And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. — Colossians 2:15
We can count on the fact that there are unseen evil forces assigned to kill, steal, and destroy everything good in our lives. The Bible clearly teaches that these devilish forces band together to commit acts of aggression against the saints — and that includes you and me!
Paul wrote many verses about spiritual weapons, spiritual armor. He also told us how we are to resist these unseen, demonic forces. Yet it is very important that we approach this subject with the right attitude!
Because of Jesus' death on the Cross and His resurrection from the dead, the forces of hell are already defeated. However, even though they have been legally stripped of their authority and power, they continue to roam around this earth, carrying out evil deeds like criminals, bandits, hooligans, and thugs trying to convince us that they rule. And just like criminals who refuse to submit to the law, these evil spirits will continue to operate in this world until some believer stands for who he is and uses his God- given authority to enforce their defeat!
The TRUTH is: These demonic forces are legally stripped of their authority and are defeated! We are not puny, struggling believers who are somehow trying to learn how to cope with the devil's attacks against us. We are not merely trying to learn how to scrape by or survive. Jesus' death and resurrection gave us the legal authority to keep Satan under our feet, so we must always make sure we approach spiritual warfare as victors and not victims.
Shew is a very tiny mouse like yet very aggressive mammals. Tiny foxes spoil the vine? Yes? Remember that Jesus has already accomplished the victory for us on the cross? Yes but it was the POWER of His resurrection that allows us to take possession! Right in plain sight, how bold and confident can we be in Jesus? Bold enough to lead people to the Lord, confident enough to know when we lay hands on the sick they are recovered!
Think about the night when Jesus took his last breath. There was an earthquake, lightening, probably winds and rains, and dead rooming the streets! Woo. The victory we have in Jesus was no quiet affair. Jesus boldly, confidently, and loudly exposed and displayed this now-defunct foe to Heaven's hosts. Make no mistake! When Jesus "made a shew of them openly," it was quite a spectacular show!
So let us "triumph" over the schemes of satan. For me, I say let us party and celebrate what Jesus has done for us all. Let us put aside our gloomy faces and trials of this time and celebrate JESUS! Celebrate the victory in our lives. Go tell of this great life we have hidden with Christ in God! Colossians 3: 2, 3
With every victory we get to parade around with that "thing in chains" displayed for all to see that satan is defeated and Jesus rules! So when God is faithful in your home flaunt it! When the Lord heals a loved one, tell all. When a neighbor receives Jesus make sure you welcome him into the victory of Jesus.. For the ruler of this world has lost and we have him beaten and bound him in chains for all to see. He is forced to walk in disgrace, shame, dishonor, embarrassment, and humiliation as crowds of believers come to celebrate his defeat and to get a "peek" at a once-powerful but now totally defeated opponent. For the Glory is the Lords.
Satan is not a force we are trying to defeat; he is already defeated. But because very few believers know how to effectively use their God-given authority to resist Satan, he tries to continue illegally operating and doing damage to the souls of men and even to the creation itself.
No matter what demonic strategy may come against you this day or how many demons are assembled together for your destruction, you never have to go down defeated. Jesus plundered the enemy when He rose from the dead. So when you look into the mirror, you need to learn to see yourself as one who already has the victory. You already possess the authority necessary to keep satan under your feet where he belongs. Remember, you are no longer a victim — you are a victor!
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