It's amazing how freely we are to judge the world in which we live. Sin is rampart all around us--free sex, gambling, drinking, cursing, not being good providers, not nurturing our children properly, and the list goes on etc.etc.
Then the Lord calls out to us "I shall make 'My' enemies 'My' footstool" To some the enemies could be those obvious sins we see, with our eyes, in the world at large. Yet today I believe the Holy Spirit is taking us into a deeper level. "What is your participation in sin? Do you vote for it? condone it? Ah, your heart, where is it? Are you pre-occupied with TV shows, news, games, magazines?
As we seek and pursue the things of God we must be conscience of the Heart of God in our lives. His pulsating love made ready--flowing out toward us)
"Make the world go away-place your head on My shoulder, Say the things you use to say, and make the world go away!" I know these are words to a very old song... Yet they seem appropriate. beloved, Jesus is call and singing those words to us, today. We were created minister to the Groom! To love and sing adoration's to Him our maker.
If you find yourself judging things and people around you, you are probably being called to a higher place.... Judge and be judge! Love and be loved!
If you are seeking, knocking, and leaning into the spirit realm for more, say this prayer with me.
Father, I (we) are so desperate for Your loving embrace.........Cone in like a flood, knock me over, over take me with Your love. Let the water of Your Word erase all the guilt and shame. Replace it all with Your amazing Grace. I thank you for it is Your love that will bring me to a new level of healing, a new level of maturity, a new level of living in Christ Jesus.
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