Sunday, February 3, 2008

Does The Word Feel at Home in Your Life?

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly". (Colossians 3:16)


Years ago when Dick and I got ready to visit Florida, friends and family would call and encourage us to come down. They kept saying things like, "can't wait 'til you get here", "we will have a cookout, go out to dinner, or spend time together!" Then when the time came and we arrived, I called expecting great times to happen with us and them . More often than not---there were no such gatherings or meetings. Sometimes we did not see them at all.

There were occasions when we actually received invitations to family holiday parties. We would mix and mingle with friends and relatives, but felt out of place and not accepted. If I asked the family members a question, most times they pretended not to hear me.


Words cannot describe how uncomfortable I was in their presence! It seemed no one wanted our company and wished we were not there. I was so happy to move out of that predicament! I pledged I would never let myself be put in that kind of situation again. (In my case, this meant I had to grow up spiritually and see life through Christ's eyes.)

How about you? Have you ever been invited to be a guest in a home where people made you feel very unwelcome and unwanted?

I remember this happened when I was reading Colossians 3:16, where it says, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." The chilly reception I felt caused me to look at my own heart and ask, What kind of reception have I given the Word in my life? I wanted to know:


  • Have I given the Word the kind of reception He deserves, or have I ignored Him and given it the "cold shoulder"?
  • Does the Word feel at home in my life, or does He feel unwanted?
  • Have I rolled out the red carpet and given the Word a grand reception, making it clear that I love the Word and I am privileged to have it dwelling in my heart?


In Colossians 3:16, Paul tells us that the word of Christ should "dwell" in us richly. Dwell means to take up permanent residency in a home. The person is so at home and contented in the new location that he has chosen to make it his permanent dwelling place for the rest of his life.


So I hear the words Christ "dwell" in us. He is beckoning us to give God's Word such a grand, welcoming reception that it literally feels at home in us and therefore the Word, the living Word, Jesus comes to take up permanent residency!

Does the Word have this kind of place in your life? Does He really "dwell" in you richly? Does He feel at home and comfortable in your life? On the other hand, is the Living Word of God treated like a stranger only occasionally welcomed into your life as a visitor? Be honest!


Why not make today that day? The day the Living Word of God comes to take up permanent residency in your life.


Throw the door open, roll out the red carpet, and welcome the Word of God as a new, permanent resident in your heart! Let it make a difference in your life and as a result cause others to want to welcome the Guest also!

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