Monday, February 18, 2013

What About Eight

Before I get into what I believe to be of the Lord, I want you to know this. Sometimes the Lord will give me a picture, or a word, a number or even the spoken word from another. When I latch onto that thing, I allow Holy Spirit to lead me into what I believe He would like to reveal to us all--Me included!

1 John 5:4 "For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith." 

With a new life, a revived life in Christ, there are New Beginnings. The number 8 means new beginnings. In this time Peace will override the stress and the worry and disasters in life. Tranquility will be evident in your life. Peace of the Lord transcends all understanding. There will be more and more fruit in your life while you are in the midst of taking territory in your New Beginning. There will be no lack of love and more of wisdom that flows directly from the throne room of Peace. In John 8 there is talk about putting on our new nature. Liberally strip the man of flesh that fights the spirit man. We must subdue the flesh and live in the SPIRIT

Shame, blame, and false witness will be erased. Our Father will eradicate our false synthetic peace and replace it with His authentic Peace. No longer will our sin come back to haunt us. We will be set free.

Our History, our Past becomes the platform for us to witness to others. It will be as if we are speaking of another person. And we will be, because the old me and you no longer exists. Shame and Pride has no hook on me or you. Judgments on people will be replaced with loving suggestions of change.

The spirit of Jesus came to earth and walked a figure 8 to set forth a covenant with Abram when he was resting in the spirit. He was laying in a trance while the Spirit of Jesus was walking the pattern. Just as we become new so was Abram. The Lord changed his name to give us the type and shadow of one being saved. Knowing that, you realize that 8 is the recognition of Jesus, Lord and Savior.

God knew Abram could not keep the covenant in his own strength. That is why the spirit of Jesus in the form of a man came and walked the covenant, the figure 8, with Abram and made it with Himself also.

If you know anything about ham radio, 88 is used in Morse code to mean love and kisses. Dick and I used to talk over the repeater and send 88s to each other all the time. It is the Lord who loved us so deeply that He gave His life so we could have eternity with Him. Well the kisses part is easy. It is all the promises Jesus gives us. Just reach out and ask. Go to the word and grab hold of your promised kiss today.

Break the habits of sin, fear, worry, and generational sin. The Father is waiting for you to apply His son's blood to every situation so you will be set FREE. He will guide you and help you look past the faults and contradictions of the past. You decide to break the generational curses and He will set you free into a new life. Be realistic. Balance your present life and believe in your future. See things thru the eyes of Jesus. Ask Holy Spirit to have you see others in the same light Jesus does. As we begin to walk in the spirit by faith, Holy Spirit will cut through all oppressive atmosphere and He will bring forth substantial results in your physical bodies.

So 88 It is the love of Christ that allowed Jesus to go to the cross and as He embraced His purpose in life Jesus opens the Doors of promises to us all in Christ.

Jesus truly paid the price for our sin so that we may reap eternal peace, physical healing, and communion with the Father.

Recently it was shared with me that 888 means to be set free from the curse of bondage! Come on now people; Truth always prevails. That is what I am talking about. Let us begin today with New Beginnings in this New Year! Let the Lord create a new man or woman in YOU! Realizing the price was paid with Jesus' shed blood the law was satisfied; never again do we need to sacrifice with the blood of animals or give love offerings of those same animals. In our lives once and for all it is finished so that the Father see's us thru the blood of Jesus allowing us to be intimate with the Father.

Joseph is a picture of what God gives to us to put on. (Genesis 37:3) God is a God of color, of diversity, of beauty, and of brightness. He takes us beyond the place of grey and dullness calling us to dream beyond ourselves into a place that overflows and affects others. Just as Joseph had the dream that God had given him, he also had to overcome many things to see those dreams come to pass. Remember, nothing is too hard for the Lord. I say NOTHING.

Okay Folks, now if you could follow along with my 8s, let us pray together: "Heavenly Father we love you, we offer our lives up to you and we give you our time, talents as well as our transgressions! Thank you Jesus for setting us free and Holy Spirit for keeping us placed and mounted on the rock of our Salvation. Thanks for leading the way to the chief cornerstone--Jesus. May we also be pointers to the way, the truth, and the life you have to offer all mankind. In Jesus name we pray.

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