All the stuff we own and all the stuff we save, or collect, even our occupation do not equal who we are. Sometimes we even continue to strive to gather things around us. Why do we do that? Perhaps we do so for comfort or to complete us in some way. The fact is stuff does not define who we are. When we put all those things aside are we steady and true? Are we complete?
Where do we find peace? Is it on vacations, playing sports, physical activities, reading, gardening, extra sleep, or what?. Give this some thought. What is it that you do to recharge your battery? What do you do to get you ready for the next jaunt in life? Now there is more to recharging than those activities. Some may think begin involved in Church activities and being with like believers recharge them. The fact of the matter is we were born to worship and give praise to God. You might think I am sounding religious, but it is true. We were made by God to do just that..
God has given us a limitless ability to love, but there must be a place for us to find that calm center of peace. To live a life of love and sharing that love is my goal. How do we begin to find that quietness to achieve that state of mind?
Here are some things in the natural to consider. What comes to mind when you hear the word clutter? Perhaps suffocating, or not being able to breathe. Clutter seems to suck the life out of any space including our minds. Imagine walking into a cluttered room--anxiety, stress, feeling overwhelmed, lack of concentration—you just want to get up and run out of there? When clutter occupies space there is less light occupying that space--literally and metaphorically speaking. I remember reading somewhere that it is impossible to have a clear clean inner space when things in the natural are chaotic and disorganized. So I suggest you begin with your outer space and then turn toward the inner you.
Ok then here are my suggestions:
1. Commit yourself to finding time each day to un-clutter your natural world and then each day to un-clutter your inner mind, perhaps by taking a quiet walk, listening to soothing music, listening to spiritual scripture in song, or whatever reaches you!
2. Organize. Take a reality check about your living space and your mental space! What occupies your time and what is most important? What is meaningless and what is fruitful?
3. Communicate to those whom you love-- friends, family, work associates and most importantly communicate with the Lord. If you have an immediate family, try incorporating this search for peace within their lives. Bring these values to the table with them and begin to practice clearing the clutter in the natural and spiritual.
4. Set boundaries. When you have deciphered what is most important and what can be stripped from your life, stick to your boundaries. Hang onto that DREAM of living a life of LOVE and Peace.
5. Live by FAITH. That is live the life you know God wants of you for you to remain in His Love. Make a list of tasks that are overtaxing you brain and prioritize. Remember God first, then family, then job and activities in and outside of church!
Give it a try for a few weeks and send me some feedback to encourage others!
Keeping you all in prayer!
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