Friday, December 28, 2007


This is a special time of year for me. It is the midterm, or you could say is the bridge between Christmas and New Years. But for me it is not about the bridging as much as it is about the growing into a stronger spiritual being. It is a time of reflection and a time of taking stock of the year's blessings, and the shortcomings in my life.

Thanking is a great part of my life. Thanking people, thanking the nature of life's circumstances and most of all thanking my heavenly Father for all He has done. I pray that I become more humble and obedient to the Father's call.

The Lord has taken the hurts I licked and nurtured and turned them into His loving heart. You got it. I was enabled to override my ego, my fleshly nature that encourages hurt, un-forgiveness and resentment to grow. I allowed the work of the Holy Spirit to flood my soul so I could receive love and give love to those who continue to try to pull me away from His Grace and purpose!

You might have areas in your life where you have allowed the Father to love you into wellness. Maybe you still have other areas where you need His Grace to touch! I know by taking stock of my past year and applying the Word to those still hidden hurts within, the gates of 2008 will open in my life.

Love attracts love. Peace and Joy are present in our lives when we can live free from the bondage of hurts. Harmony with my spirit man exists when I accept people and life as is.

Let us have communion with the Father.
Let us unite with the Christ within.
Let us allow this union to create an indestructible bond!

Lord, open the flood gates of 2008.
Let us not be late! Nor tolerate—those things not of Him.

Let us love to over flowing, as we rejoice in
His gates of refreshing
His gates of opportunity
His gates of setting us free
His gates of the NOW!

Knowing we are His and He is ours!
Our desires have been instilled within
Causing 2008 to be GREAT!

Remain steadfast in the Lord!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I am who I am?

As I think about my life, my children, my husband, and my possessions, I realize they do not make me who I am. I'm so far greater—much more—deeper and so much more spiritual,

There was a time before conception when I was created by my Mother/Father God. I was fashioned after the Great I am. My spirit being is perfect in every way; just as He is perfect, I am also. I was created in the image and likeness of God Himself. I have the DNA of my creator.

Jesus said to know me is to know the Father. Shall we say the same? Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying I am God or even a little god at that. What I am saying is that the "true me" has nothing to do with this flesh and blood or my cognitive thinking.

We are who we were before we became flesh!

I have come to believe that when we were conceived the Lord breathed His ruah "breath of life" (our spirit man who was before we became flesh) into our fetus being to give us eternal life. There in the spirit man lays the statues of the Lord and our purpose and provision for living life.

Becoming flesh and blood!

There is a song about a little bit me and a little bit you. This is referring to a small infant. Yes! I can see where our sons are a little like me and a little like their father. In looks, personality and sometimes in character they resemble each of us.

When we are born of flesh into this pagan world to parents, who are well intentioned and have the experience and knowledge of this world to pass on to us, we begin our learning process. This is not all bad, either! Yet we are taught to ignore our spirit man and to get "real". "There are NO imaginary friends, monsters, or bogie men." Sometimes we are taught that there is no spirit realm at all. No God, no angles, no devil? We are taught to study hard and achieve all we can. Live life on the defensive, trust no one, and look out for number 1 at all costs.

You might think this is all harsh, however, somewhat true, depending on what family you were born into. The more indoctrinated we become to this world and our intellect the more we loose contact with our "true being".

Let us be aware of our drifting into humanity and away from God and our true selves. Let us meditate on the word of God, washing our minds to whom we are, our true identity, power, and authority. Above all, God is Love and we are made of that love. Therefore, tap into the greatest existence, the essence of God and that is you! Tap into your divine nature and become that person God predestined you to be!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Next Dimension

Are you born again? Are you a believer in Jesus Christ? Do you believe that He who is within you is greater and can over come the world? Are you created in the image and likeness of God Himself?

What about those statements?

If Christ in me is the hope of glory and I truly am a new creature in Christ Jesus, why do I fall short of the cross? Should we pick up our cross and follow after Him? And what in the world does that mean?

I have recently been pondering about who I really am. For sure I want to think the best, yet I fall into the trap of criticizing and judging myself. I am not measuring up to who I am supposed to be! Then the thoughts began to flood into my being my natural human self. I will never be Jesus and I should not expect this mortal man to compare with the perfect man. Yet I do know that I am made perfect! My spirit man is perfect. The light of Christ is within He is forever molding and changing me on the inside. It is only a matter of time that the out side will manifest what the Holy Spirit is doing on the inside.

