Monday, August 6, 2012

A Deeper Place

August 1st. Writing this while getting my 3rd treatment. Doing well.

Began my day with same routine but added a relaxing bath with Epson salts and baking soda; then off to Somerset. Praying for my friend Lavinia and baby Kingston to have abundant life, in Jesus name. I believe the Lord is doing a good thing in me and healing me and delivering me from this cancer.

I had a thought. "You cannot catch God on the Fly!" So what do you think?

I used to think "Well I will get my God time in while driving, cooking, taking a shower, listening to music, or just preoccupied with other stuff while trying to have a conversation with God.

I know I love it most when Rich and I are go somewhere to eat together. We really can give each other our undivided attention. No reading the paper no playing games, no talking on the phone. Well what do you think? I believe God our Father and Holy Spirit wants our undivided attention as well. Not that those other times are bad; I use them too. However, get some intimate time in. Holy Spirit is waiting on you.

Well I am home now. I have talked to all I needed to call, food is put away, and it is time to rest. Internet is down so it is quiet with no distractions not even TV since we get that over the Internet. It just might be Holy Spirit calling me to a deeper place. Are you listening? He is calling you also.

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