Thursday, June 12, 2008


But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong
— 1 Corinthians 1:27 NIV


Consider for a moment just how incredible it was that God chose David to fight the giant Goliath. David was just a young boy when God called him. He was young in age and immature in physical development. The Philistine even marked at his stature. The giant Goliath laughed when he saw whom God had chosen! It may have looked laughable in the eyes of the world, but this young boy who fearlessly faced Goliath in battle was the exact person God had chosen!


With that in mind, consider what Paul says in First Corinthians 1:27: The word "weak" refers to something that is feeble, puny, or powerless. You might even consider "weak" to mean substandard, second-rate, low-grade, and so inferior that it is almost laughable!


Believers were viewed as the laughingstock of the entire Roman Empire. Governmental authorities considered Christians to be a weak, puny, pathetic, useless group of religious idiots. They were literally took the brunt of all the jokes and were viewed as society's rubbish.


It is the same with believers today. If we continue in diligence seeking the Lord, we too will turn the world upside down! It will be just as the Christians turned the world upside down in their day and evangelized the Roman Empire!


The unbelieving world today views the Church very much in the same way. You see, the devil fears believers because he knows the power and authority we possess. That is why he uses the entertainment industry, educational institutions, and other human agencies to try to belittle believers. The world wants us to feel irrelevant, trivial, and not able to contribute .The enemy does everything he can to give the impression that we are minor, worthless pieces of flesh. He knows the power God has placed within us and what is at our disposal.


So the devil attempts to discredit us in the eyes of the world as well as our own. So what is your view of yourself and other Christians? Is your walk making a dent in society? Your family? Your friends? Are those believers you associate with making a difference in the world in which they live? What about the church you attend? How about this outpouring with Todd Bentley?


"Confound" the world! Put to shame, embarrass, confuse, frustrate, or baffle those people who are not of God! Shine a light on the crocked ways of the world by walking straight. We do not need to join the picket lines, and protest against sin and sinful ways. All we need do is be like Jesus and live out our life in His righteousness, peace, and grace!


The Roman Empire was trying to wipe out the Early Church and it is clear that things have not changed. It took a while for the Church of Jesus Christ to put to shame all the evil forces that had come against it. But in the end, that is what happened! The Church eventually emerged in power and changed the face of history.


The Lord is calling to us again. He is calling to His common, regular, run-of-the- mill people. Know who you are in HIM, through HIM. God has chosen you and me because we are mighty and powerful in the Lord and it is through us that the world today will be drawn again to the cross.


So quit seeing yourself as someone who is substandard, second-rate, low-grade, or inferior. You are filled with the Spirit of God and have the call of God on your life! Who cares what the world thinks? Even if your gifts and talents seem small in comparison to what others possess, that does not mean you have been eliminated from God's list of candidates. We are all called by God. Will you choose to be chosen?


In fact, turn your feelings of weakness and inadequacy to humility and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with power so you can be of God's service! God is looking for people just like you, because He knows He will receive the glory for what He does through you. You are exactly the kind of person God wants to use!

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