Monday, December 31, 2012

My Fickle Life

In my fickle life, I know it is His amazing love that was shed for me. It is in my weakness that He shows Himself valiant in my life. In these days of weakness I manage to delve into the inner most parts of Holy Spirit. When I am in this beautiful place I allow Him to carry me. Yes, we need to allow Him, receive His grace-resilient power strengthens us. He is walking alongside us waiting for that invite so He can carry us thru to the other side.

So in and of myself I am nothing but flesh and blood with human ties and bonds. It is He who gives me purpose for life-He shows me the way by lighting my path. So each day I approach His throne open minded offering myself and my mere circumstances and trade it for His companionship-His grace and purpose.

Use me Lord. Let your will be done in my life and in the lives of those I influence. You Lord get all the glory. I exist to give your life, death, and resurrection meaning to those walking in darkness. I am here to be your instrument to produce fruit. Lord Jesus bring me to the Father and show me blameless without spot or wrinkle. All because of Your personal sacrifice my journey whether easy or at times hard and gruesome will bring about fruit to shine your presence.

Today I pray that all our days bring you pleasure fulfilling your call and purpose in our lives. We give you thanks Lord for your truth and righteousness being brought forth in our lives whether the evidence is evident or hidden we praise you Lord. Thank you for your life's example to us. Today we pray for courage, boldness and for an infusion of more of your Love and Power! Amen.

Monday, December 24, 2012

School is Out

Whether you are a High School Graduate or have received any college degree or higher education certificate saying you are ready to go into the world and be productive, the excitement of success or fear of failure is present. Now it is time to use what you have learned all those years. This is where the rubber meets the road. It is no longer about the talk; it is all about the WALK. So you get your tools of the trade together and off you go.

It is somewhat different when you talk about your relationship with Jesus. Do you remember the time when you asked Him to live with and in you? You wanted Him to become your best friend and for Holy Spirit to be your guide. At that same time you picked up your tool, the Bible, and began your faith WALK. This is the hallmark to your Spiritual Life's Journey.

Never forget His promises. And if you want to know more, read His loving encouraging Word. So read, study, and attend all the functions you can to grow into the image and likeness of the one who created you. You will undergo some fabulous changes and produce unique fruit that none else can produce.

This life journey of yours is different than that of a career. When you are walking with the Lord you learn as you go. Holy Spirit is the true teacher who guides, instructs, and comforts as you go.

For you are unique and specifically designed for greatness. You are like a shining light and His glory will be known by your life's footsteps.

Let us pray. "Father we will begin today to place our sights on you and grow our faith by following the lead of Holy Spirit. We will be your apprentices on this journey called life. Give us Your Love and Your Power. Fill in our hurt wounded places with a supernatural peace so that we may carry out your plan for our lives. May we be so one with You that Your hearts desires for us become ours. In Jesus Name we pray."

Monday, December 3, 2012


Hosea 6:3 
Let us acknowledge the Lord; Let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surly as the sun rises He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. (NIV)

Tranquility in chaos and the promise of healing during times of sickness! Well these days for me are filled with chaos and sickness. It took a friend to lead me to my place of peaceful rest. Believe me during these times one is very self-centered. I know I am. Demanding and miserable, that's me! I hated myself for that too. The Lord is so kind and understanding; He just waits until you listen. That is what He did for me to recognize Him at work in our lives. Yes, I do forgive myself for being so rude, demanding and sharp to those who love and care for me.

I know I will have days ahead of being miserable, but I know when I get over it, God is there to provide what I need. His peace, His loving arms will wrap around me giving me all I need. To be present with Him moment by moment, minute by minute, day by day; that is my prayer. I pray we all get to know our Lord and Savior in a deeper way. Our relationship with Him will provide all we need. Just reach out and touch Him. He is waiting for you just as He awaits me.

When I think of my husband, I know he is a gift from God. He is my main caregiver and the best ever. He loves me when I do not even love myself. Forgiving and giving he is walking this walk with me. Today I ask as you pray for me don't forget that man I love. In some ways he has a harder journey then I.

Together we pray, Lord fill us from the innermost to the outermost. Provide with us a place of rest a place where all we need is provided by Your un-measurable love. Allow us Lord to be aware of the work you have before us, allow us to join in Your work of love and experience your mercy and grace that flows from your throne room.

Until next time, Blessings to you all. Dianne

Monday, October 29, 2012

Jesus is Calling

Not too long ago friends shared the book Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young with us. They explained how the Lord used it to speak into their lives. Dick and I are not people who are easily swayed. However in this case after a reading and discussion we were convinced that the anointing seeped through the pages as you read. We downloaded it to our Kindle readers. With each day and each reading Holy Spirit quickens within me-love encouragement and a sense I was no longer traveling alone.

A couple of weeks ago I heard a song Jesus Calling and the tears began to stream down my face. It was not luck or coincidence that Jesus was reaching out calling me.

Today Jesus is calling. Quietly, gently His voice travels as sweet summer breeze. He is calling us to live, to love, to enjoy life to the fullest with Him. Jesus is calling us to be a witness in these days of darkness. Jesus is wooing us so He can set our hearts ablaze with our first love and bear His fruit.

Can you hear His tender calling? Take a few minutes to listen; to hear that special message for you! In His loving arms I go for love, protection, and for His goodness to pour over me.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Do I Know you?

Do I really know you? Do I know my dearest friend, husband, and soul mate? Do you know your mate? Do they really know you? Better still do I really know myself? My inner thoughts, desires, cares, and goals -- do I know them? Are they pure in God's sight? Is my vision skewed, distorted, or judgmental? Am I seeing and measuring people using myself as the plum line. Or better still am I using God's Word to judge and criticize others instead of using the Word to grow my character?

What I really know is that our Father in heaven really knows us. In Biblical terms, He knows us intimately. He knows our strengths and weaknesses, our most intimate desires, and goals and dreams that are pure and righteous. He knew us before conception and has a plan for us for good. He wants us to come closer to His flame to enlighten and purify us. This is the season for more in our lives-more change, more love, more faith, and life unspeakable.

Our hearts and dreams are being held in the potters fire and will perfect us into vessels of honor. Out of obedience comes a love relationship. There is a love story of reconciliation to be obtained, a story of restoration in, friendships, and bonds to occur in the natural with family. Bonding with our heavenly Father's love comes first and the rest will follow

Jesus made the way for us to travel this journey. Holy Spirit is our guide, protector, and enforcer. He strengthens us and encourages us on our life's journey.
Be open and take a look around and see His light shining through the darkness. Follow the light, the truth, and the way and all things will abound to you.

Today was my 8th week of chemotherapy treatment, the second week of the new stronger dose. It was not without the darkness of side effects-but GOD! When the darkness hit, His light abounds! Amen.

We call things that are not into existence. I believe therefore I conceive His miraculous touch. You too can reach out and touch the hem of His garment and His living virtue will flow into you. Just for you. The father's loving touch goes beyond all rational and natural abilities and brings the supernatural right down to earth into your being.

Be inspired today for He is with us. By the tender love of the Father anything is possible. The faith of a mustard seed will move your mountain. Now just think on those things from above and see what wonder will happen for you, your family, and those whom you come to meet and greet. AMEN.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Meditation

May the meditation from our hearts, spoken with our lips be embedded in our being. In Jesus name we pray.

