Monday, July 23, 2012

Stir Me Up

Sometimes it is difficult to sit still to hear that still small voice. We are so busy with stuff, be it good bad or just static noise, we forget we were created to give our Lord all praise and thanksgiving... and then hear the call for the next assignment.

This is what I heard: "I have not called you and set you apart just to hang around and wait with idle chatter and meaningless words. I have called you as priests and kings to invade this world in which we live. Take authority of every evil thing that rears its head upon you, your family, and the territory I have given you. Occupy the ground you have been given. I have released you and no man shall close the doors I have prepared you to walk through. Where your feet tread there shall be good fruit. For in your waiting you seek My face and hear My voice. My mercies are new every morning and My grace is sufficient and abounds to you. Stir yourself up in My Spirit and see what we shall do together"

Thank you Father for encouraging me this day! I will begin to stir myself up with Your Word and in Your Spirit. HOLY SPIRIT, HAVE YOUR WAY WITH US ONE AND ALL. AMEN

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