Reformation of character is what we are after! I often find that I change my mind. Well for example, I loved the taste of screwdrivers, or gin and tonic! Then I had an experience with the liquor in those drinks, and changed my mind deciding I did not like the taste at all. Matter of fact the taste is repulsive to me. That is reformation. A reformed thought brought about a reformed action.
When the Holy Spirit came into our hearts, He made a home that was so comfortable, He was actually happy to come live inside us! He moved in, settled down, and permanently took up residency in our heart — His new home!
You see, when you got saved, the ultimate miracle was performed inside your heart. The Holy Spirit took your spirit, which had been dead in sin (wrong thinking, wrong living, immorality, and filled with self), and raised it to new life. His work inside you was so glorious that when it was all finished, He declared you to be His own workmanship (Ephesians 2:10). At that moment, your spirit became a marvelous temple of God! What does all this mean?
When we were born again, we were inwardly modified to become a dwelling place of God. Our bodies are not mere shacks or lean-tos. Rather we were designed to be magnificent dwelling places for the Spirit of God. Because the fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and the grace of God are working inside us, we are inwardly decorated with rich spiritual ornamentation. Our inner man is now a temple that is so wonderful no human has ever gazed on anything like it!
If you have been dealing with a poor self-image (feelings of unworthiness or helplessness), grab hold of this truth, because this is the greatest self-image booster that exists! Inwardly you are so beautiful and magnificent that Almighty God wanted to live inside you! What kind of home do you think God would require? A shabby shack made of dirt and sticks? No! He has built for Himself a beautiful temple within your heart — and that is who you are right now!
Now live like the magnificently decorated cathedral of God's Spirit that you are! Be awakened by the Spirit and allow Him to reform you on the outside!
This reformation is the fruit of your salvation! It comes about with true repentance. AS we turn away from the old ways, no longer participating in those things contrary to the likeness of Christ, we are being sanctified!
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