God is my shelter in times of storms. He brings me treasures in times of darkness. He is my refuge when the enemy attacks. He fortifies my temple when I am under siege. He brings peace in times of chaos and love when the enemy surrounds us with hate. When I cry out He answers me with His loving arms. He embraces me. As I lift my head from His breast to gaze into His eyes He allows me to touch His goodness and receive His grace. Surly, His mercy endures forever. His patience endurance allows the hope of His glory to shine through my soul.

When man brings doom, God brings a brighter future. Yes, His promise to live a long fruit filed life is mine. Each time I reach out He is there with the answer to my prayer. When sorrow strikes He brings gladness. For with the strength of the Lord comes joy everlasting. His comfort comes to encourage as His glory falls upon me and His Spirit bubbles up from my belly... spilling over everywhere I go.

Be it places of disappointments or places of joy no matter what He is there . I give my life and my every breath to exalt His holy name. Each trial will bring glory; each victory a praise! Each accomplishment will bring encouragement to others; each hardship traveled in His loving peace will lead others to their victory.

So this day our heavenly Father shouts "Be courageous and bold. Take Jesus by the hand. Allow Holy Spirit to lead and provide and your life will be fruit filled. For Jesus is the King of Kings!"

Monday, September 24, 2012


Process and the Hope for getting to the other side and a healthy long lived productive life bearing Godly fruit. Ah! Kingdom fruit. Fruits of righteous, peace and joy. This fruit can be born in the process of the storm.

So one might ask "What is the formula for receipt of your wellness"? Nothing is set in stone. Life is like a chemistry experiment. For each individual it is different. However, there are some basic elements. And like the explosive C4, THE MORE you use the BIGGER THE BANG.

Psalm 42:8 But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me LIFE.

First there is receiving the unconditional love of our Father God. The pure agape love of God is essential. The Father's love in itself can change any circumstance or condition we find ourselves in. The more we come into His presence the more we can absorb. The more we absorb and receive in our personal life and in our human body the more of His love that will ooze out flowing to others. The more we can receive from the father the more we can give. The more we give the more we can receive. Remember this is a two way street. He is always there to provide us with His love and protection. It is our part to accept and receive it.
Psalm 94:18-19 I cried out, "I am slipping!" but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

Second we need time to authenticate our relationship with God the Father. If you are like me my relationship with my earthly father was not always loving. Therefore I had a hard time receiving that UNCONDITIONAL love I deserved. Yes I DESERVE and you DESERVE the Father's unconditional love. No matter how bad we think we are or have been it does not matter with God. He just wants us to come trusting that He will supply all our loving needs. Trust him in all your ways and He will be there for you

In a marriage relationship, the two parties must take time to communicate and love on one another. The more time Dick and I spend together talking and sharing our innermost thoughts, desires, and needs and expressing our devote love for each other the closer we become. We can even finish each other's sentences and even predict each other's response to things and know their inner most feelings. I once heard that as we grow old together we even begin to look like each other. : So what is hapenning on the inside is transparent and shows on the outside. The same is true with our relationship with God. The more time we spend getting to know the Father's heart and His desires the more we can reflect Him.

Thirdly is Expression; Shela! Now it is not simple as it reads. There must be a continuous flow of His love flowing through you. What ways do you express His love? To Him, to others, and to yourself. The outward expression will continue to change you. Your thoughts, actions, and your receptivity to Holy Spirit and to others. This in a nutshell says that the new creature He formed within will be exposed to all those around you. You might not even recognize yourself.

This process, this life cycle is unique to each of us. I believe it is all meant to bring us closer to God. Now I know God does not cause bad things to happen, but we are here on earth with evil as the ruler. The scripture that comes to mind is we are not of the world but we certainly live here and when the rain comes it falls on all. Now the process of going through the storm will determine our closeness with God. We can choose to run away or run to the arms of Christ that are wide open to receive us and prepare a way out for us.

Today I pray Isaiah 48:17 Lord you are my redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: You are my Lord and my God who teaches me what is good for me and leads me along the paths I should follow.

We trust you Lord, we will press into your loving arms listening close to hear what Holy Spirit has to say. Jesus we thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you made to bear our weakness, sickness and to save our very souls. We trust that one day we will rejoice with you in your Kingdom. But for now Lord we will shout throughout the land that you live and reign. Your glory will be known through our lives!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Psalm 42:8 
But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me. And through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life.

I am standing, standing, standing on the promises of God. All we need is one word to declare, one promise to recite, rehearse and believe. Out of our mouths shall run living waters. "I shall not die but I shall live and bear fruit in my old age!"

As this week comes to a close I realize I needed this time of lapse to recoup and gain some strength and fortify myself with His promises of a fruitful life in His presence. I shall live and acquire all that I need. Wisdom brings with strength and endurance. I can only imagine the pain and suffering our Lord endured for us all. This trial is miniscule to that which He suffered and died.

No matter what our emotions tell us, God is ultimately in control. He will lead the way to wellness. Open heaven is above our circumstances. His miracles and wisdom is attracted to us. For those who are fixed on the cross, the crooked ways are made straight and His strength is laid upon us. My efforts are focused on the cross. He is the healer-the truth and the light.

There are angels in place to show the path and to fight the battles. Christ Himself is our rear guard warding off those things that try to sneak up and attack us. The Father has placed His call upon us and with His loving kindness nothing can hinder us. Not even the spirit of death itself. For these days are to prepare us for tomorrow's famine. Today is for fortifying our fortress and conserving our strength. A strategy is coming for those who are alert!

Lord I pray that you help us to see, rearrange our lives, and accept the challenge of growth and the character changes you have in mind for us all. In Jesus name I pray.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Leading Me into Truth

Sometimes my thought patterns run wild and yet I know our heavenly Father is leading me into truth. I had a vision. Yes, it was me in a little row boat with no life jacket and one ore. As far as I could see there was no land in sight-nowhere to set my feet on solid ground. I looked off to the roaring seas then up to the heavenlies. Ah-ha! There is where my help comes from. From you Lord, will I trust,--You are the Rock of my salvation-circumstances in life sometimes change yet you Lord remain the same. Almighty God was and is and shall come.

In Him I shall place my trust. It is He who does miracles and healings. It is by His love and mercy He shall create in me a new heart. Man's hand places pacemakers, and disburses poisons in our blood to kill cancer. God takes it all and creates a new heart of flesh and destroys cancer. God goes in and creates a strong heart and pure blood and removes all debris. Debris that is physical, emotional, and spiritual.

God's plan is divine. Our call is in obedience by being alert to our surroundings so that we may share His unfailing love with others carrying His word of salvation...sozo. He produces all good fruit on us so we may live out our call bringing the gospel of peace wherever we may be. For we are the elect called forth giving all praise, honor, and glory unto HIM who we adore.

Monday, September 3, 2012

To the Church at Large!

This came to me during one of my sleepless nights. The enemy comes to distract, waylay, and destroy-But God sets a plan in motion. A motion of deep prayer and journaling comes over me with the sense of His embrace.

