Monday, July 16, 2012


I always thought that to tolerate someone only meant to put up with them just to get something accomplished. Then after the task or whatever was accomplished, I could leave the person or circumstances and no longer have a relationship or connection. Wikipedia tells us that tolerance is the practice of permitting a thing of which one disapproves, such as social, ethnic, sexual, or religious practices.

In the Bible longsuffering, patience, and forbearance are all closely related to having tolerance of others who have a difference of opinion or belief from our own. Please refer to Mathew 5:42-47, Romans 12:18, and again in Psalms 34:14. We are to live peacefully with all men. That word ALL means believers and non believers as well. Live at peace with every man, woman, and child.

Romans 14:2-6 talks about not judging others. Now that is a big one for me. How about you? Holy Spirit continues to remind me not to judge others according to my walk or yard stick. Not even to judge them by the Word's truths! The Word of God is there to teach me right from wrong, personally. Philippians 3:15 basically reminds me that it Is the work of Holy Spirit to lead and guide others and it is for me to love them through their journey allowing Holy Spirit to change them and or me! For Holy Spirit will shine His light of love upon us and our differences.

A lack of tolerance can reveal a lack of maturity on our part! 1 Corinthians 3:1-5 tells us that tolerance is being patient, forgiving, understanding, and merciful. It means finding those things in common with Jesus as our center. It is allowing Holy Spirit to build in us a firm foundation-a relationship with Him and with others. Ephesians 4:3.

There is no room for tolerance of evil or sin. We are to give no place for sin or evil in our lives. Remember that we hate the sin and love the sinner. In our life relationships we should remember this. Jesus was the great example of loving the sinner and hating the sin. He cast out disease, healed the sick, and forgave the sinner!

Today I pray Lord that I grasp this idea of the tolerance You have for me and I pray I may be tolerant by keeping the peace with others so that blessings and happiness can flow. Galatians 5:22 and Colossians 1:11.


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