Saturday, October 6, 2007


Luke 10: 1-12

As I sit on our front porch admiring our front lawn, my thoughts are on all the people who had a hand in producing such a plush lawn! It took many a people for the fruit of a luxurious lawn to come forth. Many of those people had not idea they had a hand into the final result. How many people that came into your life have no idea what they stimulated? Wither good or bad, the result was the Father's love producing YOU! Think on it!

October to me means Harvest Time! Pumpkins are out, hay rides for the family, apple picking—even apple pie and coco. Harvest Time! "The word tells us that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" The Scripture says "Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." The workers could be you and I or it could be the Holy Spirit ripening one's heart before you or I arrive on the scene.

"Go! I am sending you out like lambs among the wolves" That word "Go" could mean "go to your family, your church, or market place! It could mean all of the above. Wither the sending is people—angles or the Holy Spirit the sending is happening. We do nothing alone. God our Father has set up a team for us to work with. And it is up to us to work with His team.

V5 Goes on to tell us we are to minister where the Holy Spirit leads and where He is resting. Peace in the Spirit is most important. If Peace is not resting on them it will return to us. Have you had the experience of laying hand s on someone to have the Spirit fill us more then them. We begin to cry, laugh, and shake from head to toe? There seems to be a resistance of sorts happening! That is the time when the Spirit has lifted and they can not receive any more!

V7 Tells to stay eating and drinking…. Whatever they give you. Don't move around from house—Or not to minister to aliment to ailment. Another words, during the "interview", they will tell us their needs and we are to command healing with the resurrection power. The Holy Spirit will reveal things to them and if He doesn't we are to pray silently until the Spirit moves or lifts. V8 says Eat what is set before you… Do not ask for your delights receive what is before you. "The Kingdom of God is near you" The righteous, peace and joy of the Holy Ghost is here for your taking!

If you approach someone and you are not received "do not persist!" back off in love. Knowing that they rejected the Kingdom of God and not you! They have rejected their corner stone, Jesus.

Let us pray: Lords my heart is wide open to you. May these words go deep into my Spirit and be illuminated as the Spirit instructs…For the harvest is at hand and I am the laborer who is instructed by the Holy Spirit's lead.
More to come…

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