I believe a season of Holiness is entering the church. It will separate and prune those who are not tied into the "bride". Division and strife will cause chaos-Yet the Spirit will prevail. Those who carry on in their prayer closets will be given dispensations of love, gifts of the Spirit, and wisdom to use in His honor and to proclaim His glory.

Get ready church-stand on the hour of your salvation-allow the rod of Holy Spirit causes you to be in His righteousness and truth. Boldness will be produced and hungry hearts will expose themselves. Yes there will be the moochers and those who are looking for a quick fix-Wisdom will fall and He will prevail. Some will fall to the way side-But His church will grow leaps and bounds. In His power and authority, in His Might it shall come from a humble contrite spirit. It will come from Kingdom of God's infused mindset. A mind set on Jesus and a willingness to set all aside for the agenda of Jesus! His yoke shall be easy and light for those who are set like flint. Do not look back. Do not look at the wayside. Do not let emotion rule. Continue onward Christian soldiers. Continue the march of love, forgiveness, and servitude.

Love without ceasing. Pray without ceasing. Serve others as if you are serving Jesus. Have no regrets for your choices whether right or wrong. God will work it out for the good. He intends on using it all for those hearts that are pure in His sight.

1 Timothy 6:17-18
So I say let us get into it. Let us lead by our actions-Let us be Jesus to those around us. Let us take a stand be sold out to the Lord. For our crowns are not earthly ones-we shall not be popular here-Yet in heaven we will be welcomed with "Well done my faithful servant."

Monday, August 27, 2012

Stretching FAITH

It was my sixth treatment of chemo last week. You know when God is working when you compare your last week's blood work to this week's and it appears better! In Christ alone I stand and my hope and trust remains in Him.

My spirit man is led by Holy Spirit to holy Wisdom-this wisdom from above gives insight to righteous understanding of His truths. Spiritual insights produce fruit in our natural "sight" -things that are visible in our lives.

Hope is our springboard into faith-greater faith which leads us to confidence and trust in the Almighty. That faith produces more faith and is also manifested in the natural. Faith causes us to see in the future that for which naturally would not occur.

Father God uses all things like circumstances and relationships to show forth His glory in us. All things are meant to strengthen us and grow our character. For He tells us we are the hope of glory. He sees this hope and we proclaim His glory! Amen.

I say, Yes Lord, use the miraculous to shake us from the world's clutches so we can focus upon our relationship with YOU. Jesus walked this earth reaching the desperate and deprived souls that were searching for more and feeling empty of being satisfied. Those that are walking the wrong path reaching for natural possessions that produce more hunger and cravings for even more. Jesus touched the Samaritan woman at the well. He touched the woman who begged telling Him that even the dogs eat the scraps from the kings table. The centurion's faith allowed Jesus to speak the word and the girl was healed. It was the centurion's faith in the authority and power of Jesus that produced that healing. I could go on and on. All of these and more had one thing in common---stretching FAITH that believed that the Nazarene was speaking with divine power and authority. That is the same power and authority He has entrusted to us.

Saints I implore you-just walk a little closer with thee. Lay your head at His breast. Let your heart beat in sync with His. This life of ours becomes a journey with less burden; a life filled with expectations of the marvelous intervention of God.

If God uses a miracle in your life give Him the praise. If He is using man's hand in healing you-go through the journey increasing your intimacy with God and know all things are to reveal His goodness and draw more men unto Him. In all things praise Him giving Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

For His eyes are upon you. His mercy endures forever and His grace is flowing in your direction. Be aware of His hand of love upon you, in you, and working through you to touch others. It is humbling to know He cares for me and you. Once known as a sinner, I am now a sinner who stands in Holy boldness professing His forgiveness-Shouting His worth from the mountain tops.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Just a Morsel

Great faith is real-it is like a child leaping into the unknown without fear; off he goes. He just knows that he knows that the Almighty is guiding and leading and if he may tumble and fall the Almighty is there to catch him and expose the path he is to leap into next.

Great faith is present when things occur that try to rattle you, distract you, waylay you. It springs up as a well of confidence and boldness. Great faith causes you to leap into action and stand your ground in Christ regardless of the circumstances.

Faith is not about the thinking, it is about the doing. Faith is an Action Word. I would like to share what my friend Marie wrote to Dick and I not too long ago. I will reword it in such a way that you can apply it to your life and your faith walk with the Lord Almighty.

"Great Faith is when you believe regardless of the evidence set against you. Your faith is unshakable-not because of experiences (yet experiences confirm your faith) but because you trust in the Lord and trust that His Word is TRUTH. You do not need to shake rattle and roll to know that the Lord is present with you. You just know that the Lord is not a far off God, but an ever present Help in time of trouble. This faith and trust will not go un-noticed and it will be rewarded in many ways. You will leave a legacy to others-truth that the Lord is who He says He is-loving Father, Redeemer, Savior and a strengthener and comforter always."

Today I leave you with these thoughts to ponder and take to the Lord. Ask yourself in what ways is He growing your faith. Is it in your finances, your health, or the health of a loved one? Is it dealing with ungodly people or those who are just rubbing you the wrong way? I know one thing, it is always about His provision in the circumstances of your daily life.

I pray today that we all have another morsel of faith. And that faith that will infuse us and propel us into our future. I want much less of me Lord and much much more of you.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Enemy Tries

The enemy comes to pierce your armor with words like delusional, accusations of lying, and being a false witness. Yes, these words of the enemy come from family, friends, and even professionals. All the while Holy Spirit is at work performing that which the Father has promised-healing, peace, sound mind, blessings, and provision. The manifestation begins and your hope and faith arise to new levels. Your strength and zeal are renewed-because He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world.

People label you sick, dying, and depressed. And Holy Spirit calls forth healing, serenity, and joy. When the supernatural takes over, all things are possible to those who believe. Labels and accusations break off your armor and you walk in the confidence that you have been given Godly wisdom which leads to greater understanding. The Lord can use the natural man as an instrument of healing yet Holy Spirit places you into the cleft of the Almighty; not a delusion but Godly truth. The fact is the natural is overcome by the power and blood of the deliverance anointing of the Lamb of God.

As for me I have been called the one who NO LONGER has Crohn's disease but now as the one WITHOUT cancer. Blessings from heaven are being released to one and all. I receive because I believe and I will act in faith with the wisdom He has and will provide to me. What about you?

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Deeper Place

August 1st. Writing this while getting my 3rd treatment. Doing well.

Began my day with same routine but added a relaxing bath with Epson salts and baking soda; then off to Somerset. Praying for my friend Lavinia and baby Kingston to have abundant life, in Jesus name. I believe the Lord is doing a good thing in me and healing me and delivering me from this cancer.

I had a thought. "You cannot catch God on the Fly!" So what do you think?

I used to think "Well I will get my God time in while driving, cooking, taking a shower, listening to music, or just preoccupied with other stuff while trying to have a conversation with God.

I know I love it most when Rich and I are go somewhere to eat together. We really can give each other our undivided attention. No reading the paper no playing games, no talking on the phone. Well what do you think? I believe God our Father and Holy Spirit wants our undivided attention as well. Not that those other times are bad; I use them too. However, get some intimate time in. Holy Spirit is waiting on you.

