Monday, April 29, 2013

God is Sovereign

But that does not mean He does not want our involvement with His work. So you might ask how do we join in with the Lord's handiwork? So I sat and thought about it and came up with these:
  1. Prayer of protection against the wiles of imagination and works of divination
  2. Prayer of thanksgiving and releasing of angelic forces around yourself and all those involved.
  3. Prayer of wisdom for all caregivers and their protection and well being
  4. Prayer for healing both physical and emotional.
Jesus spent time to withdraw from the crowds and withdraw from ministry before He entered another dimension of his journey. His ministry began when he entered his late 20s. However, there were times when he was younger when he spoke in the temple and at the marriage feast. "God the Father gave him a sense of his ministry then to help him prepare for what was to come. I believe our Father God does the same with us.

You might ask does He act upon our request and petitions. The answer is yes. The question is "Does it line up with the word and is your mind focused in on Christ Jesus? Asking for His will then we are joining in?

     5.  Pray for the abundant life here and in eternity.
     6.  Ask for the completion of the race He has set before us!
          If you know the specifics, pray them through.
          If not ask and they will be given to you.

Remember sovereign means He can do anything at any time using any means He chooses to bring about His plan. But with all that, let us consider His mercies that are new every morning and His grace is sufficient for us to live a victorious life!

So welcome prayer warriors to the battleground-fighting against powers and principalities of darkness. Be renewed in your body, mind and spirit. There might be some of you who are considering prayer, I suggest that you begin with these simple suggestions and ask Holy Spirit to open up the doors of opportunities and lead you into victory. Pray and then sit back and watch God work with His sovereign hand.

The Lord is calling us into relationship and I cannot think of a better way to get to know Him better. Experience His love and power firsthand in your life and in the life of your loved ones.

For you experienced prayer warriors, send in your comments and additions to share with us all. Either email them to me at or post them here on my blog.

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