Thursday, May 24, 2007

Peace or Peace?

If you want a happy life and good days, keep your tongue from speaking evil, and keep your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others. (NLT 1 Peter 3:10-11 )

There are two kinds of peace happening ... One peace is that of the natural harmony that occurs when people are in agreement with each other... Like the weather is peaceful when it is calm and the sky is blue.

Then there is that peace from above. That peace you have residing within no matter who you are with and no matter what circumstances you may find your self in.

To acquire this peace you are to get set free from the hooks of your past and the hooks others hold on you. Wow! To know who you truly are in Christ and walk in the confidence that He is all you need to fulfill your life and happiness.

This is easier said then done. However, your Lord and Savior is willing if you are willing to listen to His Spirit and become whole. Just as Jesus walked on the calmed stormy waters of nature; the Holy Spirit can calm the stormy waters of your soul and heal your emotions.

Be at Peace, and know that the Lord your God will lead you into His peace!

Read Jude v20 to the end... Meditate on these scriptures and others so the Lord may speak to you giving you wisdom and the peaceful assurance of His grace that awaits you. Know that as you pursue The friendship of the Lord you shall grow in His abiding love and His peace will be evident in your life

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