Well I am home now. I have talked to all I needed to call, food is put away, and it is time to rest. Internet is down so it is quiet with no distractions not even TV since we get that over the Internet. It just might be Holy Spirit calling me to a deeper place. Are you listening? He is calling you also.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby Face

"There's not another who can take your place, baby face." I got to thinking about that old song and how the Father has made us all different, unique in design and purpose. No one can do or say what you can. Now don't get me wrong, people can perhaps do and say things thinking they can take our place, but it will never be done or said in the same spirit. We are all like snowflakes. Looking at snow falling, all the snowflakes look alike. Yet if you take a close look at the flakes you will see there is none identical. Each flake is unique and serving its purpose.

You are the apple of God's eye and He had every hair on your head is numbered. More or less ha-ha... Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. Let us take stock in our uniqueness in Christ and be ready to hearken to His call because there is no other who can be like YOU!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Stir Me Up

Sometimes it is difficult to sit still to hear that still small voice. We are so busy with stuff, be it good bad or just static noise, we forget we were created to give our Lord all praise and thanksgiving... and then hear the call for the next assignment.

This is what I heard: "I have not called you and set you apart just to hang around and wait with idle chatter and meaningless words. I have called you as priests and kings to invade this world in which we live. Take authority of every evil thing that rears its head upon you, your family, and the territory I have given you. Occupy the ground you have been given. I have released you and no man shall close the doors I have prepared you to walk through. Where your feet tread there shall be good fruit. For in your waiting you seek My face and hear My voice. My mercies are new every morning and My grace is sufficient and abounds to you. Stir yourself up in My Spirit and see what we shall do together"

Thank you Father for encouraging me this day! I will begin to stir myself up with Your Word and in Your Spirit. HOLY SPIRIT, HAVE YOUR WAY WITH US ONE AND ALL. AMEN

Monday, July 16, 2012


I always thought that to tolerate someone only meant to put up with them just to get something accomplished. Then after the task or whatever was accomplished, I could leave the person or circumstances and no longer have a relationship or connection. Wikipedia tells us that tolerance is the practice of permitting a thing of which one disapproves, such as social, ethnic, sexual, or religious practices.

In the Bible longsuffering, patience, and forbearance are all closely related to having tolerance of others who have a difference of opinion or belief from our own. Please refer to Mathew 5:42-47, Romans 12:18, and again in Psalms 34:14. We are to live peacefully with all men. That word ALL means believers and non believers as well. Live at peace with every man, woman, and child.

Romans 14:2-6 talks about not judging others. Now that is a big one for me. How about you? Holy Spirit continues to remind me not to judge others according to my walk or yard stick. Not even to judge them by the Word's truths! The Word of God is there to teach me right from wrong, personally. Philippians 3:15 basically reminds me that it Is the work of Holy Spirit to lead and guide others and it is for me to love them through their journey allowing Holy Spirit to change them and or me! For Holy Spirit will shine His light of love upon us and our differences.

A lack of tolerance can reveal a lack of maturity on our part! 1 Corinthians 3:1-5 tells us that tolerance is being patient, forgiving, understanding, and merciful. It means finding those things in common with Jesus as our center. It is allowing Holy Spirit to build in us a firm foundation-a relationship with Him and with others. Ephesians 4:3.

There is no room for tolerance of evil or sin. We are to give no place for sin or evil in our lives. Remember that we hate the sin and love the sinner. In our life relationships we should remember this. Jesus was the great example of loving the sinner and hating the sin. He cast out disease, healed the sick, and forgave the sinner!

Today I pray Lord that I grasp this idea of the tolerance You have for me and I pray I may be tolerant by keeping the peace with others so that blessings and happiness can flow. Galatians 5:22 and Colossians 1:11.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Step Up!

When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Man up! When stuff comes up, you step up!

I am sure you have heard at least one of these sayings. For the last few days these words has been rolling around in my head; playing over and over again. My response to these sayings is not a very brave one on my part. I am not tough so how can I get going? I am neither a man nor have the muscle of one or the ego to fight. There is stuff all around but I don't have the energy to step up to the plate!

So I began to pray and I believe Holy Spirit told me to cast all my burdens (my cares and worries) upon Him and He shall lift me up and guide my steps. He said to not worry for as His eye is on the sparrow for provision so is His eye on me. And that I should rest in His teachings and know Him and His ways for they are truth and the light unto my path and life to my bones!

Well then if you are weak in battle know that He is still on the throne! Amen. Remember when you are weak He is strong. How do you receive? Take a step back. Back out of yourself and your circumstances and lean on the Lover of your soul. Rest on His breast and allow Holy Spirit to lift you up and empower you with His strength and wisdom. Think upon these things and Know that you know He is God Almighty and through Him all things are possible.

Father in Heaven, I thank you. I praise and worship you for who you are. As I lean on You today, You will fulfill my every need in my body, mind, and spirit. Thank You for sending Your Son; for by His blood I am saved and by His stripes I was healed. Thank you, Jesus, for sending the comforter. Holy Spirit, I thank you for your tutelage, leadership, love and guidance. Amen.

Romans 5:1 
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (NIV) 

Monday, June 25, 2012

One on One

No one ever said that having a relationship with another is easy. But it is so important for us to have a personal relationship with the Almighty.

Spending time in the Word, giving thanks, just speaking what is on your heart to the Lover of your soul is imperative! Listening to all the praise and worship music does not do it. All the church services you attend does not do it. Giving the appearance of being in relationship does not mean you have one. If you know of a couple who doesn't speak to one another and don't share their secrets and life experiences with each other it is a relationship headed for disaster.

Galatians 5:22-23 
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (NIV) 

Keep the romance and excitement in your marriage and it will last and blossom and bear fruit. It is the same with the Lord. When we share personal time with Him and read His Word and listen to that still small voice we will also grow and bear His fruit. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a biblical term that sums up the nine visible attributes of a true Christian life, according to Paul's Letter to the Galatians.

As we spend time in the Word and quiet time listening to God's voice we become more secure in who we are in Christ and have a better understanding of our true worth. With prayer and meditation comes revelation. Holy Spirit stimulates our desires and arouses us to a new work in ministry. And yes, we all have a ministry.

If you really want to see how the Lord works and grows us, begin to keep a prayer journal. Write down your deepest desires, write down the people you are praying for and what their needs are and then when prayer is answered, follow up with a praise!

If we surrender our lives to the Lover of our souls, He will surely give us the hidden treasures of life. Don't waste any time. Just jump right into His plan for your life. I guarantee that your life will never be the same again. His purpose and plan for you will be lived out to the fullest and you will be the happiest person serving the Greatest God.

Not only will the fruit of the Spirit be seen in your life. There will be gifts displayed for His Glory being used to draw others to Him. Each and everyone has gifts! God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracle workers, then those with gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:28-31).

I pray you not only seek and discover your gifts but that you utilize them to the strengthening of the Body of Christ, for which you are a part. If you are not, then today is the time to become part of the body of Christ who will live on into eternity.

Today I pray that I ponder on things above and seek first the Kingdom of heaven and all else will be added unto me! For me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. Today a little closer I will walk with Thee and by Your Grace Lord I shall be!

Blessings, dianne

Monday, June 18, 2012


Life has been an extended gift since 1991 when I experienced a miraculous touch. I have been Crohn's free ever since. A life in Christ is free indeed!

