Sunday, February 1, 2009


Lord, we need an encounter!  We need a visitation! We need to live in the environment of Your habitation! We need to be established in the call and anointing so our destiny from heaven will come to pass!

I woke up this morning in that twilight sleep, talking with my heavenly Father.  "Use me Lord, Use me!" I was repeating it over and over again.  Then just as I awoke, these words came into my mind.  I do not like to be used, manipulated, or persuaded to do anything; I am no man's puppet!  Well, let me tell you I had some talking to do.  God made me and created me for His purpose.  He designed me for a particular task and my very nature is able to carry out His will for the task He has set before me.  There is no MAN in those words.  So I surrender Lord, to you to use, to mold, and to groom!

How about you?  Are you used by man or are you used by God?

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