Monday, March 2, 2009

The Key to Successful Living

The key to successful living is to discover God's presence.  It is a place of calm, peaceful rest. In that rest comes His wisdom-grace all wrapped up in His love.  LOVE, unspeakable, Joy unspeakable! Peace unspeakable but never forgettable!


After that day of our salvation, we are to begin our faith walk. Salvation as we know is a FREE gift. Hence, from that starting point, we pay the price to walk in faith. For each of us it is a different walk, however, the outcome is the same.


Just as the Lord told Lot and his wife "don't look back", we are to walk and not look back.  We are never to look back, glance back, or desire those things of the past. We are never to return to a life of sin and destruction.


We now have the responsibility to live a life of clarity in Christ. Crystal blue persuasion… The Holy Spirit is crystal clear and persuades us into the purity and righteousness of Christ. Our natural life begins to align itself with our inner man. We are not to live an outer façade or fake life of Christianity. What the Holy Spirit is looking for is our heart attitude and that is in our inner man. It is not in our flesh yet.


Jesus reminds us of this in Mark 7:7

'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. Their worship is a farce, for they replace God's commands with their own man-made teachings.' (NLT)


You might wonder what happens when you get into His presence. In the life of Jesus, you will see repeatedly how he retreats to a quiet place to rest, pray, and fast. He was getting into that quiet presence of the Father!  That is why he could say I do nothing on my own; I do what the Father tells me!  Before Jesus began his ministry, he prayed and fasted in the desert for 40 days! He defeated Satin's earthly temptations. When he returned, Jesus began a magnificent ministry.    In between times of teaching, preaching, and healing Jesus retreated by himself and sometimes with his disciples to get in that quiet place of peace and prayer.


If you have not experienced that special place in His presence, I challenge you to seek the hunger and thirst by praying, fasting, and repenting  through guided imagery what the Lord has for you!


You will seek and knock, and the door will be opened to you.  It will be a time well spent.  Then you will be ready for service! Your time, your energy, your money, your word, your life will be Lords and you and He will dispel every evil thing bringing light wherever you go!

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