Today I can say the same. After a series of events I found myself in the hospital having a tumor removed from my large intestine. Today I am recovering from that surgery. I can truly say it was man's hand that removed that thing but it was God's plan all the long to provide a healing like no man can offer. Once again I am grateful for His guiding hand upon my life

Before 1991 I lived life through a series of events that provided comfort by meeting my personal needs and my growing children's needs. All those years passed by without a thought to my Savior's desires for my life. Yet, His mercy fell upon me again and again to prove His unfailing love for me.

Today I live Grateful-Grateful for His Mercy that gave me an opportunity to change my life and for His Grace to empower me for the rest of my days living for Him. A Grace to finish the race. I guess you can say you cannot out do God.

The world offered me a limited life with limited benefits. But Grace has granted me the opportunity to be His servant with the benefits of eternal life, benefits to watch our children grow in Christ, and the benefits to share stories of Jesus with our grandchildren and others. And the benefits to live a long life with my husband and to prosper as my soul prospers. Have you considered yourself grateful?

You and I might feel a little like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego facing a walk in a fiery furnace. Remember, they walked in the fire because they worshiped the one true God. They were not alone. We are not alone either! He is with us and will never forsake us. And that is surly something to be Grateful for.

A gal friend of mine wrote "Attitudes of gratitude and a heart of expectancy create opportunities for blessings." This is a quote from her book, Fresh Bread. If you are feeling down and want a word from the Lord read her book and your spirit will be lifted up to His! Check it out at

Today, Lord I come to you with a grateful heart lifting up Your name that is above any other. Praises and thanksgiving flow from my lips without reservations. For You are my Healer in time of sickness, You are my comforter in times of sorrow, You are my protector and provider when I am in need. You are all...and more to me. Praise you Jesus, Thank you Father and Hallelujah to the Holy Spirit. Without you I would be nothing. With You, all things are possible.

Blessings, dianne

Monday, June 11, 2012


According to Webster infusion is the act or process of infusing (an infusion of new ideas) a product obtained by infusing (herbal infusions) the continuous slow introduction of a solution especially into a vein.

A few months ago I had an iron infusion. The iron was to adhere itself to red blood cells and then stimulate my body to produce more iron on its own. Interesting? So we forced a component into my veins in hopes of something greater-a continued process of growth. The process was simple. However, it took a couple of hours. I was left sitting quietly, reading, and resting until the process was complete. Oh, by the way, it was painless!

The way I see it is we all need an infusion. We need a love infusion. An infusion of the Father's Love can be so life changing and life producing that we will not recognize ourselves anymore! His Love and only His Love can produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is combustible! His love breaks down walls, strongholds, as it heals our body, our mind, and redeems our soul. His love changes our character, our will, our mind, and our desires. It is painless. All we need to do is sit quietly reading His Word and resting in His Spirit until the process of infusion has taken place!

Just as the body has to respond in a positive way to an infusion, we are also to respond to the infusion of our Father God's Love. It so happened that my body did not respond well to the iron infusion. But when it comes to the Love of the Father and Jesus well then I yield and get tanked up! How about you?

Today I pray we all are infused with the Father's Love, that same Love that Jesus had for us all. Lord, I will sit quietly, read, and rest until the infusion is complete for today.

Monday, June 4, 2012

There is a Testimony in the House!

Is anyone going through a transition? Anyone dealing with health issues? Anyone being tested? Do you feel as if your life has been placed on hold? Like it is not going anywhere or not being of any use?

If you said yes to any of those questions here is what I have to say to you. Who told you to go by feelings? Or by the circumstance you find yourself in? We are to walk by faith not by feelings or circumstances!

I tell you this, transition is a proving ground for new territory. Jesus said to the thief, I will prepare a place for you in my Father's kingdom. He, Jesus also prepares places for us here on earth. As we commit ourselves to Him and allow Him to mold us by using the situations that come up in our lives we shall see the fruit of His presence. We shall see our new place in Him and in the world in which we live.

You might say, "Hey, Dianne I cannot see a thing, I do not see the light from this tunnel." Know this. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He works all things out for His benefit. When I think on those scriptures I am confident I am the testimony in this place of darkness. I am a witness to a dying world. I am transitioning to a new place in Him and He has prepared new territory for me. So get ready my friends. Begin to stretch your tent pegs as He is stretching you into a new testimony!

Just as Jesus is our corner stone, He calls us to be His:

1 Peter 2:4-5 
And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (American Standard)

Living stones can only be a reflection of who we are in Christ Jesus. Living, breathing, speaking, giving testimony as we live this life, no matter WHAT! Today my prayer is that we all become a blessing to someone, some city, some nation. Wherever God finds us, let us be His living stones!

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Supernatural Intervention of God!

Take a moment and think about what the Supernatural Intervention of God look like to you. What has to happen for you to recognize His supernatural touch in your life?

The Supernatural Intervention of God is always present in my life. Whither I witness His power flowing through my hands or in my body for my healing needs or you might say just to gaze at a sunset. He is there exposing His supernatural presence in every aspect of my life. As I look back upon my life I can see where God weaved His supernatural intervention by placing people in my life to share the Good News, to mentor me, to be used to miraculously heal my body, and as of late place me with the right doctors at the right time to extract a growth. Isn't He just amazing?

When the Lord first exposed His supernatural healing in my life, there was a major turnaround in my living and life style. I was sold out on Jesus to the point where some thought of me as a Jesus freak. That was fine with me.

I continued to firmly establish myself in Him, in His Word and tried to live by the Truth that was exposed (open in plain sight) to me. Establish means to institute (as a law) or permanently by enactment or agreement-to make firm and stable, and to introduce and cause to grow and multiply. That is for me.

Lord causes me to grow and multiply in Your supernatural nature! I continue to go deeper in Him and establish who I am by He who lives in me. I realize that my spirit man can tap into this supernatural provision for strength and stamina. Not only spiritually but physically I am able to have the capacity for endurance as well. Just as the Lord love endures forever, He also provides for us stamina (endurance) that can carry us through any trial.

Taping into this supernatural place requires one to eliminate the static of the day and focus just upon His mercy and grace. His loving presence is all I need. The Holy Spirit fills me with a new song for a new day! A spring in my step appears after a long battle of fatigue-and a cheerful word flows from my lips.

Today I pray Lord that you visit with us all bringing us to a new supernatural experience with your Holy Spirit encouraging and affecting us to give a new song to all those around us.

Monday, May 21, 2012

His Essence

Essence-the essence of something or someone is the main ingredient or main characteristic that makes up that thing or person.

With that in mind think on, contemplate, and meditate on your heavenly Father's essence. The Word tells us that God is Love. Therefore, His essence is Love. Without love He would not be who He is. Selah...

Now let your mind wonder about our Lord. He is awesome, all knowing, all powerful, and holy full of perfection and wisdom. He is gracious and understanding; a provider, the healer, merciful, and a conqueror! I am sure you can add to that list. Think about each of His qualities and what that means to you personally.

When we are established in Him we have access to all of His qualities and privileges. We become one with Him. Therefore our essence is Love! In Him we are safe and protected. In Him we are given exactly what we need. We become established-rooted-grounded in the Truth; established in the Love of Christ Jesus.