I get it! Therefore, I surrender to my mortal self, my human circumstances and I allow myself the space to view myself and my life from an objective place. That place is who I am in Christ and who Christ is withn me! The pressure is off. This spiritual dimension is something that most just read about. Most just think about it and imagine it; yet, people do not shut off their emotions and their minds long enough to experience their spirit man. From this place we can see more clearly and are able to know the next action that needs to be taken. All one thing and one moment at a time.

I once made a statement: "God can use me because I don't have much up there!"
It is easier for me to shut off my intellect and easier to allow God to use my complete whole spirit man to minister and speak. Now I am not saying that the intellect has no purpose for it certainly does. But in order to live according to His righteousness and love we must surrender to that new man within and allow our spirit man to direct the human intellect and emotion.

Surrender! Surrender Now! This is the Time and the Place where ever you find yourself whatever condition your are in¦... Now this very second in time. Is there need in your life? In this very moment? In this second let life be! Let people be! Let self be! Then it is easier to go on from here!

I am made from pure agape love and I will exude that love as I surrender to the work that is taking place in my life.. All life is good! God sees your heart, your intentions! It is all there to produce the good within and in my mortal existence. Excepting this process I am able to go forward without reaction and resistance. I can go forward in love and step out in faith with our creator! You know the words of Jesus, I just work where I see my Father working. (According to me)

Is there anything in your life you can do to change the situation, or improve your quality of life, or remove yourself from it? If the answer is "NO", then surrender and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through. Allow a miracle to happen. Stand in the stance of love! Surrender to the trial or emotion of it all. Where there is surrender there is peace, where there is peace you will find a deep inner joy and profound love you have never experienced before!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Let Love Be Without Dissimulation

(Romans 12:9)

Have you ever heard the words "I love you" from someone you really believed to be your friend, only to find out later that this same person talked behind your back, gossiped about you, and didn't treat you the way a real friend should?

If you confronted that person about his actions, did he admit what he did and apologize for it? Or did he lie and try to cover up his deeds, even though you already knew the facts? Did it deeply disturb you to see him put on a fake face and pretend that he was your best friend and that none of the allegations were true, even though you knew he was lying?

If you have ever experienced a situation like this, you know how very hurtful it is when a "so-called" friend behaves this way. It shows a level of hypocrisy that is deeply disturbing. This type of behavior should never occur among believers, but unfortunately it does from time to time.

To make sure you never fall into this kind of hypocrisy, the apostle Paul wrote and told you, "Let love be without dissimulation."

Love as it is used here refers to the Greek word agape, a word that describes the highest, finest, and most noble kind of love. In the New Testament, it is the single word that is used to describe the love of God. The word agape is so filled with deep emotion and meaning that it is one of the most difficult words to translate in the New Testament. It is perfect, clear without judgments or requirements!

Agape occurs when an individual accepts, recognizes, understands, or appreciates the value of a person, or circumstance causing the viewer to behold this time in life or person in great esteem, awe, admiration, wonder, and sincere appreciation... Unconditional... To lie down or surrender all that is impure and unjust in it all or in the person. That bible tells us it is all GOOD. Such great respect is awakened in the heart of the observer for the circumstance or person he is beholding that he is compelled to love and love through it. In fact, his love for that person or object is so strong that it is irresistible. God works all things together for His good. Awe to see through the eyes of our spiritual heart!

Perhaps the best example of agape is found in John 3:16:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "Love" in this passage refers to God's agape love for us. You see, the human race was so precious to God and He loved man so deeply that His heart was stirred to reach out and do something to save him. In other words, God's love drove Him to action. God's agape love was so profound that it knew no limits or boundaries in how far, wide, high, and deep He went to show His love for us. If necessary, agape love will even sacrifice itself for the sake of that situation or person it so deeply cherishes.. You can see from this description why agape is the highest, finest, and most noble form of love. This is precisely the kind of love that should exist between believers and believers in their ! life's walk.

The apostle John also wrote, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth" (1 John 3:18). Here, John is trying to define "Agape Love", he makes it very clear that real agape love is not merely a matter of speaking easy and empty words; rather it is accompanied by actions that are truthful (actions speak louder than words). It is hypocritical to claim to possess such love while at the same time engaging in unfaithful behavior such as backbiting and gossiping.

We all need to activate God's "Agape Love" which is forgiving and helpful, willing even to sacrifice oneself for the sake of someone else.