Simon Says was always fun to play making kids do silly things and trick them into doing an action that would make then feel dumb, have others laugh at them and ultimately cause them to loose.
I came to this definition of Simon Says by thinking how it made me feel. The teachers told us it was good to teach us listening skills and expand our attention span. Well maybe they were right; but it was negative reinforcement. Negativity we can do without, especially at such vulnerable ages.
WOW! What a terrible game to play as a child. Little did I know how debilitating that game could be on my siblings or other children in the schoolyard. It took all these years to come to this conclusion. How many other things did we all experience in our lifetime that caused us to be stymied and give the enemy a door into our emotions and spiritual man?
Mister or Miss Simon was a total dictator without benevolence, mercy or grace! Benevolence is, according to Wikipedia--characterizes the true goodness of the mind and spirit, the unbiased kindness to do good. It is the expression of agape love. Just in case, you did not know. The person playing Simon, was not Simon at all. He or she was pretending to be… Simon. The whole purpose for that person who took Simon's position, was to trip us up setting traps that we would be lured into. Sometimes even the other players tag team the weaker players. They would begin an action fooling others by making it appear they were complying and then we would be in that web of wrong.
As I grew into my teen-age years, I hung around with friends that encouraged me in doing wrong things. Yes, they were good kids too. They came from God fearing homes, went to Catholic schools, looked good and smelt good too! It seemed to me they had it all together, how could they be doing wrong? Well they all were doing it—drinking, smoking, not to mention the sex and acquiring an alluring dress style. Yap, even though I was uncomfortable in those mini skirts, I soon got over it. Just like the drinking, I took pride in the fact I could out drink guys twice my weight. Well it was the 70s, I would try anything once and if it felt good, I did it and did it again--great way to seer your conscience?
Can you see where I am going? That person taking on the role of Simon and satan have the same job. Have you ever experienced a man or woman of God quoting scripture, teaching us the golden rule then out of their mouths and actions comes something not of the Spirit? They are looking good, sounding good, and even being good then some slanted teaching comes out or a slanted lifestyle is revealed. Do we comply and agree? How do we know if it is off track? They did not say, do it. Be it. Take this as truth.
But we have the secret weapon, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth. If we stay in His Word (Jesus) and be willing for the Spirit to mold our character into the image and likeness of Christ on the outside as He has done for us on the inside, we are on our way.
My advice to you is to never accept a person as quoting gospel truths. Take in what you hear, what you see and what you experience and try it against the Holy Word of God!
We do not live by bread alone, but our soul flourishes from every Word from the Mouth of God! Therefore, I challenge you today to search out the scriptures and stand on His words alone. Don't take any one's words as Gospel.... Listen to the Holy Spirit and let Him lead you to the truth for your life!
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