It is from this place we are able to extend Love and grace to others. From this place we can express ourselves. Gratefulness and forgiveness flows out of our bellies with a pure heart. From this place we are able to forgive others and be grateful for who they are in Christ.

We are all called to share the Gospel, the good news of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are all called to give an invitation with a Friend that will be there for all who ask forever and ever. It is then we begin to expand and grow in Him. Expand ourselves! Character change will happen because of Holy Spirit dwelling within us! It is impossible to keep the secret to ourselves. Jesus lives and he lived and died for all to attain abundant life in Him forever!

Know this my friends. When you are weak He is strong. When you are weary He lifts you up. When you are unsure He brings confidence. This day I pray all is made complete in Him for you and me, too. Blessings, dianne

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Meditation

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God! (NLT)

Rest. Quiet yourself. RELEASE the woes of the day - all those things that distract you from My love and care. Things like pain, grief, controversy sickness, emotions, strife.

As those things are cast aside I will begin to RENEW your mind with My Word and My loving embrace. You will be RELEASED into another realm. A realm of authority over the things of this earth-released with power imparted by Holy Spirit. Strength and a confidence will not only embrace you, but fill you. It will become a part of the "new you".

RESTING in Me will be your new portion. A new place you will live out of. Nothing will rattle or shake you. For I have placed within you a NEW heart and a NEW character.

My grace is sufficient for you and your obedience will bring forth a NEW fruit that has been pollinated with My love. It will be a fruit no other has experienced until NOW.

So my child I say Rest in Me. Meditate on My word. Come up to this higher place I have RESERVED for you. Come and taste and see how Good I am to thee.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Nature of God

Our circumstances, our trials, our ill health, our tragedies, or mental anguish does not affect or change the nature of God's character!

Through it all, my God is still all Loving and all Caring! He remains my Redeemer, Savior, Healer in times of illness, and Provider in times of need! My God is all Powerful and all Knowing! He is my strong and mighty tower. He shelters me in times of distress. He is my all and all; never changing, never wavering. He is the one constant in my life that I can count on no matter what! I know He loves me and I love Him! His LOVE lasts forever and ever.

He is so much bigger then our petty needs, wants, and desires! He is so much bigger, better than anyone person, place, or thing!

So today Lord we come to you meditating on Your character, Your goodness and Your unwavering LOVE! Forgetting our own little self and our little petty circumstances as we dwell with You in high places, receiving all we need from You and You alone.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Living without Sin

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV) 

All things pass away and we become as new as the driven white snow. As our time with the Lord increases we too increase in His likeness. Notice I said time with the Lord. The time I am referring to is our personal private time talking to Him and getting to know His desires and hopes for our lives.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8 NIV) 

I do realize that when people of our past are in our lives they remember the old man and treat me like that old man I used to be. Sometimes just being in their presence brings me to the place where that old man comes back to life. Gee, I thought all things are made new. Yes, they are, in our spirit man. It is up to us and Holy Spirit to make changes in the old man--the carnal, fleshly man.

When that old man surfaces and takes over, we lose control and are therefore in sin. Just when we thought we were without sin. We realize once again that we are merely human walking this path of transformation.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV) 

Sometimes God removes sin from our lives sovereignly. I can only remember when I was first healed from Crohn's disease. At that same instant the Lord took away my filthy language. Wow! Then there are other things like having to get the last word in-you can ask my husband about that one. I really have a difficulty in shutting my trap. Self control. It is so much easier when God moves sovereignly in our lives having Holy Spirit work in us His goodness.

There is to no set rule on how God works in our lives. Yet one thing is for sure, He wants all things to work out for His good. That includes our character development.

To recognize our sin is another means of transformation and an opportunity to grow more like Christ Jesus.

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you-unless, of course, you fail the test? (2 Corinthians 13:5 NIV) 

We should not assume we are good soil. We might have to change our lifestyle, habits, and even friends or relatives who draw us to a place of sin.

Remember, the flesh or sinful nature is always lurking about waiting for an opportunity to rise its ugly head. For a chance to tarnish your witness and destroy our testimony. He wants to bring doubt to those things that we know are true.

Now we are not to walk about as if we are sinners. We are the redeemed and were bought with a price; the blood of the innocent blameless, sinless lamb. Jesus! We have the Spirit of Christ within, Holy Spirit who shall lead and guide and befriend us the rest of our days. To live in victory not defeat is our purpose; to keep our eyes on the prize.

Until we see each other face to face, I pray an extra blessing of mercy and grace upon you and your household.

His beloved, dianne

Monday, April 16, 2012

Can You Love

Can you love another without Judgments?
Can you love another without prejudices?
Can you love those who persecute you and cause you harm?
Can you love the antagonist?
Can you love when you are happy and when things are not going all that well?

How often I walk as a temporal man and not as an eternal man. I would like to think I could answer those questions with a yes and AMEM. However, I confess I cannot.

Can I love the way Jesus loved-a love that was shown as he hung from that tree? I know I want to. I know my heart wants to leap and say "Yes Lord that is for me". Yet like Peter, I too am weak and fail to meet up to that perfect man as Jesus was.

All I can say today is thank you for the cross, thank you for the blood, and thank you for your everlasting love and mercy You have stored up for me.

Today I pray for those of us who are weak in whatever area we find ourselves in. I pray for mercy and grace. MERCY that comes with another chance for a new start day after day. GRACE to empower us for the change that needs to occur. GRACE for the long haul of transformation. May our days improve and may our hearts be changed to become more and more like you, our LORD.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Sun Rays

Before I begin my meditation, I want to thank those of you who have and are continuing to walk through this trial time in my life. Thanks for the numerous cards that are displayed on our buffet and coffee tables, thanks for the loving calls encouraging me in this healing process, and thanks to all for the gifts, meals and hours of company. I treasure them all!

How pleasant and sweet it is to sit in the soothing sun rays of nature.

As I sit, the sun comforts my skin and soul. I relax and release the stress and pain. As the sun relaxes me I can hear the birds chirp in the background speaking to each other in their bird language! Somehow I believe they are telling me to release my burdens unto the LORD.

Some might think I am becoming humanistic. I tell you this, the Lord created all unto His purpose and for our purpose and pleasure as well. He will use it all to minister and speak to us!

I take a breath and realize my Lord has breathed life into me once again. There is a call to a deeper place with Him. There are greater exploits to be had for His Glory. Yes my heart sings out. I want to be His instrument; an instrument that brings healing and the truth to all men.

I pray today that you find yourself wrapped in nature's arms so Holy Spirit can speak volumes to you.

Blessings, dianne

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Call to Pray

Intercession and the burden to pray is a gift of the Spirit! This burden/call comes from Jesus our chief intercessor. He calls us to come alongside Him to pray for change, healing, salvation, protection, and guidance for others. Whether we pray in the spirit or with our own tongue, He is looking for the heart cry for those you have a burden for!

In the last several weeks we have had visits from those who are praying for me and cards, and calls, and emails. I am overwhelmed with your love for me and the courage you have to answer the call. Your prayers have been felt and my soul has responded to the love and heart-felt prayers.

It is my prayer today that we listen closely to the heartbeat of Jesus and to intercede with Him for those whom we love.

Jude 2:20, Romans 8:26-27, John 14:26, and John 15:26...

