once known as a sinner, I am now a sinner who stands in Holy boldness professing His forgiveness-Shouting His worth from the mountain tops.
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