Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thoughts From The Secret Place!

The Lord wants to cause us to jump out of our denominational/non-denominational boxes into the River of Life !  Let our faith arise and prepare to meet the Kingdom of God . Let Faith fall from heaven upon us increasing our faith to a new miraculous dimension.


The bridegroom is calling His bride forth without spot or wrinkle. Make way for the Kingdom of God is amongst us! Make way, divorce yourselves from traditions of men, and come into the Freedom our Heavenly Father has prepared for us!


We are no longer male or female in the eyes of God. We are no longer Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Assemblies, etc. We are Christians following the teachings of Christ. We are the saints, a holy nation living to give God the Glory. Giving thanks to the Holy One.


Lord, we come to you this day to seek your face, to search our hearts. It is these and other are the things that keep the bride from becoming one with the Lord. As we seek within ourselves, we ask you Lord to shed light upon traditions of man that are in us. Expose them for what they are and are not. Place within me Lord a clean heart towards you. Then Holy Spirit extend to us the grace to accept others who are in Christ that have followed traditions of men as if they were Gospel. We ask this in the Mighty name of Jesus!

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