We welcome you Holy Spirit. Touch and guide us into that perfect place in the Almighty-that place of peace and rest, in Jesus name!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Picture Taking

Back in the day I used a 35mm Pentax with macro-micro-zoom and wide angle lenses. Today my little Kodak digital camera takes panoramic shots! WOW. There is so much more to see in a panoramic picture.

So I began to think how those macro micro shots of flowers blooming were expressed on the film. Taken so close you could almost smell the scent and feel the texture of the flower peddles. I had one picture of a white rose in full bloom. The dew from the evening was still lingering on the peddles. One peddle had what looked like a tear drop. When your eyes focused on the drop you would anticipate its demise to the ground. So real; so alive. So close up and personal. And that is how Holy Spirit wants us! Just like that Rose--up close and personal.

Let's take a look at that wide angle shot. Okay, okay, now we can get the feel for the total scene. You can jump in at any place and take in the environment, the smell, the crisp air. Get the lay of the land, the home, barn, horses and even the rose gardens. Beautiful!

I bet you can see where I am going with this. Holy Spirit wants us to see the "Big Picture"-Bigger Picture!-the picture of life, if you will. You might be feeling insignificant in your walk today, or feel as if you have lost focus. Holy Spirit says step back into me and I will show you the Father's plan for your life and those you are called to reach in His love.

So today with the panoramic view you are even given the Biger-Bigger Picture! It is the supernatural view of life. For those feeling less than get up close and personal with the Lord, allow Him to know you in a deeper way. In turn He will bring you to the place of peace, love and a confidence assurance of your faith. It is so important for us to have that one on one personal experiential growth with Him. In those treasured private times with the Lord we become secure in who we are and know our worth and our purpose in Christ. In prayer and meditation comes revelation. The Holy Spirit stimulates our desires and arouses us to a new work for His ministry.

After that personal experience we have the Rock of our Salvation. He is our fortress and in Him we shall trust. As we grow and are nurtured, He begins to show us the Bigger Picture! We can jump right in and get lost in His plan and become a part of that panoramic snapshot of life. The beginning and the end; He is the Alpha and Omega!

Yet we are but mere mortals and only see in the finite! God is unlimited and sees it all from start to finish. This is where our faith comes into play. So remember, think upon the things from above-seek first the Kingdom of God and our walk of life become worth living! His Grace is sufficient for us!

For today, Lord, a closer walk with thee! Today, Lord, a glimpse of the "Bigger Picture"

Monday, February 20, 2012


The Kingdom of God is near! Prepare the way.

When some of us were growing up we were given the proverbial carrot. If you do well in such and such a subject you will receive, Chatty Cathy, Barbie Doll, plastic army men, Match Box cars, etc. Parents would bribe us with almost anything to have us study and achieve good grades. Even our teachers got in on the act. They would give us extra time in the library, candy, or a neat looking pencil.

Yes, we did get older and learned to dangle that carrot in front for ourselves. Wanting that new car, some new cloths, new home, a baby was the carrot to save our money. We would save up for an exotic vacation, trip to Disney with the family. We learned well, didn't we?

Then along came the day of our Salvation. There was no carrot there. There was nothing we had to do to achieve an everlasting relationship with Jesus. It is free to all who believe and confess with their mouth. Oh, the Kingdom of God is at hand! His righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Come Lord. Jesus come and become closer than a friend.

From that day forward all we have had to do is stay focused on the Cross and know we live in the Kingdom of God. All things are possible there. There is nothing we have to do to secure our salvation, to procure our healing. The Holy Spirit is the one who does all the work and we just follow along!

The problem comes when we lose our focus and loose our closeness with our Lord Jesus. Our ears become dull and our hearts become hardened by the kingdoms of this world. We replace His Kingdom with the kingdom of man. How did that happen? Was it because we were trained with the carrots of this world? Are we still trying to fill the void with those things? Are we trying to treat the things of God like the things of the world?

Maybe we can begin with our children and grandchildren. It is time to reward them out of love and not of possessions. Time spent in a fun loving environment is more effective than a Chatty Cathy or Match Box! Our Father in heaven bestows love upon us. In return we love Him and listen and obey. As we love Him His kingdom is present in our lives along with all those precious gifts He has for us! AMEN -- dianne

Seek Your Face 
By Robin Rumbolt 

In awe I come to seek your face; 
The garden is such a beautiful place; 
To walk with you and know your way; 
I listen to you every day. 

I need to hear your gentle voice; 
Your wisdom helps with the right choice; 
Your tender touch, 
Your warm embrace, 
Fills my soul as I seek you face. 

Psalm 16:11
You will show me the path to life,
abounding joy in your presence,
The delights at your right hand forever.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The River's Call

A Word of the Lord through Dianne Evans

"For years I have watched how you have entertained yourselves at My River's edge. So content, you are examining and re-examining My rock and shells and the way they glisten from the beaming light of My son's sun. Yet, I call unto you 'deeper, deeper!' You ignore My call and refuse to leave these simple things.

"Yes, there are others calf and knee deep in the River of My refreshing and exploring. I am watching you romping with the others in the faith. I see you splashing, laughing, and being filled with love and experimenting with the treasure I have given each of you. Again, I called out again and again: 'Come into the deep where you will experience My son to a fuller measure.' Again, I see a refusal to leave the safety of your friends and the fun you seem to have accomplished there.

"Oh, there are some who are waist to chest high. They stand alone. You know there is more. You have felt and sensed the Spirit sweep through your legs and tug at your heart. It is the current of My love entering you, enticing you. Deep calls to deep, my friend. I have whispered into your ears time and time again saying 'Come away with me and be carried off into the currents of love and expression I have for you.'

"This is a lonely place for you, and yet you refuse to be swept away with Me. You hear clearly yet you allow fear to drive your feet and ankles deeper and deeper into the muck and mire of My River. You stand in a fortress you have created for yourself, not to be moved or shakened. I am calling to you again: 'Come, come away with Me. Allow My Spirit to befriend you and guide you into the deep things I desire for you. Come away with Me into the River of Life and Love. I promise your life will never to be the same. Your destiny is awaiting and My Spirit is here for you. Release yourself and come!'"

Monday, February 6, 2012

Woman of Influence

As I think about Jesus I believe he was title less here on earth even if some called him teacher. Jesus was a man of influence.

Jesus lived a life displaying the truths His father in heaven gave Him. He lived a life without holding unforgivness up until the day He died. As He lived his life He went about sharing and spending quiet time in prayer.  I guess this gives us an idea about influence. Because Jesus lived in this manner He attracted those around and about him. There was a peace, a love, and an understanding of mankind that was displayed. One could not help be influenced by him.

So today what characteristics can we portray to be that woman of influence? This is what I see. You may want to add to this as time goes by.

A woman of influence walks and talks out of love and appreciation of others.  Her loving inner impression of heart is recognized through her uplifting words of encouragement.  She is a woman who is always looking for divine appointments and acting upon the direction of the Holy Spirit.

A woman of influence continues to tell and share her life with the Lord to others. She is fun loving and light hearted yet brings forth deep truths of the Spirit.

A woman of influence asks questions to those around her. She listens attentively and relates to their situation.

