Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Narrow Pathway

Distress and Stress and Pressure! In a day dream,I believe I saw a wide road become very narrow. There were many strait and narrow paths .I realized that the Lord is calling us to walk about in narrow places so we can go higher. We must watch that there are no cracks in our walls!. We must walk in faith and not in fear and grief. And just be aware of the narrow place and that God's goodness and GRACE that awaits us there!

I believe God is saying that a new arena is forming and I will narrow the way. You must narrow your desires. I am sanctifying desires and narrowing the arenas through which you will walk. You are entering into new alignments and assignments, and coming into a place that will bring you forth into a realm you have not known. You will come from a dark place into light, but the arena that you have been in is beginning to narrow—to push out and into the new advanced place.

It is the place of Gideon. It is urgent for the Gideon among us to hear and be heard. There is a call coming now into the earthly realm to separate the desires of My people. My people's desires have been muddled with their own desires. The light will begin to shine only on the Lord's plan and purpose for our lives. And the balm of Gideon will fall.

Now is the time to discern the warped ideals of the world and the warped understanding you have because of the environment in which you were schooled.

Today there is less leeway in our lifestyles and decisions. Listen! Listen carefully, for it will look like the days of Gideon. The anointing I will release will be a Gideon anointing that will fall upon your enemies and will cause you to harvest the best of crops! In the realms of work, ministry and personal family

Separate yourself from the world and overthrow the enemy by the words of your mouth and the testimonies of your life. Opportunities will arise in ways you have never experienced! Enter the narrow gate of salvation do not fear change to the extreme. 

Explore the new things of the Spirit. Be a "Raider of the Lost Ark" exploring those deep places within yourself. Expect a new exciting YOU! The passion that I have placed within you will ignite a fire to worship and praise me. Your genuine posture will cause a renascence in the land in which you live!

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