Monday, January 30, 2012

Keys to Being Contented!

Some things we just need to get deep down into our spirits before we can proceed.

1. We are heirs and co-heirs to the Kingdom (Romans 8:5-17). Jesus died and rose again so that we may be partakers in His Kingdom. We became siblings when we received Him as Lord and Savior. His Father in Heaven became our Father

2. We need to know that our steps, the steps of a righteous man, are ordered by God. We can only become righteous when we are clothed by Him and reside in Him. The reason why Jesus could sleep through the storm was that he knew He would fulfill His purpose. We need to know what the Lord would have us do. When this becomes clear we are to wait, sit at His feet and be alert. When we know our purpose, we can live in confidence knowing everything is under control.

Now if only we would get those two things into ourselves and have those truths rooted and planted in love our Father in Heaven will bless us abundantly.

Let us expound upon the Keys to being content!

1. An attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for who you are, what you have been blessed with, and for family and friends. Even in bad times remain grateful.

2. A repented heart. Let us not blame others for our wrong doings. Blame breaths discontentment.

3. Know that we are loved by the Lord Himself. Your Father in Heaven sent His only Son so that you could live with Him in eternity. Now that is something to ponder, think about, and receive as the truth. (John 3:16)

4. Live a life of obedience. Love, listen and obey the Lord (John 23) The word tells us that obedience is much more excellent than sacrifice! For the last few weeks I have been here. To hear more clearly and obey promptly.

5. Trust the Lord with your whole heart, whole mind, and whole soul. (Psalms 21:1, 3:5-6) Know that He will never let you down and that He will always come through for you. Trust Him more than your bank account, more than the doctors, and more than your family and friends.

6. Don't allow man to deceive you. Ask the Lord for a discerning spirit and remain in the spirit of love. Every good gift come from God; remember that.

7. Finally, always wear a smile.

If we can begin here, we can then talk about the woman of Influence!

Next week... Love to you all,dianne

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