During tough times a woman of influence prays. She prays for others, herself, and the world in which she lives. She is a woman who realizes that Jesus Himself is the chief intercessor praying along with her interceding for the needs and hurts of His people.

A woman of influence has a compassionate heart that responds with mercy and grace.

Most importantly a woman of influence always leaves behind a vision and a purpose for those to hang on to. People know that there is something much more in their lives and they are here for a divine purpose.

Last but not least, a woman of influence has unconditional love for all. That is ALL. Just as Jesus healed all she displays unconditional love to all.

I aspire to become this woman of influence. Don't you?  Today we pray, Lord help me become that woman you intended me to be.  Bring me to an understanding on how my life can be lived as a woman of influence!  In Jesus name I pray.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Keys to Being Contented!

Some things we just need to get deep down into our spirits before we can proceed.

1. We are heirs and co-heirs to the Kingdom (Romans 8:5-17). Jesus died and rose again so that we may be partakers in His Kingdom. We became siblings when we received Him as Lord and Savior. His Father in Heaven became our Father

2. We need to know that our steps, the steps of a righteous man, are ordered by God. We can only become righteous when we are clothed by Him and reside in Him. The reason why Jesus could sleep through the storm was that he knew He would fulfill His purpose. We need to know what the Lord would have us do. When this becomes clear we are to wait, sit at His feet and be alert. When we know our purpose, we can live in confidence knowing everything is under control.

Now if only we would get those two things into ourselves and have those truths rooted and planted in love our Father in Heaven will bless us abundantly.

Let us expound upon the Keys to being content!

1. An attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for who you are, what you have been blessed with, and for family and friends. Even in bad times remain grateful.

2. A repented heart. Let us not blame others for our wrong doings. Blame breaths discontentment.

3. Know that we are loved by the Lord Himself. Your Father in Heaven sent His only Son so that you could live with Him in eternity. Now that is something to ponder, think about, and receive as the truth. (John 3:16)

4. Live a life of obedience. Love, listen and obey the Lord (John 23) The word tells us that obedience is much more excellent than sacrifice! For the last few weeks I have been here. To hear more clearly and obey promptly.

5. Trust the Lord with your whole heart, whole mind, and whole soul. (Psalms 21:1, 3:5-6) Know that He will never let you down and that He will always come through for you. Trust Him more than your bank account, more than the doctors, and more than your family and friends.

6. Don't allow man to deceive you. Ask the Lord for a discerning spirit and remain in the spirit of love. Every good gift come from God; remember that.

7. Finally, always wear a smile.

If we can begin here, we can then talk about the woman of Influence!

Next week... Love to you all,dianne

Monday, January 16, 2012

Moldy Oldie

Have you been in a place of complacency-stagnant in your well being? Going through the motions without results? Well, you could be suffering from an infestation of mold.

My experience is that if mold is covered in a dark damp place, it festers and grows. My next experience is that if it is left open to the elements---it becomes airborne and travels, festers, and grows.

I believe mold is like sin-any old sin. When sin is covered up by the body of Christ or by oneself it festers and grows in that dark place. Yet when sin is exposed it is free to travel throughout the body of Christ and take on an identity of its own.

What is the application for eradicating this MOLD?

O' Holy Spirit lead us to accept the truth and to expose and extinguish our sin. Show us how to apply the Love and the Blood of our precious Jesus and how to cling to the Word of God listening to it as often as we can. Show us how to apply each truth to our situation.

Those of you who are ministering to a beloved in sin-remember Love is the key that melts the stony heart towards God.

So whatever sin you are dealing with, known or unknown, it does not matter. Worry, fear, anxiety, illness, addictions, gossip, division, argumentative judgmental spirits, or whatever else-it is all sin.

The Lord is calling us to be Holy as He is Holy. What you are experiencing is the Holy Spirit on the inside burning through to the mold. Holy Spirit wants to deliver us from ourselves and the sin working of satin. In the name of Jesus, be Holy!

With mold one needs to apply some elbow grease, washing with bleach. Then sunlight is best for finishing the job.

With Sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us and then connects us with the blood of Jesus to wash us white as snow. Then it is our place to stand our ground holding fast to His Word and becoming more and more like HIM!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Prerequisite for Success!

It does not matter where you are in life or who your birth parents were. In God our Father's eyes you are unique and your steps are ordered by God Himself. Your past, your natural heritage, and your old character does not matter with God. He sees your potential according to who lives within you-Jesus the Christ and Holy Spirit.

Today I am speaking to all those who are believers, walking with Jesus, giving their lives as if it is not their own. So if any of these things are happening in your life, look up to the supplier of all our needs!

Do you feel trapped and financially you cannot seem to get off ground zero? Are you physically dealing with chronic illness and have not had success in obtaining health through the medical field? Are you in a bad relationship and do not know how to resolve personal issues? Are you mentally,or physically off balance!? Are you just giving into an addiction over and over again and cannot seem to get the monkey off your back?

Are you being tormented by well intentioned friends and relatives? Or are you tormented with your own thoughts of unworthiness or unforgiveness? Does past sin to haunt you? Is the enemy filling your mind with worldly pleasures that seem so much better then following the Lord Himself?

Do you feel like you are living live on an isolated island with no friends, family, or kindred spirits nearby? Did your old friends decide to abandon you because you gave your life to Christ and now you want to return to the same old life of sin and corruption?

Are you the person who never steps out to try something new? Are you living in fear of rejection and fear of failure to the point that is the reason why you have failed and you are rejected?

The Good News is that if we submit to God and resist the devil he shall flee from us. So you might say it is good if I am dealing with an addiction, poor character behavior, financial needs, or even those well intentioned people, because you have become aware that you have to submit it to God.

Think on those things that are above. Ponder in your heart those promises laid out to you in the Word! Begin to count your blessings and give thanks for all you have. Take out your journal and read what the Lord has accomplished in your life and in the lives of others around you.

If we want to get on with God, Holy Spirit is faithful to point out our character flaws. If we are quiet and listen circumstance will arise providing a means for you to forgive, release, and be revived. God is faithful to fulfill those things within us as we heed His call. Are we willing to see our shortcomings and pursue Him? Are we willing to ask for forgiveness and press into His presence? It is in His Spirit we will find peace, healing, deliverance, and His agape love.

You see. it does not matter where you find yourselves. He has created us to worship Him. He has created us to love and cherish. He has known us before we were ever born. He knows the number of hairs on our heads. He has made us to be a friend of God.

Start this year off by submitting, by humbly approaching His throne-Raise your hands (even if you do not feel like it) and give God the honor and praise He rightfully deserves. When you do, Holy Spirit will guide the rest of your steps. If we are willing, He is able, more than able.


Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (NIV)

God makes all things new! You know the Scripture and it doesn't matter what kind of year you finished. This year will be brand new!

Keep your mind focused on Christ and the future. It is filled with treasures and gifts from above. Don't look back on past troubles and people that try to hold you captive. Let Jesus take you captive and allow the Holy Spirit be the stronghold in your life. Place yourself in a position for blessings and for the refreshing of the Holy Spirit as He breathes anew in you.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added to you. In all things rejoice for He is completing that work He has begun within you.

Each morning proclaims the Good News that the Lord had established within you and in the world.

You might these things as trite however, re-read and ponder these thoughts. They will propel you into a New and prosperous Year!