Healing Revealed!—Excuses and Hang-Ups Exposed
We are all God's children. He loves us all and wants us to be prosperous in all areas in our lives—spiritually and naturally. He loves the heathen as well as the saved. He is no respecter of persons. Yes, we do know all of this.
Let us take a deeper look upon healing--spiritual healings, miraculous healings. When one receives a healing from the Lord shall he hide it under a bushel? Is this not the light of the Lord manifest in healing? Would He give words of knowledge in the realm of healing for no purpose? Does He do these things in jest? I am sure not! Everything is given for His glory and everything is within our reach because of the resurrection power of Jesus! YES and Amen.
Some people are searching for the keys to healing; the perfect set of circumstances in which to receive or to help others receive their healing. No matter how much I contemplate these things, the more I am convinced healing comes to one who is hungry, one who has no reservations, no stops, and no doubts. I see them as one who approaches the Lord as a child running towards their daddy for a hug and kiss to make the world go away. Oh yea, and then there are those who are healed right in the midst of unbelief and corrupt living! He is sovereign, Amen. All things are possible in God.
However, most of our questioning comes when we know the people who are not receiving. In our eyes they are honest, pure, and living right according to the Word of God. Yet God knows all things!
Be still now Marie and quiet your soul. I have heard your prayers and seen your tears for these people and for the multitude of others you have prayed for. There is a "for such a time as this" place for healings and miracles that many do not quite understand. It is not that I do not want everyone healed instantly – but I know what I am doing in each tormented body. Oh, the fragrance that comes from brokenness, the oil of the alabaster jars that are broken before me because of their weakness. There is a fragrance that comes from them that is more valuable to me and to others than a thousand miracles of healing.
When I am asked to pray for a sick loved one, I am honored they have had the courage to ask and I am faithful to pray! But first, I pray for their souls and then for their perfect healing. For I do know, eternity is far more important then the temporal bodies in which we live here..
And yet, it is not my will that any should continue to be afflicted indefinitely by the enemy. Some are just being "reserved" like the blind man born blind from his birth, or the lame man who sat at the gate beautiful, "for such a time as this", for MY glory to be revealed.
I then asked the Lord this question: But, Father some perfectly wonderful saints die in their sickness and pain. How does that bring glory to your name?
Child your thinking is too temporal and not yet eternal enough. Unless a grain of wheat dies there is no harvest. Precious in My sight is the death of my saints, and oh, their reward. The eternal weight of Glory is there's for they know their suffering was for but a moment.
In my life, I know the Lord has commissioned me to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. I actually see them recover before I lay hands on them, sometimes before I even know who they are! Do not get this next statement wrong. My healing was the most spectacular happening in my life and I feel like I am the most privileged person in the world! However, He has shown me that my healing was not so special. It was His work beginning within my life and my body! There are so many others needing the same work! Last Saturday evening we had our monthly Night of Healing here at the Celebration House. It was wonderful to worship with other believers! That night I had several words of knowledge for others to receive their healing so they may begin a more intimate walk with Him.
There was a time I battled with those words of knowledge. Were they from God, me, or even satan? I have come to believe they are from God! And it is my obedience He is looking for. Do I keep the light hidden? Do I expose what is hidden to allow the light in? It is an opportunity for others to stretch their faith and receive far more then a touch, a kiss, or an embrace. They are receiving the Light Himself in a more defined way!
After a time of healing with others, I often pray for the next couple of days for those who the Lord had touched! I pray for their faith to gain strength, for their lives to be clearly commissioned by the Lord, and for the Holy Spirit to be exposed to them in a deeper way!
"There are many in whom death is working in their bodies – they have lost or are loosing the effectiveness of certain areas in their body. But, I am coming soon. I am coming with mercy and grace and healing in my wings. And I will cover them with my wings and healing will come. For some their healing will come and they will live a longer and stronger life. For others healing will come as they cross over and escape their fleshy body and inherit eternal life.
I know what I am doing. Loved ones ministering to the sick are being challenged and changed and I am working in them often healing them of impatience and selfishness. And I am working the fruit of my spirit in them…gentleness, kindness and so much more.
What happens when someone does not receive a healing? What if they received it then lost it? No one here on earth has the answers to all questions. Do I help them look for the reason, excuse, or road block that prohibited them from receiving? NO. All I can do is encourage them with their walk with God and continue to encourage them to believe that the Lord is doing a work and that it will be revealed at the proper time.
It is the Hope of Glory that resides within that leads the way. Do I blame myself? NO. What I do is ask the Lord what is it You are teaching me? Trusting You more? Digging deeper into You, so you can grow My faith?
Most of the time for me is the lesson is about obedience, trusting, and being steadfast to what He has promised me. For me it is being prepared to receive and see the miraculous happen. As for the receiver, they must answer for themselves. That is, if they have the courage.
So what is all of this saying to you? Stop praying for the sick? Stop believing for healing for these dear ones? NO – a resounding NO from my throne is what you are hearing. You always pray – you always believe – you always expect miracles in every area of need. Ask for the miraculous – then trust me to know the best way for the miracle to take place.
For many this earthly life is too important and the things they possess are elevated to a level higher then the Great I AM. Every person, every scientist, religious leader, and spiritualist are looking and searching for the keys to life, health and wealth. For I say, I hold them all. For the heart of man to be open to ME and for their will to comply to MY life and purpose for them. It is your position to lean on Me and listen to the next move. It is My will that you are more dependent on Me and My purpose, then to be leaning on other men and their intellect and their findings. Now is the time for you to step up to the plate that is set on My table for you. For some will call this and that keys and reasons why healing did not occur or why they did! I call it all excuses, According to My Word I have prepared a way and a I have a plan that no man knows but through the Spirit I will lead and guide.
"People think that life only is a miracle, but death too is a miracle – to live forever in the body would be too much for any one to handle on this earth. And remember, I don't interfere with free will. Man's free will often short circuits life spans Man co-operating with the spirit of death himself often causes and early departure. The enemy does not have the power of life and death in himself. He only has the keys that people give him through their words and actions. My heart grieves in ways you can never know over the sin and misery, the bloodshed and evil that still exists in a world that my Son died to redeem. But I would not be a loving Father if I enforced My ways and My will upon my children.."
In conclusion, if the healing does not manifest, it is not of God. If it does and then weakens, do we leak? YES http://dianneevans.blogspot.com/2008/03/to-leak-or-not-all-is-well-with-my-soul.html If you like, take a peak at this journaling. It has come to my understanding if it is not from God then who is it from? Who robs, steals, and tries to destroy our relationships with God our Father and with one another who are walking with the Lord? All healings are for today and forever. Why they are not obtained could be considered an excuse, hang-up, lie, or whatever. It is satan doing his best to distract us from the Glory!
In Him we shall grow and remain forever,
The yellow high light is from Marie
The blue is from Robin
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