Lots can be said on the how we build our house--wood, hay stubble and so on and so forth.
Today I'm focusing on the house we build out of brick and mortar. Knowing so well some who build with hay and wood believe they are safe. Today I am telling you that is a lie. I pray that in light of the Word those will come to understand the call of intimacy and worship the Father has appointed for them to experience and to preserve their souls and to usher them into a love unspeakable. My you also grow into the character that withstands the darkness so that the light within burst through.
But one little piggy built his house of brick and mortar. As I press into who I am in Christ I realize who I truly am. Who I am in Christ and who I am as a human person with human frailties and God given strengths! I know that I am victorious and filled with the authority to dispel 'all' darkness of every kind! Dispel does not mean that it disappears all the time; however, it does mean I may live through it without consequences hindering my health, or my purpose for Christ.
For there is nothing to fear for those of us who are acquiring "His Character", Walk in His Presence, and apply His teaching to their lives and literally be transformed into His Nature.
Psalm 112 according to 'me'
Such a man is in God's constant care and will make an impression on all who see and experience their fellowship. Such a person is settled in his mind that the Father will care for them. They can face their foes without fear. Such a person shall have influence and honor. Even their children's' children will have a particular call on their lives'.
Today as I ponder the 'grandee' harvest out of the seeds I have sown in the past--Praise God, it comes without effort and the future harvest comes by strategically sowing seeds of love in all places as the Father leads.
For new friendships and rekindle old....for building new bridges to new horizons in God, into His secret place we go to procure treasures of love and fulfillment!
May this Word go deep into our fiber of life to produce GOOOOD Fruit!.
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