Don't Give Up!
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
— James 1:2-4
In the earliest years of the Church, the believers faced unremitting persecution. Every day they were confronted by hostile powers that were arrayed against them. Culture, pagan religion, government, unsaved family and friends — all these forces were arrayed against them, putting constant pressure on them to forfeit their faith and return to their old ways.
Even if you are facing great challenges today, it does not begin to match the pressure these brothers and sisters felt. I do not want to make light of the struggles you are going through, but the truth is very few people alive today have faced the level of intense opposition these early believers faced.
Think about it — no lion eating arenas here! Nor do we hear of those being burned at the stake for their faith. Or have you heard of anyone being cast into prison because of faith in Jesus Christ?
These scenarios do happen today to believers who live in anti-Christian parts of the world, and we definitely need to hold them up in prayer. Let's not forget about them… this could be where we are headed in the days to come!
This puts a different light on the problems we face in the free world. Our problems are related to relationships, finances, family issues, health issues, and other problems of a personal nature. The stress we believers experience in free parts of the world is often related to having too much work to do; being under pressure due to the intense nature of our jobs; or trying to figure out how to handle our busy schedules. Although no one in our neighborhoods or local churches is currently being fed to hungry lions, the stresses and pressures we believers feel can nonetheless be very severe.
So no matter where you live or what you are facing, remember that it is essential to have the right attitude toward high-pressure situations! The Early Church called "patience" the "queen of all virtues." They believed that if they possessed this one virtue, they could survive anything that ever came against them. It is this same virtue that is sustaining believers today who live in godless regions of the world — and this virtue is exactly what you need to victoriously outlast the pressures and ordeals you may be dealing with today.
James was writing to believers who were undergoing the kind of hardships described above. He told them, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."
So no matter what your ordeal is for now, remember to have patience. Remember to stand still and steadfast in what you know is the truth. Abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Hold fast to those things you know are true. Rehearse your blessings and your promises while at the same time maintaining the ground the Lord has already supplied and allow Him to add to that you are standing for!
No matter what battle you find yourself in, no matter what doubt tries to creep in, be militant and know that God will manifest His goodness in this land of the living! You must see with His eyes. See the advancement of the Kingdom and the healing He has promised— no matter how hard or difficult the assignment
You must have the attitude "I do not care how heavy the load gets or how much pressure I am under, I am not budging one inch! This is my spot, and I am telling you right now that I believe God will move. He has moved in the past and He will manifest in the future. I am not giving up or giving in to the enemy's lies!"
This word "patience," is sometimes frightening to me! So I rehearse in my mind other words that help me obtain patience.
endurance staying power
hang-in-there power never gives up
I will outlast and be preserved hold on and hold out
Sometimes posting these words around will help me win the battle. Sometimes it is just thinking upon them! Try it.
I would like to interpret the scripture this way:
"But let patience have her perfect work — I'm talking about the kind of attitude that hangs in there, never gives up, and refuses to surrender to any obstacles or people's interpretations or beliefs and turning down every opportunity to quit."
It is not a question of if we will win the battles — it is only a question of when we will win them.
When the pressure get hot, let the heat turn up. For it is in the heat that God produces the finest gems, the greatest miracles, and the strongest Christians. The victorious in Christ Jesus make the greatest witnesses!
Let us confess today! "Lord, help me stand my ground and defend what I have gained, no matter how difficult it might be to do this. I know that with Your supernatural help, I can outlive and outlast the resistance. With Your Spirit's power working inside me, I know I can indefinitely and defiantly stick it out until the enemy realizes he cannot beat me and decides to retreat! I pray this in Jesus' name!"
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