Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Protect the Balm of Gilead

Have you ever had days that you just don't want to do anything?  Well I have.  It is that time for me now. No reading, no talking, no going, no nothing!  That is what I want to do.  Now, I am not saying I am not doing anything.  Deep within me,  I am hearing just be quiet.  Be still.  Be alert! Be WILLING. 
Then early one morning this week, I heard as plain as day, "Protect the Balm of Gilead!"  I began  thinking on this.  I knew the Balm has to do with healing and the anointing.  So I began to research it further. 
The Old Testament there are types and shadows of things to come in the New Testament.
Genesis 37:18-25.  Joseph was thrown into a pit left for dead!  Remember? (are you looked upon as less or weird because of who you are in Christ? or cast aside because of your beliefs?) Now his brothers saw a caravan coming, a caravan of Ishmaellites, who took balm, spices and myrrh from Gilead to Egypt.  (Took from the place of God to the unsaved!) They were prostituting the things of God!   Ishmaellites are the decedents of Ishmael, representing to me, something created or forced out of our own strength.  (Are you pushing the envelop? straining in your own intellect, power and strenght?)
These are the questions I have asked of myself; then I remembered the feeling of wanting to do nothing.  That is not laziness, it is the Holy Spirit telling me to smell the Rose of Sharon!  Harken to the voice of the Spirit! Act upon His leading!
So what is this Balm of Gidien? A tree or shrub 12-15 feet tall.  It is indigenous to the mountainious areas arround Mecca!  The sap from this tree is known for it medicinal healing oil.  AH!  the place of God (Mecca)  Let us go up to the mountain of God and allow the Holy Spirit (oil) make itself know.  The Spirit the Christ within! us.
Back to what I heard, "Protect the Balm of Gilead!"  Protect the Christ within, your annointing, your God given talents and abilities.  Protect them, do not let the ungodly abuse what the Lord has given.  Don't let others, unknowingly take, what is not theirs, or protitute you--sell you short! Guard that gift He so lovingly gave you to be shared with those He instructs.  Go up to the mountain and grow into the maturity He has called you to be.
Allow His word to be a lamp for your feet and a light unto your path!  Psalm 119:105
For His statues and this teaching was given to be a lamp to light the way ahead of you.  His corrections of discipline is the way to life not distruction.  Proverb 6:23
May this be an inspiration for your meditation time with Him!

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